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Herbal 2 Test 8

Pharmacopia 2 Test 8 Questions

What are the tastes of most stabilizing and Binding herbs? Sour and Astringent
What are the uses of the stablizing and binding herbs? 1) stop bodily substances discharged abnormally, 2) prolapse 3) stop cough
What substances do stabilizing and binding herbs treat? 1) sweating 2) diarrhea 3) bleeding 4) uro-genital: urine, vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding
When should you not use binding and stabilizing herbs? When there are unresolved EPF
When are binding and stabilizing herbs problematic? internal damp stagnation, damp heat and constraint
What is the temperature and taste of Shan Zhu Yu? Warm and Sour
What organs does Shan Zhu Yu have an affinity for? KD and LV (little Kamel)
What are the roles of Shan Zhu Yu? 1) Stabilizes KD and Secures Essence 2) STops Excessive Sweating and Supports the Collapsed 3) Tonifies and Augments LV and KD (herb both tonifies essence and assists yang) 4) Stabilizes Menses and Stops Bleeding
Shan Zhu Yu + Shu Di Huang + Shang Yao treats what? Incontinence with KD Def
Shan Zhu Yu +Jin Ying Zi treats what? Spermatorrhea
Shan Zhu Yu + Mu Ling + Long Gu + Fu Zi + Ren Shen treats what? Excess sweating for Yang Deficiency
Shan Zhu Yu + Huang Qi + Dang Shen treats what? Excess sweating from Qi Deficiency
Shan Zhu Yu + Shu Di Huang + Dang Gui treats what? Excess sweating from Yin Deficiency
Shan Zhu Yu + Shu Di Huang + Shan Yao treats what? Augments LV and KD, tonifies the Essence adn assists the Yang specifically dizziness, tinnitus and LBP
Shan Zhu Yu + Lu Jiao Jiao + Bu Gu Zhi treats what? Augments LV and KD, tonifies the Essence adn assists the Yang specifically impotence and premature ejacualation
Shan Zhu Yu + Hai Piao Xiao + Qian Cao Gen + Zong Lu Tan treats what? Stabilize the menses and stop bleeding
Shan Zhu Yu is contra-indicated when? with Damp Heat
What is the english name for Wu Wei Zi? Schisandra fruit
What is the temperature and tastes of Wu Wei Zi? Sour and Warm
What organs does Wu Wei Zi have an affinity for? KD, HT and LU (kid with hot air)
What roles does Wu Wei Zi have? 1)Contains Leakage of Lung Qi and Stops Coughing 2) Tonifies KD, Binds essence and stops diarrhea 3) Inhibits Sweating and generates fluids 4) Quiets Spirit while calming and containing the Heart Qi
Wu Wei Zi + Shu Di Huang + Shan Yao + Shan Zhu Yu treats what? Contains leakage of Lung Qi and stops cough/wheeze due to LU and KD deficiency
Wu Wei Zi + Gan Jiang + Xi Xin treats what? Contains leakage of Lung Qi and stops cough/wheeze due to Cold in Lung
Wu Wei Zi + Bu Gu Zhi + Rou Dou Kou treats what? Binds essence to stop diarrhea
Wu Wei Zi + Sang Piao Xiao + Long Gu treats what? Binds essence to stop nocturnal emmisions
Wu Wei Zi + Huang Qi treats what? Inhibits sweating and generates fluids for spontaneous sweating
Wu Wei Zi + Tian Hua Fen, Huang Qi and Mai Men Dong treats what? Wasting and Thirsting Disorders (febrile)
Wu Wei Zi + Suan Zao Ren + Sheng Di Huang treats what? Quiets the Spirit and Calms the Heart
The English name of Wu Mei is? Mume Fruit
What is the taste and temperature of Wu Mei? Sour and Warm
What organs does Wu Mei have an affinity for? LI, SP LV, LU (Large camel sprung to life)
What affects does Wu Mei have? 1) Inhibits Leakage of Lung Qi and Stops Coughing 2) Binds up intestines and stops diarrhea 3) generates fluids and alleviates thirst 4) expels roundworms and alleviates pain 5) stops bleeding 6) plaster
Wu Mei + Xing Ren + Ban Xia + Ying Su Ke treats what? Inhibit leakage of LU Qi, stop cough
Wu Mei + He Zi + Wu Wei Zi treats what? Binds LI to stop diarrhea
Wu Mei + Mu Gua treats what? Binds LI to stop diarrhea for summerheat
