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J Chemical Elements


This element with a symbol of Ac comes from the from Greek aktinos and has an atomic number of 89 Actinium
This element with a symbol of Ag comes from the Latin argentum and has an atomic number of 47 Silver
This element with a symbol of Al comes from the Latin alumen and has an atomic number of 13 Aluminium (Aluminum)
This element with a symbol of Am comes from the the Americas and has an atomic number of 95 Americium
This element with a symbol of Ar comes from the Greek argon and has an atomic number of 18 Argon
This element with a symbol of As comes from the Greek arsenikos and has an atomic number of 33 Arsenic
This element with a symbol of At comes from the Greek astatos and has an atomic number of 85 Astatine
This element with a symbol of Au comes from the Latin aurum and has an atomic number of 79 Gold
This element with a symbol of B comes from the borax and has an atomic number of 5 Boron
This element with a symbol of Ba comes from the Greek barys and has an atomic number of 56 Barium
This element with a symbol of Be comes from the beryl and has an atomic number of 4 Beryllium
This element with a symbol of Bh comes from the Niels Bohr and has an atomic number of 107 Bohrium
This element with a symbol of Bi comes from the from German wissmuth and has an atomic number of 83 Bismuth
This element with a symbol of Bk comes from the Berkeley, California and has an atomic number of 97 Berkelium
This element with a symbol of Br comes from the Greek bromos and has an atomic number of 35 Bromine
This element with a symbol of C comes from the Latin carbo and has an atomic number of 6 Carbon
This element with a symbol of Ca comes from the Latin calx and has an atomic number of 20 Calcium
This element with a symbol of Cd comes from the from Greek kadmia and has an atomic number of 48 Cadmium
This element with a symbol of Ce comes from the Ceres and has an atomic number of 58 Cerium
This element with a symbol of Cf comes from the State and University of California and has an atomic number of 98 Californium
This element with a symbol of Cl comes from the Greek chloros and has an atomic number of 17 Chlorine
This element with a symbol of Cm comes from the Pierre and Marie Curie and the traditional -um ending and has an atomic number of 96 Curium
This element with a symbol of Cn comes from the Nicolaus Copernicus and has an atomic number of 112 Copernicium
This element with a symbol of Co comes from the from German kobold and has an atomic number of 27 Cobalt
This element with a symbol of Cr comes from the Greek chroma and has an atomic number of 24 Chromium
This element with a symbol of Cs comes from the Latin caesius and has an atomic number of 55 Caesium (Cesium)
This element with a symbol of Cu comes from the Latin Cuprum and has an atomic number of 29 Copper
This element with a symbol of Db comes from the Dubna, Russia and has an atomic number of 105 Dubnium
This element with a symbol of Ds comes from the Darmstadt, Germany and has an atomic number of 110 Darmstadtium
This element with a symbol of Dy comes from the Greek dysprositos and has an atomic number of 66 Dysprosium
This element with a symbol of Er comes from the Ytterby, Sweden and has an atomic number of 68 Erbium
This element with a symbol of Es comes from the Albert Einstein and has an atomic number of 99 Einsteinium
This element with a symbol of Eu comes from the Europe and has an atomic number of 63 Europium
This element with a symbol of F comes from the Latin fluo and has an atomic number of 9 Fluorine
This element with a symbol of Fe comes from the Latin ferrum and has an atomic number of 26 Iron
This element with a symbol of Fm comes from the Enrico Fermi and has an atomic number of 100 Fermium
This element with a symbol of Fr comes from the France and has an atomic number of 87 Francium
This element with a symbol of Ga comes from the Latin Gallia and has an atomic number of 31 Gallium
This element with a symbol of Gd comes from the gadolinite and has an atomic number of 64 Gadolinium
This element with a symbol of Ge comes from the Germany and has an atomic number of 32 Germanium
This element with a symbol of H comes from the Greek hydrogenes and has an atomic number of 1 Hydrogen
This element with a symbol of He comes from the Greek helios and has an atomic number of 2 Helium
This element with a symbol of Hf comes from the Latin Hafnia and has an atomic number of 72 Hafnium
This element with a symbol of Hg comes from the Latin hydrargyrum and has an atomic number of 80 Mercury
This element with a symbol of Ho comes from the Latin Holmia and has an atomic number of 67 Holmium
This element with a symbol of Hs comes from the Hesse, Germany and has an atomic number of 108 Hassium
This element with a symbol of I comes from the Greek ioeides and has an atomic number of 53 Iodine
This element with a symbol of In comes from the indigo blue and has an atomic number of 49 Indium
This element with a symbol of Ir comes from the Greek iris and has an atomic number of 77 Iridium
This element with a symbol of K comes from the Latin kalium and has an atomic number of 19 Potassium (Kalium)
This element with a symbol of Kr comes from the Greek kryptos and has an atomic number of 36 Krypton
This element with a symbol of La comes from the Greek lanthanien and has an atomic number of 57 Lanthanum
This element with a symbol of Li comes from the Greek lithos and has an atomic number of 3 Lithium
This element with a symbol of Lr comes from the Ernest O. Lawrence and has an atomic number of 103 Lawrencium
This element with a symbol of Lu comes from the Latin Lutetia and has an atomic number of 71 Lutetium
This element with a symbol of Md comes from the Dmitri Mendeleyev and has an atomic number of 101 Mendelevium
This element with a symbol of Mg comes from the Magnesia, Greece and has an atomic number of 12 Magnesium
This element with a symbol of Mn comes from the Latin magnes and has an atomic number of 25 Manganese
This element with a symbol of Mo comes from the Greek molybdos and has an atomic number of 42 Molybdenum
