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axial skeleton

axial skeleton - skull - vertebral - bony thorax
skull - cranium - the facial bones
cranium - enclose and protect the fragile brain tissue
cranial vault superior, lateral, posterior walls of the skull, cranial floor
anterior cranial fossa
posterior cranial fossa
supraorbital foramen (notch) opening above each orbit allowing blood vessels and nerves to pass
frontal bone forehead, superior part of the orbit, floor of anterior cranial fossa
parietal bone posterolateral to the frontal bone, forming sides of cranium
sagittal suture midline articulation point of the two parietal bones
coronal suture point of articulation of parietals with frontal bone
temporal bone inferior to parietal. regions - squamous - tympanic (surrounds external ear opening) - mastoid (posterior to ear) - petrous (lateral portion of the skull base)
squamous suture point of articulation of te temporal bone with the parietal bone
zygomatic process bridgelike projection joining the zygomatic bone (cheekbone) anteriorly
mandibular fossa rounded depression on the inferior surface of the zygomatic process (anterior to the ear), forms the socket for the mandibular condyle
external acoustic meatus canal leading to eardrum and middle ear.
styloid process of the temporal bone needlelike projection inferior to external acoustic meatus: attachment point for muscles and ligaments of the neck.
mastoid process rough projection inferior and posterior to external acoustic meatus; attachment site for muscles.
stylomastoid foramen tiny opening between the mastoid and styloid processes through which cranial nerve VII leaves the cranium
jugular foramen opening medial to the styloid process through which the internal jugular vein and cranial nerves IX, X, XI pass.
carotid canal opening medial to the styloid process through which the internal carotid artery passes into the cranial cavity
internal acoustic meatus opening on posterior aspect (petrous region) of temporal bone allowing passage of cranial nerves VII and VIII
foramen lacerum jagged opening between the petrous temporal bone and the sphenoid providing passage for a number of small nerves and for the internal carotid artery to enter the middle cranial fossa
occipital bone forms floor and back wall.
lambdoid suture site of articulation of occipital bone and parietal bones
foramen magnum large opening in base of occipital, which allows the spinal cord to join with the brain.
occipital condyles rounded projections lateral to the foramen magnum that articulate with the first cervical vertebra (atlas).
hypoglassal canal opening medial and superior to the occipital condyle through which the hypoglassal nerve (cranial nerve XII) passes.
external occipital crest and protuberance midline prominences posterior to the foramen magnum
sphenoid bone bat-shaped bone forming the anterior plateau of the middle cranial fossa across the width of the skull
greater wings portion of the sphenoid seen exteriorly anterior to the temporal and forming a part of the eye orbits.
superior orbital fissures jagged openings in orbits providing passage for cranial nerves III, IV, V, and VI to enter the orbit where they serve the eye.
sella turcica a saddle-shaped region in the sphenoid in the sphenoid midline which nearly encloses
Created by: pammy7130
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