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ACF European History
European History
Question | Answer |
Signed treaties of Knared, Stolbovo, Altmark .Cousin was Sigismund 3 of Poland. Axel Oxenstierna was chancellor. Won battles of Breitenfeld and Lutzen (where he died). Swedish king during 30 years war. | Gustavus Adolphus |
Austrian Count Andrassy asked for this. Shrunk Bulgaria. Serbia, Montenegro and Romania were granted independence. Gave Dobruja to Romania. Created Eastern Rumelia. Dominated by Otto Van Bismarck.Revised Treaty of San Stefano in 1878. | Congress of Berlin |
Made Sweden sovereign over Norway. Guaranteed Swiss neutrality. Castlereagh was British rep. Hardenberg was Prussian rep. Talleyrand was French rep. Led by Metternich. Rewrote European power balance in 1815. | Congress of Vienna |
Military pact(Tohopesate).Major kontors were London,Bergen,Novgorod.Last meeting in 1669.After Peace of Vordingborg,Beat Valdemar4(Denmark)&forced Treaty of Straslund.Bremen,Hamburg&Lübeck last members.Northern European trading league that had Baltic Sea. | Hanseatic League |
wants enosis w/gree.former rulers:house lusignan,makarios 3.famagusta captured by ottomans in 1571.old source of copper.invaded by turk in 1974.island divided btw greeks&turks | Cyprus |
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar | |
Battle of Agincourt | |
Battle of Austerlitz | |
Battle of Bannockburn | |
Battle of Blenheim | |
Battle of Bosworth Field | |
Battle of Culloden Moor | |
Battle of Lepanto | |
Battle of Lutzen | |
Battle of Mohacs | |
Battle of Narva | |
Battle of Stamford Bridge | |
Peace of Westphalia | |
South Sea Bubble | |
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre | |
The Tin Drum | |
the War of the Austrian Succession | |
Thirty Years' War | |
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle | |
Treaty of Karlowitz | |
Treaty of Nystad | |
Treaty of Paris | |
Treaty of San Stefano | |
Treaty of Verdun | |
Ulrich Zwingli | |
Ulster | |
Vasa | |
Vichy France | |
War of the Devolution | |
War of the Polish Succession | |
War of the Three Henrys | |
William Gladstone | |
William II or William Rufus | |
Willy Brandt | |
zemsky sobor | |
Zollverein | |
Adolf Hitler | |
Adrian IV | |
Adrianople | |
Aethelred IIs | |
Albania | |
Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein | |
Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky | |
Alexander I | |
Alexander II | |
Alexander III of Scotland | |
Alexander Nevsky | |
Alfred the Great | |
Battle of Flodden Field | |
Battle of Leipzig | |
Battle of Marengo | |
Battle of Sedan | |
Battle of Solferino | |
Battle of Tewkesbury | |
Battle of the Boyne | |
Battle of the Bulge | |
Battle of the Dunes | |
Battle of Tours or Battle of Poitiers | |
Battle of Verdun | |
Benjamin Disraeli | |
Berlin Wall | |
Borgia | |
Borodino | |
Bourbon | |
Braganza or Bragança | |
Cardinal Jules Mazarin | |
Cardinal Richelieu | |
Carlsbad Decrees | |
Castile | |
Cato Street Conspiracy | |
Chamberlain | |
Charlemagne | |
Charles II | |
Charles Stewart Parnell | |
Charles V | |
Chartism (accept: Chartists) | |
Christina | |
Clarendon Code | |
Concordat of Worms | |
Council of Chalcedon | |
Council of Clermont | |
Council of Constance | |
Council of Pisa | |
Council of Trent | |
David Lloyd George | |
Decembrists | |
Denmark | |
Don John (or Juan) of Austria | |
Drogheda [or Droichead Átha] | |
Easter Rebellion | |
Edict of Nantes | |
Edward IV of England | |
Edward the Confessor | |
Edward VI | |
El Escorial | |
Elizabeth I | |
Erich Honecker | |
Francisco Franco | |
Frederick II | |
George II | |
George Vancouver | |
Georges Clemenceau | |
Girolamo Savonarola | |
Girondins or Girondists | |
Giuseppe Garibaldi | |
Golden Bull | |
Gordon Riots | |
Granada | |
Guelphs [or Guelfs; or Welfs] | |
Habsburg [or Hapsburg] | |
Harold II | |
Henry I [or Henry the Fowler or Heinrich I] | |
Henry I of England [prompt on Henry] | |
Henry III | |
Henry IV | |
Henry IV or Heinrich IV | |
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston | |
Henry the Navigator | |
Henry VI | |
Henry VII | |
Henry VIII | |
Hohenzollern | |
House of Capet or Capetian dynasty | |
Hugh Capet | |
Hundred Years War | |
Hungary or Magyarország | |
Isabella I of Castile | |
Ivan IV | |
Jack Cade | |
Jacobite Rebellions | |
Jacquerie | |
Jagiellonian dyansty | |
James I of England | |
Jan Sobieski | |
Jean-Baptiste Colbert | |
John Major | |
John of Gaunt | |
Joseph II | |
July Revolution | |
Kaiser Wilhelm II | |
Kaliningrad oblast | |
Kalmar Union | |
Konrad Adenauer | |
Kulturkampf¨ | |
Lajos Kossuth | |
Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria | |
Lech Walesa | |
Leonid Brezhnev | |
Leopold II | |
Levelers | |
Lollards | |
Long Parliament | |
Lorenzo de'Medici, the Magnificent | |
Louis IX of France [or Saint Louis] | |
Louis XI | |
Louis XIV [prompt on Louis] | |
Ludwig II or Louis II | |
Magna Carta | |
Magyars | |
Margaret Hilda Roberts Thatcher | |
Maria Theresa | |
Merovingian dynasty | |
Metternich | |
Michael Collins | |
Napoleon III | |
Navarre | |
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev | |
Novgorod | |
Otto I | |
Otto von Bismarck | |
Owen Glendower | |
Paris Commune | |
Peace of Bretigny | |
Peace of Utrecht | |
Peasants' Revolt | |
Pepin III or Pepin the Short | |
Peter the Great [or Peter I] | |
Peterloo Massacre | |
Petition of Right | |
Philip II [prompt on Philip] | |
Phoenix Park Murders | |
Pilgrimage of Grace | |
Poland | |
Poor Laws | |
Pope Julius II | |
Popish Plot | |
Portugal | |
Pragmatic Sanction | |
Prague Spring [or Praska Jaro] | |
Prince Eugene of Savoy | |
Republic of Malta | |
Robert Guiscard | |
Robert the Bruce | |
Robert Walpole | |
Romania | |
Rye House plot | |
Saint Thomas à Becket | |
Schmalkaldic League | |
Scotland | |
Seven Weeks' War or Austro-Prussian War | |
Sicily | |
Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester | |
Sinn Féin | |
Sir Robert Peel | |
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill | |
Spanish Armada | |
Star Chamber | |
Stephen I of Blois | |
Switzerland | |
Tennis Court Oath | |
Teutonic Knights | |
the battle of Crécy | |
the Finneans | |
the Golden Hind | |
the Great Northern War | |
Theodoric the Great | |
Thomas Wyatt | |
Venice | |
Vlad the Impaler | |
Wessex |