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Ankle SPecial testss

Special TestWhat does it test for?patient positionclinician positionProcedurePostivie Test
Talar tilt-inversion tearing the CF ligament maybe along with ATF and PTF ligament Laying to sitting with legs over the edge fo the table Infront of paitn-one hand holding the calcaneus and maintaining the foot/ankle in the meutral position, the other hand stabilizes the lower leg, with the thumb or forefinger along the CF ligament to feel any gapping of the talus away from the mortise with hand on the calcaneus provide an inversion stress by rolling the calcaneus medially talus tilts or caps excessifely when compared bilaterally, or patient complains of pain
Talar Tilt-eversion sprain/tear of deltoid ligament laying or sitting with legs over the edge of a table in front of patient, with one hand on the calcaneus while maintaining the foot in a neutral position, other hand stabilizes the lower leg, the thumb maybe placed over the deltoid ligament in order to feel gapping of the talus with hand that is olding the calcaneus, roll the calcaneus laterally, tilting the talus and cuasing it to gap on the medial side of the ankle mortise talus tilts or gaps excessively when compared bilaterlaly, or patient complains of pain
Kliegers Test trauma to the deltoid, anterolateral ankle pain, syndesmosis pathology, anter tib fib sitting with legs over the edge fo the table in front of patient one hand stabilizing the lower leg while make suren to to compres the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, other hand grasps the medial aspect of the foto while supporting the ankle in a neutral psotion rotate foot externally, to stress the syndesmosis place the anle into dorsiflexion, to stress the deltoid ligament place the ankle in neutral position medial joint pain-may feel displacement of talus away from medial malleolus pain in anterolateral ankle at site of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis
Compression of base of 5th metatarsal Jones fracture supine or sitting with feet off the edge of the table infront of patient, with one hand grasping the base of the 5th met apply pressure distal portion of 5th met and move toard the base of the 5th met pain is elicited
Compression Test gross fracture or stress fracture of fibula(when pain along fibular shaft)-shyndesmosis sprain when pain at distal tibiofibular joint supine with knee extended next to or in front of injured leg, hands ccuppoed behind the tibia and fibula away from the site of pain Gently compress the tibia and fibula gradually adding more pressure if no pain is felt, move toward the site until pain is elicited pain is elicited, particularly away from the compressed area
Bump Test Lower leg stress fracture sitting with involved leg off the end of table and knee straigh, or lying supine, ankle is in neutral position standing infront of the heel of the involved leg, posterior portion of the lower leg stabilized with the nondominat hand with palm of dominate hand, bump the calcaneus with progressibely increased force until pain is elicited pain emanating from a fracture fo the calcaneus, talus, fibula, or tibia
Anterior Draw Test tearing of the anterior talofibular ligament and associated joint capsule sitting over table edge with knee flexed, in order to prevent gastroc tightness from effecting the test sitting in front of the patient, one hand stabilized lower leg(not occluding the mortise), other hand cups calcaneus with forearm supporting the foot in position of slight plantarflexion draw the calcaneus and talus forward while still stabilizing the tibia talus slides anteriorly from ankle mortise-when compared bilaterally, maybe a clunk as it does so, patient may say it elicits pain
Created by: jwebst1
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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