Wu Mei + Mai Men Dong + Tian Hua Fen + Ge Gen treats what? Generates fluids to stop thirst
Wu Mei + Bing Lang treats what? Expels roundworms and stops pain
Wu Mei + Dang Gui + Bai Shao + E Jiao treats what? Stops bleeding of LI or uterus
Wu Mei is used topically to treat what? Corns and warts
He Zi is also known as? Terminalia or Chebula
What organs does He Zi have an affinity for? LU, ST and LI (Stick em in the air asshole)
What effects does He Zi have? 1) Stop diarrhea 2) Contains leakage or Lung and stops cough
Rou Dou Kou is also known as? Myristica
What is the temperature of Rou Dou Kou? Warm
What organs does Rou Dou Kou have an affinity for? LI, SP, and ST (Large Earth)
What effects does Rou Dou Kou have? 1) Stop Diarrhea esp Daybreak diarrhea 2) Warm the MW and Move Qi to stop pain
Chun Pi is also known as? Ailanthus
What is the temperature of Chun Pi? Cold
What organs does Chun Pi have an affinity for? LI and ST (Large Stink)
What are the effects of Chun Pi? 1) Clear Heat and Dry Dampness for chronic diarrhea 2) Kills parasites: roundworms ext for ringworm
Lian Zi is also known as? Lotus seed or Nelumbo
What organs does Lian Zi have an affinity for? HT, KD and SP (Neph heart spleeny)
What are the effects of Lian Zi? 1) Tonify SP and stop diarrhea 2) Tonify KD and stabilize Essence: premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea 3) Nourish HT and calm spirit for anxiety, irritability, insomina esp HT/KD not communicating
Qian Shi is also known as? Euryales
What organs does Qian Shi have an affinity for? KD and SP (Kid with spots)
What are the effects of Qian Shi? 1) Stop Diarrhea 2) Retain Essence: nocturnal emmissions, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, urinary frequency 3) Expels Dampness: vaginal discharge from Def or Damp Heat
Jin Ying Zi is also known as? Cherokee Rosehip or Rosa Laevigata
What organs does Jin Ying Zi have an affinity for? BL, KD and LI (Blinky the Large Intestine Clown)
What are the effects of Jin Ying Zi? 1) Retain Essence: spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, prolapsed rectum or uterus, uterine bleeding 2) stops diarrhea,chronic or dysenteric
Fu Pen Zi is also known as? Rubus
What are the tastes and temperatures of Fu Pen Zi? Sweet, Astringent, and Slightly Warm
What organs does Fu Pen Zi have an affinity for? KD and LV (Leaky Car)
What are the effects of Fu Pen Zi? 1)Stabilize the KD for urinary frequency 2) Bind the Essence for spermatorrhea or impotence 3) Assists Yang for LBP and Impotence 4) Improve Vision
Fu Pen Zi + Sang Piao Xiao + Yi Zhi Ren treats what? Stabilize the KD for urinary frequency
Fu Pen Zi + Tu Si Zi + Gou Qi Zi + Wu Wei Zi treats what? Binds the Essence for spermatorrhea or impotence
Fu Pen Zi + Gou Qi Zi + Tu Si Zi + Che Qian Zi treats what? Assists Yang for LBP and impotence
Fu Pen Zi + Shu Di Huang + Gou Qi Zi + Nu Zhen Zi treats what? Improve vision
Wu Bei Zi is also known as? Galla Chinensis
What is the temperature of Wu Bei Zi? Cold
Wu Bei Zi has an affinity for what organs? KD, LI and LU (
What are the effects of Wu Bei Zi? 1)Contain Leakage of LU Qi and Stop Cough 2)Bind the LI to stop diarrhea and restrain prolapse 3)Preserve and restrain: nocturnal emmissions, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating, bleeding 3)absorbs moisture and reduces swellings for Fire toxins, topically
Bai Gao is known as ? Ginkgo nut
What organs does Bai Gao have an affinity for? KD and LU (Clean Air)
What are the effects of Bai Gao? 1)Expel Phlegm and stop wheezing when there is copious sputum 2)Eliminates Dampness for vaginal discharge or turbid urine 3)Stabilize LW for urinary frequency, spermatorrhea
Fu Xiao Mai is also known as? Light Wheat Grain
What organ does Fu Xiao Mai have an affinity for? HT (Hearty Food)