This element with a symbol of Mt comes from the Lise Meitner and has an atomic number of 109 Meitnerium
This element with a symbol of N comes from the Greek nitron and has an atomic number of 7 Nitrogen
This element with a symbol of Na comes from the Latin natrium and has an atomic number of 11 Sodium
This element with a symbol of Nb comes from the Niobe and has an atomic number of 41 Niobium
This element with a symbol of Nd comes from the Greek neos didymos and has an atomic number of 60 Neodymium
This element with a symbol of Ne comes from the Greek neos and has an atomic number of 10 Neon
This element with a symbol of Ni comes from the German kupfernickel and has an atomic number of 28 Nickel
This element with a symbol of No comes from the Alfred Nobel and has an atomic number of 102 Nobelium
This element with a symbol of Np comes from the Neptune and has an atomic number of 93 Neptunium
This element with a symbol of O comes from the Greek oxys and has an atomic number of 8 Oxygen
This element with a symbol of Os comes from the Greek osme and has an atomic number of 76 Osmium
This element with a symbol of P comes from the Greek phosphoros and has an atomic number of 15 Phosphorus
This element with a symbol of Pa comes from the Greek protos and actinium and has an atomic number of 91 Protactinium
This element with a symbol of Pb comes from the Latin plumbum and has an atomic number of 82 Lead
This element with a symbol of Pd comes from the Pallas (genitive Pallados) and has an atomic number of 46 Palladium
This element with a symbol of Pm comes from the Prometheus and has an atomic number of 61 Promethium
This element with a symbol of Po comes from the Poland and has an atomic number of 84 Polonium
This element with a symbol of Pr comes from the Greek prasios and has an atomic number of 59 Praseodymium
This element with a symbol of Pt comes from the Greek platina and has an atomic number of 78 Platinum
This element with a symbol of Pu comes from the Pluto and has an atomic number of 94 Plutonium
This element with a symbol of Ra comes from the Latin radius and has an atomic number of 88 Radium
This element with a symbol of Rb comes from the Latin rubidus and has an atomic number of 37 Rubidium
This element with a symbol of Re comes from the German Rheinprovinz and has an atomic number of 75 Rhenium
This element with a symbol of Rf comes from the Ernest Rutherford and has an atomic number of 104 Rutherfordium
This element with a symbol of Rg comes from the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and has an atomic number of 111 Roentgenium
This element with a symbol of Rh comes from the Greek rhodon and has an atomic number of 45 Rhodium
This element with a symbol of Rn comes from the radium and emanation and has an atomic number of 86 Radon
This element with a symbol of Ru comes from the Latin Ruthenia and has an atomic number of 44 Ruthenium
This element with a symbol of S comes from the Latin sulfur and has an atomic number of 16 Sulfur (Sulphur)
This element with a symbol of Sb comes from the Latin stibium and has an atomic number of 51 Antimony
This element with a symbol of Sc comes from the Scandinavia and has an atomic number of 21 Scandium
This element with a symbol of Se comes from the Greek selene and has an atomic number of 34 Selenium
This element with a symbol of Sg comes from the Glenn T. Seaborg and has an atomic number of 106 Seaborgium
This element with a symbol of Si comes from the Latin silex and has an atomic number of 14 Silicon
This element with a symbol of Sm comes from the samarskite and has an atomic number of 62 Samarium
This element with a symbol of Sn comes from the Latin stannum and has an atomic number of 50 Tin
This element with a symbol of Sr comes from the Gaelic Strontian and has an atomic number of 38 Strontium
This element with a symbol of Ta comes from the King Tantalus and has an atomic number of 73 Tantalum
This element with a symbol of Tb comes from the Ytterby, Sweden and has an atomic number of 65 Terbium
This element with a symbol of Tc comes from the Greek technetos and has an atomic number of 43 Technetium
This element with a symbol of Te comes from the Greek tellus and has an atomic number of 52 Tellurium
This element with a symbol of Th comes from the Thor and has an atomic number of 90 Thorium
This element with a symbol of Ti comes from the the Titans and has an atomic number of 22 Titanium
This element with a symbol of Tl comes from the Greek thallos and has an atomic number of 81 Thallium
This element with a symbol of Tm comes from the Thule and the traditional -ium ending and has an atomic number of 69 Thulium
This element with a symbol of U comes from the Uranus and has an atomic number of 92 Uranium
This element with a symbol of Uuh comes from the Latin uni, uni, and Greek hex and has an atomic number of 116 Ununhexium
This element with a symbol of Uuo comes from the Latin uni, uni, and oct and has an atomic number of 118 Ununoctium
This element with a symbol of Uup comes from the Latin uni, uni, and Greek pent and has an atomic number of 115 Ununpentium
This element with a symbol of Uuq comes from the Latin uni, uni, and quadr and has an atomic number of 114 Ununquadium
This element with a symbol of Uus comes from the Latin uni, uni, and Greek sept and has an atomic number of 117 Ununseptium
This element with a symbol of Uut comes from the Latin uni, uni, and Greek tri and has an atomic number of 113 Ununtrium
This element with a symbol of V comes from the Vanadis and has an atomic number of 23 Vanadium
This element with a symbol of W comes from the German wolfram and has an atomic number of 74 Tungsten
This element with a symbol of Xe comes from the Greek xenos and has an atomic number of 54 Xenon
This element with a symbol of Y comes from the Ytterby, Sweden and has an atomic number of 39 Yttrium
This element with a symbol of Yb comes from the Ytterby, Sweden and has an atomic number of 70 Ytterbium
This element with a symbol of Zn comes from the German zink and has an atomic number of 30 Zinc
This element with a symbol of Zr comes from the zircon and has an atomic number of 40 Zirconium
Created by: sc_from_or
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