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3d design

exam 1

Actual Lines lines which are physically present in a design.
Implied Line 1) a line that is suggested by the positions of shapes or objects within a design. 2) a line that is suggested by movement or by a gesture rather than being physically drawn or constructed.
Cross-Hatching a technique used in drawing and print-making to shade an object using two or more networks of parallel lines. Darker values are created as the number of networks increases.
Sight Line : 1) a viewing line that is established by the arrangement of objects within one's field of vision 2) a straight line of unimpeded vision
Line Weight variation in line thickness.
Orientation the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal position of a composition or design element.
Line: 1) a point in motion 2) a series of adjacent points 3) a connection between points 4) an implied connection btwn points
Calligraphic Line derived from the Greek words for beautiful and writing, a flowing, and expressive line that is as personal as handwriting. Calligraphic lines generally vary in thickness and velocity.
Horizon Line in a linear perspective, the line on which all vanishing points are positioned. More accurately described as the eye line or eye level.
Continuity degree of connection or flow among compositional parts.
Line Quality blurred or ambiguous visual information. Low definition shapes can increase the complexity of the design, and encourage multiple interpretations.
Direction actual or implied movement of an element within a design.
Contour Line a line that describes the edges of a form and suggests three dimensional volume.
Cross Cut in film, an abrupt alternation between 2 or more lines of action
abstract form 1)formderived from visuareality that's been distilled/ transformed, reducing its resemblance 2 original source 2)multipleimage structure like film, whereparts r related 2 eachother thru repetition&visual chars like shape,color,scaleor directionofmovement
Armature an internal structure created to strengthen and support a three-dimensional object.
Assemblage an additive method in which the artist or designer constructs the artwork using objects and images originally created for another purpose. a 3 dimensional collage.
Asymmetrical Balance equilibrium among visual elements that don't mirror each other on either side of an axis.
Balance the equal distribution of weight or force among visual elements
Critique any means by which the strengths and weaknesses of designs are analyzed.
Dominance the principle of composition in which certain elements assume greater importance than others. See emphasis.
Emphasis special attention given to some aspect of a composition to increase its prominence.
Free Standing Work an artwork that is self supporting and is designed to be viewed from all sides.
In the Round a 3d object that is self supporting and is designed to be viewed from all sides, as in free-standing sculpture
Kinetic Form a form that actually moves
Maquette a well developed 3d sketch, comparable to a 2d thumbnail sketch
Matrix a 3d grid
Pedestal a vertical support for a sculptural object
Proportion the relative size of visual elements within an image.
rhythm 1.presentation of multiple units in a deliberate pattern. film-making, the perceived rate&regularity of sounds, shots, and movement w/in the shots. rhythm is determined by beat(pulse), accent(stress), & tempo(pace).
skeleton(endoskeleton) a structure that provides internal support
symmetrical balance a form of balance that is created when shapes are mirrored on either side of a central axis, as in a composition that is vertically divided down the center.
Created by: 500544758
Popular Graphic Arts sets



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