What are the effects of Fu Xiao Mai? 1) Stops sweating due to def 2)Nourish the HT and calm the spirit for palpitations, insomnia, irritability, emotional instability and disorientation
Ma Huang Gen is also known as? Ephedra Root
What organ does Ma Huang Gen have an affinity for? LU
What is the effect of Ma Huang Gen? 1)Stop Sweating due to Def of Qi or Yin
Nuo Dao Gen Xu is also known as? Glutinous Rice Root
What organs does Nuo Dao Gen Xu have an affinity for? KD, LV and LU
What are the effects of Nuo Dao Gen Xu? 1) Stop Sweating due to Def or Qi or Yin 2)Treats Empty Heat fevers
Hai Piao Xiao is also known as? Cuttlefish Bone
What is the temperature of Hai Piao Xiao? Slightly warm
What organs does Hai Piao Xiao have an affinity for? KD, LV, ST (Stomach Kidder)
What are the effects of Hai Piao Xiao? 1)Stop Bleeding and vaginal discharge 2)Retain Essence for nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculations 3) Control ST acidity and Stop Pain 4) Resolve Dampness for Yin Ulcers 4) Stop Diarrhea due to dysentary or def.
What are herbs that open the orifice are generally used to treat what? 1)Locked or Closed disorders such as stroke/coma 2) Turbid Phlegm disorders such as seizures
What are the tastes of most Aromatic medicinals? Acrid and Aromatic
She Xiang is also known as? Musk
She Xiang has an affinity for what organs? HT, SP and LV (Spook the Living Heck)
What are the effects of She Xiang? 1)Intensely open the orifices to treat disorders that impair consciousness esp Heat entering the PC and Closed disorders 3) Moves the Blood to dissipate clumps, reduce swelling in toxic sores 3) facilitates downward passage of placenta or dead fetus
What are the symptoms associated with Heat Entering the PC treated by She Xiang? Convulsions, delusions, stupor and fainting
What are the symptoms associated with Closed disorders treated by She Xiang? Tetanic collapse, phlegm collapse and seizures
Su He Xiang is also known as? Purified Balsam/ Styrax
What are the organs that Su He Xiang have an affinity for? HT and SP (Hey Spirit)
What are the effects of Su He Xiang? 1)Open the orifices esp with Cold, Phlegm and Turbidity 2)Relieves Constraint, Clears Turbid Phlegm in the chest and abdo with stifling sensation, cold, fullness and pain
Bing Pian is also known as? Borneol/ Ice Slice
What are the tastes and temperatures of Bing Pian? Acrid, Bitter and Cool
What organs does Bing Pian have an affinity for? HT, LU and SP
What are the effects of Bing Pian? 1)Open the Orifices and Revive the Spirit 2) Clears Heat, Regenerates Flesh, Stops Pain + itching + dissipates Nodules when applied topically for throat + skin, scabies + phlegm filled orifices
Shi Chang Pu is also known as? Acorus
What are the Tastes and Temperature of Shi Chang Pu? Acrid, Warm and Aromatic
What are the organs that Shi Chang Pu have an affinity for? HT and ST
What are the effects of Shi Chang Pu? 1)Opens the orifices, vaporizes Phlegm and Quiet the Spirit for Plegm veiling the sensory orifices 2)Harmonizes MW and transforms Turbid Dampness 3)Tx Wind Cold Damp Bi in channels and internally
Shi Chang Pu + Yuan Zhi + Fu Ling treats what? Open the orifices, vaporizes Phlegm adn Quiet the spirit for Phlegm Veiling/blocking the sensory orifices esp for deafness
Shi Chang Pu + Yu Jin + Ban Xia treats what? Open the orifices, vaporizes Phlegm adn Quiet the spirit for Phlegm Veiling/blocking the sensory orifices esp for dizziness, dulled sensorium
Shi Chang Pu + Hou Po + Chen Pi treats what? Harmonizes MW + transforms Turbid Dampness for chest and epigastric fullness
Shi Chang Pu + Mu Xiang + Wu Zhu Yu + Xiang Fu treats what? Tx Wind Cold Damp Bi in channels and internally due to Dampness + Qi obstruction as seen in epigastric fullness and distention
Niu Huang is known as? Bovis and Bezoar
