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McGee MT ch.14

The white of the eye is called Sclera
Structure that separates the middle ear from the inner ear Oval window
What is the name of the colorful muscle that surrounds the pupil of the eye Iris
the structure that holds the lens in place Suspensory ligaments
The oval yellowish spot near the center of the retina Macula lutea
The fluid that moves freely between both chambers of the eyeball Aqueous humor
the true organ of hearing Organ of Corti
parts of the eye is responsible for color vision, central vision, and vision in bright light Cones
parts of the eye is responsible for peripheral vision and vision in dim light Rods
The ability of the lens to focus on close objects Accommodation
Conjunctivitis pinkeye
gradual interruption in the drainage system of aqueous humor could lead Chronic open-angle glaucoma
swimmer's ear Otitis externa
name for a bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle Hordeolum
Presbyopia The loss of vision due to old age
CC With correction
OD Right eye
OS Left eye
Each eye Each eye
PEARL Pupils equal and reactive to light
Right ear AD
AS Left ear
AU Each ear
dB Decibel
An obvious inward turning of one eye in relation to the other eye esotropia
extraocular Pertaining to outside the eye
A fungal infection of the external auditory meatus of the ear otomycosis
Containing pus purulent
cochlear Pertaining to the snail-shaped structure within the middle ear
The surgical repair of the eardrum with a tissue graft myringoplasty
Pertaining to the ear aural
aque/o Watery
audit/o Hearing
blephar/o Eyelid
corne/o Cornea
cor/o Pupil
conjunctiv/o Conjunctiva
es/o Within
ex/o Outward
kerat/o Hard or horny; also refers to the cornea of the eye
mi/o Smaller
nas/o Nose
nyct/o Night
Created by: KODman
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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