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plot a series of related events which present and resolve a conflict
conflict the struggle or problem
internal conflict the problem or struggle is within the character himself
external conflict conflict that pits character against character, character against nature, or character against the forces of society
exposition first par of the plor structure that introduces character, setting, point of view, and basic situation. It establishes the mood by setting tone
complications part of the plot structure in which the protagonist takes some action to resolve the conflict and meets with some problem such as danger, indecision, or hostility
climax the key scene, the tense moment when the reader is most involved; the point at which all of the conflict must be resolved
resolution the way in which the conflict is resolved--the part of the story in which all the struggles are over
suspense the condition of not knowing what will happen next
foreshadowing hints given by the author about what will occur later; often used to build suspense
setting teels the reader where and when the story takes place; can include the locale, the weather, the time of day and the time period; oftern inferred.
protagonist the leading character of a short story, play, or nove
antagonist the adversary that opposes the protagonist; may be another character, the forces of nature, fate, or change
point of view the vantage point from which the writer had chosen to tell the story.
first person one of the characters is telling the story; may be a participant or an observer; uses personal pronouns (I, we, us etc.)
third person limited the narrator is not a character in the story; this story teller focuses on only one character's thoughts and actions
third person omniscient the narrator is not a character in the story, but knows all about the characters and their problems, their thoughts, and sometimes the past and future
viewpoint the narrator's persona, his perspective
mood the atmosphere or feeling or emotional aura that the writer creat; it may
characterization methods used by a writer to reveal the nautre or personality of a character.
direct characterization the writer tells us directly what kind of person the character is
indirect characterization the reader has to take the evidence given about the character and use his own judgment to decide what the cahracter is like
figurative language figurative means "not literal," so figurative language is language that is not meant to be taken literally.
imagery the sensory details or figurative language used to describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions. on the physical level, imagery uses terms related to the five senses
verbal irony a writer or speaker says one thing but really means something completely differnet; sarcasm is a form of verbal irony
dramatic irony the reader or audience knows something that the character does not know
situational irony what is expected to take place is the opposite of what actually happens
inference a reasonable and intelligent conclusion about the behavior of a character or the meaning of an event drawn from limited details or hints supplied by the author
sensory details details of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch; referred to as imagery
colloquialism the use of slang or informalities in speech or writing; not generally acceptable for formal writing
plot summary states the main points in a brief form; always includes the title and author of the literary selection, and events are stated in the order in which they occurred
idiom an expression that has a meaning different from the meaning of its individual words; an expression that cannot be translated literally
theme the underlying, implied or stated truth about life or human nautre that a piece of literature reveals--must be expressed as a statement or sentence
motif a recurring theme, idea, work, phrase, or subject in a literary work
symbol something concrete, a person, place, object, or event that has meaning in itself, but stands for something beyond itself as well
epiphany an inituitive grasp of reality achieved in a quick flash of recognition in which something usually simple and commonplace is seen in a new light; this sudden insight is the epiphany
rite of passage an even that siganls a change from one stage of life to another
historical fiction fiction whose setting is in some time other than that in which it is written
flashback a device by which a work presents material that occurred prior to the opening scene
Created by: jojo0414
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