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Phils hemo WBCS

Five white blood cells Neutrophil, Eosinophil, basophil, monocyte, lymphocyte
Granulocytic maturation series myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band, seg
This stage in granulocytic maturation is characterized by small amount of pale blue cytoplasm, no granules, nucleus has delicate chromatin with nucleoli myeloblast
This stage in granulocytic maturation is similar to myeloblast but has primary nonspecific granules promyelocyte
this stage in granulocytic maturation is characterized by the presence of secondary specific granules it is also the last stage to divide (blue muddy gray) myelocyte
this stage of granulocytic maturation is characterized by the nucleus beginning to indent metamyelocyte
This stage in granulocytic maturation is characterized by nuclear indention is more than half of the width band
This stage in granulocytic maturation is characterized by 2-5 nuclear lobes connected by thin strand of chromatin Seg
What are primary granules made of myeloperoxidase
What are secondary granules made of peroxidase to destroy bacteria
10-15 um, segmented 2-5 lobs connected by chromatin filament, with pinkish tan cytoplasm neutrophilic granules Neutrophil
Reference range for neutrophils 50-70%
When are neutrophils seen bacterial infection
12-16 um band shaped or segmented into two lobes with large red granules eosinophils
Reference range for eosinophils 1-3%
10-14 um usually dificult to see because of overlying granules, dark purple granules basophil
Reference range for basos 0-1%
12-22 um round horse shaped nucleus or lobulated, convoluted loose strans of vchromatin, gray blue cytoplasma with indistinct azure granuals, vacuoles and pseudopods Monocytes
Reference range for monos 2-8%
when are monos seen post infection
6-8 um with a round or oval nucleus with dence blocks of chromatin indistinct chromatin/parachromatin separation, cytoplasm sparce to abundant, sky blue lymphocytes
Reference range for lymphocytes 20-40%
What is another name for the leukomoid reaction shift to the left
This is often seen in bacterial infections and inflamation, with the presence of immature granulocytes in the blood shift to the left
This is often seen in infection or inflammation with dark staining granules in cytoplasm of neutrophils toxic granulation
this is often seen in infections and burns with light blue patches in cytoplasm of neutrophils dohle bodies
These are often seen in septicemia, drugs, toxins, and radiation with phagocytic vacuoles in cytoplasm of neutrophils vacuolization
This is one cign of pernicious anemia, with more than 5% of segs with more than 5 lobes hypersegmentation
this is an inherited disorder with no clinical effect may be misinterpreted as a shift to the left, most neutrophils have round or bilobed nuclei pelger-huet anomaly
This is seen in AML (ANLL) and has red needles in cytoplasm of leukemic myeloblasts and monoblasts Auer rods
These are seen in viral infections, and one or more of the following, large size, elongated indented nucleus, immature chromatin, increased parachromatin, nucleoli, increased cytoplasm, dark blue or very pale cytoplasm varient lymph, or atypical or reactive
What condition is associated with bacterial infection, inflammation, hemorrhage, hemolysis and stress neutrophilia
what condition is associated with acute infection antibodies, drugs, chemicals, and radiation neutropenia
what condition is associated with infections mono, cytomegalovirus, whooping cough, actue infectious lymphocytosis lymphocytosis
what condition is associated with convalescence from viral infections, chronic infections, TB, subacute bacterial endocarditis, parasitic infections, rickettsial infections Monocytosis
What condition is associated with allergies, skin diseases, parasitic infections Eosinophilia
What condition is associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia and plycythemia vera basophilia
This leukemia occurs suddenly in children and young adults, with a median survival of 3 months, Increased to normal WBC, low platelets, many blasts, normo/normo anemia Acute Leukemia
This leukemia normally affects middle aged to elderly with an insidious onset and survival time of 2-6 years, an increased WBC normal to increased platelets, more mature cells, and no anemia until late stages Chronic
AML (M0) Acute myeloblastic Leukemia w/o mat.
