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ACF World History
World History
Question | Answer |
Natives are Araucanians.Patria Vieja period ended@Rancagua.Annexed Tacna&Arica in War of the by Bernardo O'Higgins.Country ruled by Salvadore Allende&Augusto Pinochet. | Chile |
wrote poetry book called chandi di var.whole family killed by aurungzeb.organized khalsas.declared book of adi granth to be last was teg bahadur.10th&last guru of sikhs | Gobind Singh |
oth involved:John Blaxland&Richard Atkins.bligh sent letter to castlereagh.start w/attack on govt house.led by George Johnson and John Macarthur.stopped by Lachlan Macquarie.1808 austl anti-bligh revolt by new south wales corps over ban of it as$ | Rum Rebellion |
Abbasid | |
Abu Bakr | |
Akbar the Great | |
Axum | |
Alfredo Stroessner | |
Algeria | |
Almoravids | |
An Lushan | |
Ashanti | |
Ashikaga | |
Argentina | |
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna | |
Assassins | |
Aurangzeb | |
Ayacucho | |
Ain Jalut | |
Ali ibn Abi Talib | |
Babur | |
Basil II | |
Dahomey | |
Gallipoli | |
Genghis Khan | |
Haiti | |
Safavid dynasty | |
Songhai Empire | |
Suleiman the Magnificent | |
Sun Yat-sen | |
Sundiata Keita | |
Syngman Rhee | |
Taiping Rebellion | |
Suez Crisis | |
Taiwan | |
Tupac Amaru | |
War of the Triple Alliance | |
Treaty of Waitangi | |
Battle of Puebla | |
Battle of Plassey | |
Tang dynasty | |
Timur the Lame | |
Atlantic Charter | |
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | |
Hundred Flowers | |
Idi Amin | |
Indira Gandhi | |
Jawaharlal Nehru | |
Jamaica | |
Haile Selassie I | |
Hainan | |
Julius Nyerere | |
Kamakura | |
Kanem-Bornu | |
Khmer Empire | |
Soccer War | |
Simon Bolivar | |
Stamford Raffles | |
Battle of Isandlwana | |
Battle of Manzikert | |
Bolivia | |
Children's Crusade | |
Fourth Crusade | |
Red Eyebrows | |
Six Days' War | |
St. John Chrysostom | |
Sui dynasty | |
Third Crusade | |
Treaty of Ghent | |
Treaty of Shimonoseki | |
Umayyads | |
Wang Mang | |
War of the Pacific | |
Washington Naval Conference | |
White Lotus Rebellion | |
Yellow Turban Rebellion | |
Yi or Choson Dynasty | |
Yuan Dynasty | |
Yuan Shikai | |
al Mahdi | |
Australian Aborigines | |
Ayyubids | |
Battle of Okinawa | |
Battle of Omdurman | |
Battle of the Coral Sea | |
Benito Juarez | |
Bernardo O'Higgins | |
Biafra | |
Camp David Accords | |
Chandragupta Maurya | |
Chiang Kai-Shek or Jiang Jieshi | |
David Ben-Gurion [accept David Gruen] | |
Dawes Plan | |
Dumbarton Oaks | |
Durham Report | |
Ecuador | |
Emiliano Zapata | |
Ernesto "Che" Guevara | |
Ethiopia | |
Farouk I (also accept Faruq al-Awwal) | |
Fashoda incident | |
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal | |
Francisco Pizarro | |
François "Papa Doc" Duvalier | |
Gamal Abdel Nasser | |
Georgia | |
Getulio Vargas | |
Ghana | |
Golden Horde | |
Gran Chaco War | |
Han Dynasty | |
Harun al-Rashid | |
Iwo Jima | |
Jameson Raid | |
Java (prompt on Indonesia) | |
Juan Manuel de Rosas | |
Juan Perón | |
Juan Ponce de Leon | |
Kongo empire | |
Korea | |
Kwame Nkrumah | |
La Republica de Colombia | |
League of Nations | |
Lin Biao | |
Lord Horatio Herbert Kitchener | |
Macao [or Macau] | |
Mali | |
Mamluks | |
Mansa Musa | |
Maori | |
Marcus Moziah Garvey | |
Mau Mau Rebellion | |
Meiji Restoration | |
Miguel Hidalgo v Costilla | |
Minamoto | |
Ming Dynasty | |
Mobutu Sese Seko | |
Mughal dynasty | |
Muhammad Ali (born Mekhmet Ali) | |
Muhammad Ali Jinnah | |
Muhammad Ali Pasha (or Mehmet Ali) | |
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk | |
Nazca or Nasca | |
Night of the Long Knives | |
Opium Wars | |
Oslo Accords | |
Ottoman Empire | |
Patrice Lumumba | |
Pedro II de Alcãntara | |
Pol Pot (accept early Saloth Sar) | |
Porfirio Diaz | |
Ralph Bunche | |
Reconquista (prompt on "reconquest") | |
Republic of Paraguay | |
Salvador Allende | |
Second Anglo-Boer War | |
Sepoy Rebellion | |
Shah Jahan | |
Shaka Zulu | |
Sino-Japanese War | |
St. Brendan | |
the United Arab Republic |