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ACF American Lit
American Lit
Question | Answer |
Ambrose Bierce | |
An American Tragedy | |
An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge | |
Angle of Repose | |
Anna Christie | |
Anne Bradstreet | |
Arrowsmith | |
Arthur Miller | |
Babbitt | |
Bartleby the Scrivener | |
John Dos Passos | |
John Greenleaf Whittier | |
John Steinbeck | |
The Rise of Silas Lapham | |
The Song of the Lark | |
The Sun Also Rises | |
The Turn of the Screw | |
The Waste Land | |
The Yellow Wallpaper | |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | |
Theodore Roethke | |
Thomas Pynchon | |
Thornton Wilder | |
To a Waterfowl | |
Toni Morrison | |
Tropic of Cancer | |
Truman Capote | |
Twice-Told Tales | |
Uncle Tom | |
Upton Sinclair | |
Vachel Lindsay | |
Waiting for Lefty | |
Walker Percy | |
Wallace Stegner | |
Wallace Stevens | |
Walt Whitman | |
Washington Irving | |
Washington Square | |
Watch on the Rhine | |
Willa Cather | |
William Carlos Williams | |
William Cullen Bryant | |
William Dean Howells | |
William Inge | |
Winesburg, Ohio | |
Zoo Story | |
A Farewell to Arms | |
A Good Man Is Hard to Find | |
A Hazard of New Fortunes | |
A Raisin in the Sun | |
Abraham Lincoln | |
Ah! Wilderness | |
Alice B. Toklas | |
All My Sons | |
All the King's Men | |
Ariel | |
Benito Cereno | |
Bernard Malamud | |
Black Boy | |
Black Mountain Poets | |
Blood Meridian | |
Bret Harte | |
Bus Stop | |
Catch-22 | |
Chester Himes | |
Cormac McCarthy | |
David Henry Hwang | |
Death Comes for the Archbishop | |
Death of a Salesman | |
Delta Wedding | |
Diving Into The Wreck | |
Don DeLillo | |
Dorothy Parker | |
Edgar Allan Poe | |
Edna Ferber | |
Edward Albee | |
Edwin Arlington Robinson | |
Elmer Gantry | |
Ernest Hemingway | |
Erskine Caldwell | |
Ethan Frome | |
Eudora Welty | |
Eugene O'Neill | |
Ezra Pound | |
F. Scott Fitzgerald | |
Fences | |
Flowering Judas | |
Frank Norris | |
General William Booth Enters Into Heaven | |
George F. Babbitt (prompt on first name) | |
Go Down, Moses | |
Go Tell it on the Mountain | |
Gwendolyn Brooks | |
Hart Crane | |
Henry James (prompt on just last name) | |
Henry Miller | |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | |
Herman Melville | |
Herzog | |
Holden Caulfield | |
Howl | |
I Sing the Body Electric | |
Ignatius J. Reilly (accept either name) | |
Infinite Jest | |
Invisible Man | |
Isaac Bashevis Singer | |
Jack London | |
James Fenimore Cooper | |
James Russell Lowell | |
Jerome David Salinger | |
Joseph Heller | |
Kate Chopin | |
Katherine Ann Porter | |
Kilgore Trout | |
Kurt Vonnegut | |
Langston Hughes | |
Lawrence Ferlinghetti | |
Leaves of Grass | |
Light in August | |
Lillian Hellman | |
Long Day's Journey Into Night | |
Look Homeward, Angel | |
Looking Backward, 2000-1887 | |
Maggie | |
Main Street | |
Marianne Moore | |
Mark Twain (or Samuel Clemens) | |
Michael Chabon | |
Miss Lonelyhearts | |
Mosses from an Old Manse | |
Mourning Becomes Electra | |
My Antonia | |
Myra Breckinridge | |
Naked Lunch | |
Nathaniel Hawthorne | |
Newton Booth Tarkington | |
O Pioneers! | |
On the Road | |
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking | |
Paul Laurence Dunbar | |
Portnoy's Complaint | |
Quentin Compson | |
Rabbit [or Harry Angstrom] | |
Ralph Waldo Emerson | |
Randall Jarrell | |
Ray Bradbury | |
Raymond Chandler | |
Richard Wright | |
Robert Frost | |
Robert Lowell | |
Sarah Orne Jewett | |
Saul Bellow | |
Self-Reliance | |
Seymour Glass | |
Shirley Jackson | |
Sidney Lanier | |
Sinclair Lewis | |
Sister Carrie | |
Song of Myself | |
Spoon River Anthology | |
Stephen Crane | |
Strange Interlude | |
Susan Sontag | |
Tales of a Wayside Inn | |
Tales of the Alhambra | |
Thanatopsis | |
The Ambassadors | |
The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man | |
The Awakening | |
The Bell Jar | |
The Biglow Papers | |
The Blithedale Romance | |
The Blue Hotel | |
The Bluest Eye | |
The Bostonians | |
The Bridge | |
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County | |
The Chambered Nautilus | |
The Children's Hour | |
The Country of the Pointed Firs | |
The Courtship of Miles Standish | |
The Crying of Lot 49 | |
The Day of the Locust | |
The Death of the Hired Man | |
The Dream Songs | |
The Europeans | |
The Fire Next Time | |
The Grapes of Wrath | |
The Great American Novel | |
The Great Gatsby | |
The Hamlet | |
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | |
The House of Mirth | |
The Human Stain | |
The Ice Storm | |
The Killers | |
The Last of the Mohicans | |
The Lottery | |
The Magnificent Ambersons | |
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg | |
The Marble Faun | |
The Mysterious Stranger | |
The Natural | |
The Open Boat | |
The Sheltering Sky | |
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. |