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HIT 65

CHAPTER 11 & 12

Class is a set of #s or things
Range is the interval(space in between)spanned by the data. is the difference between the largest and the smallest # in a distribution
Class interval is a range of scores
Frequency is the # of times a certain score appears in the distribution 频率
Rank means a number's position in a group when all scores have been arranged in order of size
Median is the middle number of a ranked group
Distribution arrangement of numbers 分布
Quartiles there are three quartile designations (first, second, and third), which correspond to the 25th, 50th, 75th percentiles.
The second quartile is the 50th percentile, which extends to the median, or midpoint of the distribution
Deciles the data set can be divided into ten equal parts called deciles
the first decile 1/10 or 10% of the data in the distribution, the 2nd decile is 20% and so on.
How many deciles are there? There are 10 deciles: 10th, 20th, 30th and so on.
Centiles/Percentiles Centiles and Percentiles are the same
Percentiles divide the distribution into 100 equal segments
Cumulative frequency is by adding each frequency to the previous frequency and accumulating frequencies from one end of the frequency to the other.
The number of scores between each percentile is equal
The score ranges between percentiles may not be equal
Maternal death Death of any woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy
Infant death death of a liveborn infant < 1 yr of age
neonatal death death of a liveborn < 28 days
Morbidity refer to disease
Mortality refer to death
Perinatal death an all-inclusive 包罗万象 term referring to both stillborn infants and neonatal deaths.
Still born death at birth. died in the uterus
Fetal death death before birth
Comorbility Death because of the preexisting condition(such diabetes, hypertension, obesity)add on to the primary illness, it increase the length of stay by at least 1 day in 75% of cases
Postneonatal death death of a liveborn infant after 28 days
Postoperative death surgical death within 10 days
Diphtheria 白喉
Inhabitants 居民
Osteoporosis A softening of the bones that gradually increases and makes them more fragile. It is caused by the gradual loss of the mineral calcium, which helps make bones hard. Osteoporosis occurs most often in elderly women. 骨质疏松
Mucus cyst An x-ray will usually show wear and tear (osteoarthritis) in the joint.
Prevalence The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time. 患病率
Incidence rate of occurrence or influence 发病
Epidemic Worldwide
Endemic restricted local area. restricted or peculiar to a locality or region
Nosocomial infection infection happen in the hospital> 72 hours 院内
Community-acquired infection an infection that presents itself within 72 hours of admission to the hospital 社区获得
Determine the number of class intervals as a general rule, for most types of data, it is commonly recommended that the number of class intervals be at least 10 but no more than 20, with 15 classes being the preferred average.
Life span the length of life
Tabulate shaped like a table or tablet 制表
Gestation from Latin - to bear. The period of fetal development from conception until birth; pregnancy. 妊娠
Still born/Fetal death a still born is classified as a fetal death
Created by: Lilyn Ta
Popular Surgery sets



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