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1,2,3 week one

Organization - Chemistry -Cell

Body Systems Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Endocrine, Respiratory, Digestive, Special senses, Hematological, Cardiovascular and lymphatic, reproductive
The study of the internal and external structure Anatomy
The study of how it works and its functions Physiology
Can by seen with the naked eye Gross anatomy
Needs magnification or microscope Fine anatomy
Levels of Organization in the human body Chemicals,Cells, Tissue, Organs, Body systems
Coordination and control of the nervous systems is electrical
Coordination and control of the endocrine systems is chemical
What is Catabolism Complex substances are broken down into simpler substances.
What is Anabolism Process by which simper compounds are built up (amino acids,proteins..)
What is Metabolism refers to all chemical reactions that occur in a living organism
What is Homeostasis it monitors and maintains a stable environment or equilibrium (balances fluid and feedback)
the response cancels or counteracts the original stimulus is known as Negative feedback
body temperature control is an ex of a type of Negative feedback
the response amplifies or enhances the original stimulus is known as positive feedback
labor contractions is an ex of positive feedback
negative and positive feedback are types of feedback mechanisms
Inferior: (Another word) Closer to the legs; Caudal (lower)
Anatomical Position Erect, feet on floor, facing observer with palms facing observer
Supine Laying down, facing ceiling
Prone Laying down, facing floor
Front Anterior
Another word for front Ventral
Back Posterior
Another word for back Dorsal
Superior: (Another word) Closer to the head (or cephalic)
Inferior: (Another word) Closer to the legs; Caudal
Proximal Nearer to attachment to body
Distal Farther from attachment to body
Medial (example) nearer to the midline (toward). The ulna is medial to the radius
What is the midline? Imaginary line dividing body in two equal parts
Lateral: (example) Farther from the midline The lungs are lateral to the heart (outter)
Sagittal Left and Right. Equal sides (down the middle)
Transverse Top and bottom (across)
Frontal (coronal) Front and back
3 plans the body can be cut is Sagittal,Transverse,Frontal
What is the Dorsal cavity made up of Cranial and Spinal
In the main body cavities which one is posterior Dorsal cavity
In the main body cavities which one is anterior Ventral cavity
Name three central regions of the abdomen Epigastric,Umbilical,Hypogastric
Name three left and right lateral regions of the abdomen L-R Hypochondriac,L-R lumbar,L-R iliac
Define Atom Smallest complete units of matter that can not be broken down by ordinary chemical and physical means
What is the universal solvent water
What are covalent bonds chemical bonds that share electrons
Define chemistry Composition and properties of matter used to understand normal and abnormal functioning
What is in the atomic structure Nucleus,protons,neutrons,electrons
For an atom to be stable is must have? Both protons and electrons
Which is positive and which is negative in an atom? Protons are + and Electrons are -
Mixes evenly like salt water solutions
separates and settles out like choc milk suspension
What is an Ion electrons that gain or loses by transfer
Name two compounds Acid and Base
What is a buffer Prevents sharp changes and keeps the Ph balanced
what element is the basis of organic chemistry carbon
what are three main categories of organic compounds Lipids,proteins,carbohydrates
What is a catalysts An enzyme that helps speed up the metabolism process
Which 4 elements make up 96% of the body’s mass? Carbon – C •Hydrogen – H •Oxygen – O •Nitrogen – N
What molecule is known as the universal energy source of the cell? ATP
During _____________, the cell uses information from messenger RNA to produce proteins. Translation
What 3 types of Microscopes can be used to study cells? Compound Light Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), & Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM).
Fagellum helps the cell to move - WHIPTAIL
Cilia it works with other cilia to move the cell -HAIR LIKE-
ribosome synthesizes proteins
Osmosis water flows - the diffusion of water molecules across a cell membrane from one area of concentration.
basic unit of structure and function in living organisms cell
Pinocytosis is cell drinking
phagocytosis is cell eatting
what types of movement do not require cellular energy and what types of movement do Passive transport does not -- Active transport does
How osmosis affects cells Isotonic (normal) Hypotonic (dilute, swollen)Hypertonic (concentrated,shrunken)
Mitochondria Tiny bean shaped,acts as a power house
Ribosome A small grain-like structure floating in cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are made.
What are the main functions that Smooth ER (endoplasmic reticulum) does? synthesizes lipids, metabolizes carbs, stores calcium, & detoxifies poison
What are the main functions that Rough (endoplasmic reticulum)ER does? produces proteins and membranes, makes secretory protein & is a membane factory for the cell
What is the role of the mitochondria? to change energy from one form to another
Created by: stormynyte
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