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Human Body Chapt 1

Human Body Chapt 1 Respiration and Excretion

What is the purpose of mucus produced in the lining of the nose? The purpose of the thick, sticky liquid called mucus is to trap germs and dust.
What is another name for the “windpipe?” trachea
Which part of the respiratory system has the job of passing oxygen to the red blood cells? the air sacs or alveoli
Capillaries are very, very, thin and tiny... blood vessels
A gas needed by the cells to do their work, and which enters your body when you breathe in, is called... oxygen
When red blood cells have picked up oxygen and are traveling AWAY from the heart, their color is... bright red
Nitrogen wastes are carried away from the body cells by the watery part of blood called... plasma
Most of the carbon dioxide produced in the body’s cells is carried away by the plasma, but some is carried away by the... red blood cells
Until they are ready to leave the body, liquid wastes are stored in the... urinary bladder
One job of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of wastes produced when body cells break down a nutrient called protein. That kind of cell waste is called... nitrogen
The body gets rid of its excess water through.... (hint: 3) lungs, skin, kidneys
Breathing out is called... exhaling
When you sleep your body needs less energy, so less_______ is required by your cells. oxygen
Nutrients are carried to your body cells in the .... plasma
The body’s ________ system is responsible for removing protein wastes from the body urinary (which is part of the excretory system)
How many times a day is the blood cleaned by the kidneys in a person that is healthy? 40 times a day
Plain water is good for you but you can also replace water that your body loses from other liquids such as... milk, fruit juice, and sports drinks
Which part of the respiratory system gets the air ready for your lungs? the nose...warms and moistens the air to improve the gas exchange
Where does the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide take place in the lungs? the air sacs or alveoli
What is the gas that is produced by the cells as they work, and which leaves your body when you exhale, breathe out? carbon dioxide
What color are the red blood cells after they have given up their oxygen and are traveling back to the heart? purplish
Cells release ENERGY by using oxygen to break down.... sugar
The group of organs that gets rid of cell wastes is called the __________ system. excretory
The organs that contain millions of tiny tubes called nephrons which filter nitrogen wastes from the blood are called.... kidneys
The process of breathing IN is called... inhaling
What is one reason we sweat, or excrete water through the sweat glands in our skin, when we are very active and produce a lot of heat? Excreting water, salts, and other minerals through the sweat glands in our skin helps maintain a normal body temperature. As the sweat evaporates it cools us down.
Created by: fernanm
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