ANLL acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
this leukemia has undifferentiated blasts AML (M0)
Acute myeloblastic leukemia w/min mat AML (M1)
this leukemia there is a predominance of myeloblasts with min. maturation, some promyelocytes may be present. auer rods may be present, pseudo pelger huet anomaly may be present AML (M1)
acute myeloblastic leukemia w/mat AML (M2)
this leukemia has myeloblasts predominate wome maturation to or beyond promyelocyte stage, auer rods are common. most common type of AML AML (M2)
Acute promyeloblastic leukemia AML (ALP) (M3)
This leukemia the promyelocyte is predominant cell. myeloblasts and myelocytes may be present. Auer rods are common. high incidence in DIc uncommon type AML (ALP) (M3)
AMML (M4) acute myelogenous monocytic leukemia
Eearly myelogenous cells predominate with app. 20% monocytic cells. Blasm pay be indented and convoluted nuclei. Auer rods may be present. Second most common type AMML (M4)
AMoL (M5) Acute monoblastic leukemia
M5a has a predominance of monoblasts, M5b has a predominance of promonocytes and monocytes as well uncommon type AMoL
EL (M6) Acute erythroblastic leukemia
Erythroblasts with megaloblastoid changes and other dysplastic features, myeloblasts and promyelocytes. Auer rods may be present EL (M6)
MegL (M7) Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia
Proliferation of megakaryoblast and atypical megakaryocytes. Megakaryocytic fragments may be seen in the peripheral blood uncommon type MegL (M7)
Two types of ALL L1 (small cell homo) L2 (large cell hetero)
L1 small cell homo
L2 large cell hetero
uniform population of small lymphoblasts with scanty cytoplasm, round nuclei with occ. cleftin, homogeneous chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli associated with children L1
heterogeneous population of large pleomorphic lymphoblasts with nuclear clefting and inindentation older children and adults L2
ALL Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
This stain detects peroxidase found in primary granules and auer rods myeloperoxidase
this stain is used to differentiate AML M1, M2, and M3 (pos) from ALL (neg) myeloperoxidase
This stain detects lipids in primary and secondary granules of granulocytes sudan black
this stain can be used to differentiate AML M1, M2, M3 (pos) from ALL (neg) sudan black
this stain detects glycogen periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
RBC precursors stain intensely, normal RBC are neg. Large coarse clumps in lymphoblasts in ALL PAS
Detects esterase in primary granules of myeloid cells Napthol ASD chloracetat esterase
Differenciates AML M1, M2, and M3 pos and ALL neg naptholl ASD
stains nonspecific esterase in moncytic precursors alpha naphthyl acetate esterase or alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase
Strong positive in monocytic cells positive in M4 and M5 neg in ALL pha naphthyl acetate esterase or alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase
stains Esterase enzymes in myeloid and monocytic cells combined esterase
used to evaluate the ratio of myelocytic and monocytic cells combined esterase
detects primitive lymphoid cells Tdt
this stain's activity is elevated in L1 and L2 Tdt
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) aka Chronic granulocytic leukemia
marked leukocytosis with an increase in mature and immature cells of the granulocytic series, thrombocytosis is common, philadelphia chromosome may be found in malignant cells. anemia chronic myelogenous leukemia
Four chronic myeloproliferative disorders CML, AMM, PV, ET
Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia (AMM) aka idiopathic myelofibrosis
bone marrow fibrosis. extramedullary hematopoiesis. all stages of myeloid maturation including eos and basos. Nucleated RBCs and TEARDROP RBCs defective platelets Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
Polycythemia vera (PV) ak primary polycythemia erythremia
increas in all cellular bone marrow elements, increased hemoglobin and hematocrit and increased LAP Polycythemia vera
Plateles >1000 x 10^9 / L marked platelet anisocytosis. Occasional megakaryocytes fragments essential thrombocythemia
in this situation there is a high WBC count, anemia is absent, the peripheral blood smear shows a shift to the left with rare blasts, toxic gran and dohle bodies, LAP score is high and Philly chromosome is neg Leukemoid reaction
In this situation, WBC coutn is high, anemia is present, there is a shift to the left with blasts, eosinophilia and basophilia with a low LAP score, and a positive Philly chromo CML
What does the LAP stain do look at the granules inside the cells
CLL is chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders are CLL and Hair cell leukemia
this is the most common leukemia in adults. BCLL is most common, Lymphocytosis with relatively mature lymphocytes, smudge cells, may be accompanied by anemia, thrombocytopenia, and production of autoantibodies chronic lymphocytic leukemia
hairy cells-scant abundant agranular light grayish blue cytoplasm with irregular hair like projections round to oval nuclei with loose chromatin. Pancytopenia. WBC low hair cell leukemia
three plasma cell disorders Multiple meyloma, plasma cell leukemia, waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
Multiple myeloma involves what immunnoglobulin IgG
Waldenstrom's macrogloulinemia involves what immunoglobulin IgM
abnormal plasma cells in peripheral blood, pancytopenia, rouleaux monoclonal gammopathy plasma cell leukemia
malignant plasma cells in marrow. Rare abnormal plasma cell on peripheral smear, normo normo anemia. rouleux on blood smear elevated ESR due to increased globulins. M spike on serum protein electrophoresis may have bence jones proteinure. lytic bone multiple myeloma
monoclonal gammopathy due to increased IgM rare plasmacytoid lymphocytes or plasma cells on peripheral smear. rouleaux may have bence jones proteinuria and cryoglobulins waldenstrom's macroblobulinemia
Created by: jnwells03
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