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patho definitions

disease a state of disequilibrium, a change in function or structure that is considered to be abnormal. It may be resolved by recovery or death.
etiology it is the cause of the disease.
sign it is an objective evidence of disease observed on physical examination, such as abnormal pulse or fever.
symptom a subjective indication of disease reported by the patient, such as pain, dizziness, and itching.
syndrome combination of symptoms. certain sets of signs and symptoms occur concurently in some diseases, and this combination is called a syndrome.
mortality a measure of the number of deaths attributed to a disease in a given population over a given period of time.
morbidity a measure of the disability and the extent of illness caused by a disease within a given population.
prevalence the number of existing causes of a disease . describes the number of cases of disease occurring
risk factor it predisposes an individual to the development of a disease. an individual with a risk factor for a certain disease has an increased chance of developing that disease.
lesion damaged gene or enzyme, or abnormal cells, tissues, or organs.
idiopathic when the cause of a disease is unknown.
etiology the cause of the disease.
acute disease a disease with a sudden onset and is short term.
chronic disease a disease that begins insidiously and is long-lived.
terminal disease a disease that enda in death.
remission when the signs and symptoms of a chronic disease at times subside.
exacerbation when the signs and symptoms a a chronic disease recur in a more severe form
relapse occurs when a disease returns weeks or months after its apparent cessation
complicationns are diseases that develop in a person already suffering from a disease
sequela the aftermath of a particular disease
prognosis the predicted course and outcome of a disease.
immunity the ability of the body to defend itself against infectious agents, foreign cells, and the abnormal body cells
antigen the foreign element that triggers the immune response
autoimmunity when individuals develop antibodies to their own self antigens
autoantibodies antibodies produced against self antigens
nonspecific immunity provides immediate but general protection against any foreign agent that enters the body. physsical and chemical barriers, fever, inflammation PRESENT AT BIRTH.
specific immunity is effective against particular identified agents and develops a response to the agent.ACQUIRED
lymphatic system a network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid organs.
lupus a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints,heart, lungs, blood, kidneys, and brain.
sclerdoma an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue Literally means "hard skin".
sjogren's syndrome a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of the glands and other tissues.
HIV a retrovirus
active immunity is when a person received a vaccine or a toxoid as the antigen and he or she forms antibodies to counteract it. Boosters may be required.
passive immunity is when a person is given doses of preformed antibodies. it is short lived but acts immediately
auto immune disease refers to a varied group of more than 80 serious, chronic illnesses that involve almost every organ system.
Created by: carolynsue
Popular Physiology sets




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