Niu Huang has an affinity for what organs? HT and LV
What are the effects of Niu Huang? 1)Clear the Ht, open orifices, awaken the spirit + vaporizes Phlegm for coma or delirium due to fevers + Hot phlegm, plus seizures + Wind Stroke 2)Clears the LV, exting. Wind + Relieves Toxicity 3)Drain Damp Heat Fire Toxins + hot swelling
Bing Pian + She Xiang treats what? Open the orifices and revive the spirit as in fainting or convulsions
Bing Pian + Zhu Sha + Peng Sha treats what? Clears heat, regenerates flesh, stops pain + itching + dissipates nodules when applied topically for throat and skin sores, scabies + phlegm veiled orifices
Ling Yang Jiao is also known as? Antelope Horn
What is the taste and temperature of Ling Yang Jiao? Salty and Cold
What organs does Ling Yang Jiao have an affinity for? HT and LV
What are the effects of Ling Yang Jiao? 1)Extinguish Wind + CLear Heat 2)Calms LV + anchors Yang 3)Drains Heat + relieves Fire Toxins in febrile diseases 4)Clears Wind Damp Heat Bi
Ling Yang Jiao + Gou Teng + Sheng Di Huang treats what? Extinguish Wind + Clear Heat to control spasm + convulsions
Ling Yang Jiao + Shi Jue Ming + Ju Hua + Huang Qin treats what? Calms teh LV + Anchors Yang for dizziness, HA, blurred vision, photophobia, spasms + convulsions
Ling Yang Jiao + Shi Gao treats what? Drains Heat + relieves fire toxins in febrile diseases (Heat in PC) for delirium, manic behavior, loss of consciousness
Ling Yang Jiao + Cang Zhu + Huang Bai + Sang Zhi treats what? Clears Wind Damp Heat Bi
What herb can be substituted for Ling Yang Jiao? Shan Yang Jiao ( 9-15 g)
Gou Teng is also known as? Uncaria or Gambir
What are the tastes and temperatures of Gou Teng? Sweet and Cool
What organs does Gou Teng have an affinity for? HT and LV
What are the effects of Gou Teng? 1) Extinguish Wind + STops spasms 2)Drains LV Heat to pacify LV Yang 3)Releases Exterior Wind Heat
Gou Teng + Ling Yang Jiao + Quan Xie treats what? Extinguish Wind and stops spasms as in tremors, seizures
Gou Teng + Tian Ma + Quan Xie + Shi Jue Ming treats what? Extinguish Wind and stops spasms esp eclampsia and convulsions
Gou Teng + Ju Hua + Sang Ye + Shi Jue Ming treats what? Drains LV Heat to Pacify LV Yang for HA, irritability, red eyes, dizziness and hypertension
Gou Teng + Shi Gao + Fu Shen treats what? Drains LV Heat to Pacify LV Yang for HA, irritability, red eyes, dizziness and hypertension with more extreme heat
Gou Teng + Ju Hua + Sang Ye treats what? Releases Exterior Wind Heat for HA, fever, red eyes
Tian Ma is also known as? Gastrodia
What tastes + temperatures of Tian Ma? Sweet and Neutral
What organ does Tian Ma have an affinity for? LV
What are the effects fo Tian Ma? 1)Calm the LV, extinguish Wind + Stop Pain 2) Disperses Wind Damp Bi + Stop pain
Tian Ma + Gou Teng + Huang Qin + NIu Xi treats what? Calm the LV, extinguish Wind + stop pain due to Ascendent LV Yang
Tian Ma + Ren Shen + Bai Zhu + Jiang Can treats what? Calm the LV, Extinguish Wind + Stop pain due to deficiency of Qi/Blood for children
Tian Ma + Tian Nan Xing + Bai Fu Zi treats what? Calm the LV, extinguish Wind + stop pain due to Cold/Phlegm
Tian Ma + (Niu Xi + Sang Ji Sheng) or + (Qin Jiao + Qiang Huo) treats what? Disperses Wind Damp Bi + Stop pain with pain and numbness of lower back and extremities
Tian Ma + Quan Xie + Ru Xiang treats what? Treats pain due to blood stasis
What is the other name for Bai Ji Li? Ci Ji Li
What is the English name for Bai Ji Li? Tribulus
What iare the temperature and tastes of Bai Ji Li? Acrid, Bitter and Warm
What organs does Bai Ji Li have an affinity for? LV and LU
What affects does Bai Ji Li have? 1) Calm the LV and Anchor yang for H/A, vertigo 2) Dispel Wind Heat + brighten eyes for tearing, red, swollen eyes 3) Smoothes the LV for distension in chest or flanks or not enough milk 4) Dispels Wind + stops itching
