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basic nursing flashcards

What are pertinent signs and symptoms for internal Hemorrhaging? hypovolemic shock, swelling,restlessness, cool & clammy, rapid breathing, hypotension.
what are signs of external hemorrhaging? decreased hemoglobin & hematocrit levels, extensive bleeding, restlessness
What are signs of Pulmonary embolism? sudden chest pain, cyanosis, tachycardia, hypotension
what are signs of atelectasis? elevated respir rate, crackles, fever, dyspnea, productive cough.
what are signs of a thrombus? tenderness along vein, swollen calf or thigh, decreased pulse below thrombus.
What is hypovolemia? body loses water and electrolytes in ECF
What is hypervolemia? where there is a high level of water and sodium.
What is dehydration? water is lost but not electrolytes.
What are signs of hyperthermia? elevated HR, thready pulse, hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, decreased venous pressure.
In hypovolemia does hgb & hct levels go up or down. they go down.
In dehydration does hgb & hct levels go up or down. they go up.
How does active transport work. transports substance thru cell membrane from lower to higher area of concentration with use of ATP.
How does Diffusion work? solutes like gas,oxygen & carbon dioxide, move freely ffrom higher to lower concentration.
How does Osmosis Work? movement of water across semipermeable membrane.
Ph measures hydrogen ion concentration in body fluids
Oxygen saturation measures the percentage of hemoglobin molecules saturated by oxygen.
Filtration pressure is positive in arterioles
Filtration pressure is negative in venules
sensible fluid loss occurs in urine, feces, perspiration
insensible fluid loss occurs loss of water thru evaporation in the lungs
What is the purpose of buffers in the body to prevent body fluids from becoming over acidic or alkaline.
In what time period do infections usually occur post-op 2-7 days after
urinary retention is detected if unable to void after how long. 8-10 hours post op
signs and symptoms of hemorrhaging include tachypnea, shallow breaths, tachycardia, pale,cool and clammy skin, decrease urine, hypotension, increased bleeding, restlessness.
Created by: 656461616
Popular Surgery sets



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