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ACF Biology
Question | Answer |
foundin1972byKerr,Wylie&Currie.p53 start this process.diff from form of programmed cell death | apoptosis |
Alzheimer's Disease | |
antibody | |
antidiuretic hormone | |
appendix | |
ATP (or adenosine triphosphate) | |
auxins | |
red blood cells | |
Rotifera | |
thymus | |
thyroid gland | |
transcription | |
transfer RNA | |
transposons | |
trilobites | |
Tryptophan | |
uracil | |
Urea cycle | |
uterus | |
vagus nerve | |
xylem | |
Y chromosome | |
abscisic acid | |
acetylcholine | |
actin | |
adenine | |
adrenal glands | |
amino acids | |
anaphase | |
angiogenesis | |
Archaea or Archaebacteria | |
Barr body | |
bile (accept early response of gall) | |
Bryophyta (accept bryophytes) | |
Caenorhabditis elegans | |
Calvin cycle | |
carbonic anhydrase | |
Carrying Capacity | |
cartilage | |
CAT or CT scanning | |
centromere | |
cerebellum | |
chitin | |
chlorophyll | |
cholera | |
cholesterol | |
Cnidaria | |
cochlea | |
collagen | |
cornea | |
corpus callosum | |
cortisol | |
Crassulacean acid metabolism | |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease | |
cyanobacteria | |
cyclic AMP or cAMP or cyclic 3'-5' adenosine monophosphate | |
Cystic Fibrosis | |
cytokinesis | |
cytokinins | |
diaphragm | |
DNA polymerase | |
dopamine | |
Echinodermata or Echinoderms | |
electron transport chain | |
electrophoresis | |
emphysema | |
epidermis | |
Epstein-Barr virus | |
Escherichia coli | |
femur | |
flagellum [or flagella] | |
fluid mosaic model | |
Fragile X Syndrome | |
G proteins | |
gamma-amino butyric acid | |
gastrula | |
gibberellins | |
glial cells (or neuroglia) | |
glucagon | |
glucose | |
glycine | |
glycolysis or Embden-Meyerhof pathway | |
Golgi apparatus | |
Gram stain | |
green fluorescent protein | |
helicase | |
hemoglobin | |
Herpesviridae [or Herpes viruses] | |
histidine | |
histones | |
HIV [or human immunodeficiency virus] | |
Huntington's Disease | |
hyphae | |
hypothalamus | |
imprinting | |
influenza viruses | |
insulin | |
intercalating agents | |
interferons | |
introns | |
Kaposi's sarcoma | |
Klinefelter's Syndrome | |
Krebs cycle | |
lactic acid | |
Lambda phage | |
lichen | |
Liver | |
Lyme disease | |
lysosome | |
Malaria | |
Marcello Malphigi | |
Marfan syndrome | |
medulla oblongata | |
meninges | |
metastasis | |
Michaelis-Menten | |
microtubules | |
mimicry | |
mitochondria | |
mollusca [or molluscs] | |
niacin | |
nucleolus | |
oncogenes | |
operon | |
p53 | |
pancreas | |
Parkinson's disease | |
Penicillin | |
peptidoglycan (accept early murein) | |
peroxisome | |
Phenylketonuria | |
phloem | |
pineal gland | |
plasmids | |
Plasmodium | |
polio [or poliovirus; or poliomyelitis] | |
Polymerase Chain Reaction or PCR | |
polyploidy | |
pons Varolii | |
Porifera (prompt on early "sponges") | |
Porphyrins | |
prions | |
proline | |
prophase | |
prostate gland | |
psoriasis | |
restriction enzyme; | |
retina | |
reverse transcriptase or RNA-dependent DNA polymerase | |
Rh factor | |
ribosomes | |
RNA interference | |
Salmonella | |
Sickle Cell Disease or Anemia | |
sodium-potassium pump | |
somatostatin | |
sonic hedgehog homolog | |
spinnerets | |
spleen | |
stem cells | |
systemic lupus erythematosus [or SLE] | |
Tay-Sachs disease | |
telomeres | |
thalidomide |