Bai Ji Li + Gou Teng + Niu Xi treats what? Calm the LV and anchor the Yang for H/A and vertigo
Bai Ji Li + Jue Ming Zi + Ju Hua treats what? Dispels Wind Heat + Brighten Eyes for tearing w/ red, swollen, painful eyes
Bai Ji Li + Xiang Fu + Qing Pi treats what? Smoothes the LV for distension in chest and flanks or insufficient lactation
Bai Ji Li + Chan Tui + Fang Feng treats what? Dispels Wind + stops itching
What are the english names for Shi Jue Ming? Haliotis, the abalone shell
What are the temperature and tastes of Shi Jue Ming? Salty and cold
What organs does Shi Jue Ming have an affinity for? KD and LV
What effects does Shi Jue Ming have? 1) Drain Fire + Descend the Yang for H/A, dizziness, red eyes 2) improve vision for superficial obstructions, photophobia, red eyes, blurred vision due to LV Heat
What is the English name for Di Long? Lumbricus, the Earthworm
What are the temperature and tastes of Di Long? Salty and Cold
What organs does Di Long have an affinity for? BL, LV, LU and SP
What are the effects of Di Long? 1)Drain Heat + stop spasm for convulsions + seisures 2)calms wheezing due to LU heat 3)Clear Heat and unblock channels due to hot or cold Bi 4)Clears heat and promotes urination for hot lin 5) hypertension
Di Long + Gou Teng + Jiang Can treats what? Drains heat and stop spasms for convulsions and seisures
Di Long + Ma Huang + Xing Ren + Huang Qin treats what? calms wheezing due to LU Heat
Di Long + Sang Zhi + Ren Dong Teng + Chi Shao treats what? Clears heat and unblocks channels for reduced range of motion; Hot Bi
Di Long + Wu Tou + Tian Nan Xiang treats what? Unblocks channels for reduced range of motion; Cold Bi
Di Long + Niu Xi + Dong Kui Zi + JIn Qian Cao treats what? Clears heat + promotes urination for Hot Lin
Di Long + Dan Shen + Ci Shi treats what? Hypertension
What is the English name for Quan Xie? Buthus or Scorpion
What are the temperatures and tastes of Quan Xie? Salty, Acrid, Neutral and Toxic
What organ does Quan Xie have an affinity for? LV
What are the effects of Quan Xie? 1) Extinguish Wind + stops tremors for LV Wind Phlegm patterns 2) Dissipates Toxic sores 3) Unblocks Channels and collaterals to stop pain as in H/A or Bi
What are the English names are Wu Gong? Scolopendra or Centipede
What are the tastes and temperatures of Wu Gong? Acrid, Warm and Toxic
What channel does Wu Gong have an affinity for? LV
What are the effects of Wu Gong? 1) Extinguish Wind + Stops Spasms for childhood convulsions, lockjaw, seisures 2)dissipates toxic sores + nodules 3)unblocks channels and Luo to stop pain for H/A and Bi
What are the English names for Jiang Can? Bombyx or Silkworm
What are the temperature and tastes of Jiang Can? Acrid, Salty and Neutral
What organs does Jiang Can have an affinity for? LU and LV
What are the effects of Jiang Can? 1)extinguish Wind + stop spasms 2)expels Wind + stops pain for H/A for Internal Wind 3)Transforms Phlegm + dissipates Nodules in the neck 4)Expels Wind + stops itching
Jiang Can + Huang Lian + Dan Nan Xing + Niu Huang treats what? Extinguish Wind + stops Spasms for childhood convulsions
Jiang Can + Zone herbs treat what? Extinguish Wind + stop spasm for facial paralysis + seisures
Jiang Can + Tian Ma treats what? Expels wind + stops pain for H/A or Internal Wind
Jiang Can + Sang Zhi + Ju Hua + Jing Jie treats what? Expels Wind + stops pain for External Wind
Jiang Can + Xia Ku Cao + Bei Mu treats what? Transforms Phlegm and dissipates nodules in the neck
Jiang Can + Chan Tui + Fang Feng treats what? Expels Wind + Stops itching
What are the signs and symptoms indicated for use of herbs that expel parasites? 1)para-umbilical pain 2)vomiting 3)deranged appetite (pica) 4)itching in the rectum, nose or ears.
