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HIT 65

GLossary G - M

Graph Illustrates data that relate one qualitative variable to another quantitative variable of continuous data. The most common graphs are the histogram and frequency polygon.
Histogram Graphic representation of a frequency distribution table in which the frequency for each class interval is shown by the height of the column. Unlike a bar chart, the bars are contiguous 连续的 to indicate continuity of data. 直方图
Hospital Autopsy Postmortem examination performed by a hospital pathologist or by a physician on the medical staff to whom the responsibility has been delegated, wherever performed, and regardless of the hospitalization status of the patient at the time of his/her death.
Hospital Boarder An individual who receives lodging in the hospital but who is not a hospital inpatient.
Hospital Fetal Death Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from it mother.
Hospital Infection All infections manifested 表现 during a patient's hospital stay.
Hospital Inpatient A hospital patient who is provided with room, board, and continuous general nursing service in an area of the hospital where patients generally stay at least overnight.
Hospital inpatient Autopsy Postmortem 死后 examination performed in a hospital facility, by a hospital pathologist or by a physician on the medical staff to whom the responsibility has been delegated, on the body of a patient who died during inpatient hospitalization.
Hospital Live Birth The complete expulsion or extraction from the mother, in a hospital facility, of a product of human conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy.
Hospital Newborn Inpatient a hospital patient who born in the hospital at the beginning of his current inpatient hospitalization.
Hospital Outpatient A hospital patient who receives, in person, hospital-based or hospital-coordinated medical services for which the hospital is responsible.
Indirect Material Death Maternal death not directly due to obstetric causes but aggravated 加剧 by the pregnant condition.
induce Termination of Pregnancy The purposeful interruption of an intrauterine pregnancy, with the intention being other than to produce a live born infant and which does not result in a live birth.
Medical Care Unit An assemblage of inpatient beds (or newborn bassinets) and related facilities and assigned personnel in which medical services are provided to a defined and limited class of patients according to their particular medical care needs.
Medical Complication A medical condition that arises during inpatient hospitalization.
Medical Consultation The response by one member of the medical staff to a request for consultation by another member of the medical staff.
Medical Services The activities related to the medical care performed by physicians, nurses, and other professional and technical personnel under the direction of a physician.
Medical Staff Unit One of the departments, division, or specialties into which the organized medical staff of a hospital is divided in order to fulfill medical staff responsibilities.
Mode is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution. 时尚
Morbidity 发病率 Morbility 发病 Refers to disease (illness, injury, or an abnormal condition).
Mortality Refers to death (incidence of death).
Neonatal 新生儿 Death Death of a live born infant with the first 27 days,23 hours, and 59 minutes from the moment of birth.
Created by: Lilyn Ta
Popular Surgery sets



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