What are the symptoms for chronic parasite infection? fatigue, emaciation, distended abdomen or no symptoms
When should you take herbs that expel parasites? Take on an empty stomach for better action
When should you not take herbs that expel parasites? High Fever, Severe Abdomenal Pain or pregnancy
What are the English names for Bing Lang? Areca Seeds or Betel Nut
What are the tastes and temperature of Bing Lang? Acrid, Bitter and Warm
What organs does Bing Lang have an affinity for? LI and ST
What are the effects of Bing Lang? 1)Tx tapeworms, blood flukes, pinworms + roundworms 2) drains downward to expel the bodies of parasites3) promotes movement of Qi, reduces accumulation, lead stagnation out, unblocking bowels for constipation 5)promotes urination for Damp
What are the English names for Guan Zhong? Dryoperis Root
What are the temperature and tastes of Guan Zhong? Bitter and Cold
What organs does Guan Zhong have an affinity for? LV and SP
What are the actions of Guan Zhong? 1)Kill parasites like tapeworms, roundworms + hookworms 2) drain heat and relieve toxicity for epidemic toxins 3) alopecia and head sores
What are the English names for Nan Gua Zi? Pumpkin seeds
What are the temperature and tastes of Nan Gua Zi? Sweet and Neutral
What organs does Nan Gua Zi have an affinity for? LI and ST
What are the actions of Nan Gua Zi? 1)Expel parasites + stops pain assoc. w/ tapeworms, roundworms, schistomiasis 2)benefits post-partum fluid metabolism for swelling of hand and feet and insufficient lactation
What is the English name for Chang Shan? Dichora Root
What are the temperature and tastes of Chang Shan? Bitter, Acrid, Cold and Toxic
What organs does Chang Shan have an affinity for? HT, LV, LU
What are the actions of Chang Shan? 1)Check malarial conditions: special for this parasite 2) Induces vomiting to Expel Phlegm collecting in chest
Whan are medicinals for external applications used? Topically for bleeding, swelling/inflammation, pain, oozing fluids, to stop itching and promote healing of skin lesions
What are the forms which are used for Herbs for External Application? powders, ointments, washes, steams or soaks.
What is the English name for Liu Huang? Sulphur
What are the temperture and tastes of Liu Huang? Sour, Hot, Toxic
What organs does Liu Huang have an affinity for? KD and LI
What are the actions of Liu Huang? 1)Relieve toxicity, kill parasites and stop itching 2) tonifies KD Yang for knee and LBP, impotence and cold constipation.
What is the English name for She Chuang Zi? Cnidium Seeds
What are the temperature and tastes of She Chuang Zi? Acrid, bitter and Warm
What organ does She Chuang Zi have an affinity for? KD
What are the actions of She Chuang Zi? 1)Dry dampness + stop itching esp in genitals 2)Warm KD to forifity Yang 3)disperses Wind Damp Cold for LBP 4)Disperses Cold + dries dampness for vaginal discharge
She Chuang Zi + Ku Shen + Bai Bu treats what? Dry dampness + stops itching esp in genitals
She Chuang Zi + Qing Fen treats what? Dry dampness + stop itching with damp eczema/scabies/ringworm
She Chuang Zi + Tu Si Zi + Wu Wei Zi treats what? Warm KD to fortify Yang For impotence or infertility
She Chuang Zi + Sang Ji Sheng + Du Zhong + Qin Jiao treats what? Disperses Wind Damp Cold for LBP
She Chuang Zi + Shan Zhu Yu + Xiang Fu + Che Qian Zi treats what? Disperses Cold and dries Dampness for vaginal discharge
What is teh English name for Shan Ci Gu treats what? Cremastra
What are the taste and temperature of Shan Ci Gu? Sweet, Cold and slightly toxic
What organ does Shan Ci Gu have an affinity for? LV and ST
What action does Shan Ci Gu have? Clear Heat, Relieve Toxic Sores and Dissipates Nodules
What is the English name for Ban Mao? Mylabris
Created by: nesaherbal
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