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Formulas II Plus

General questions of category; herbs to add for specific sx

If Gu Jing is used to Enrich yin & clear heat to stabilize menses; and Gu Chong is used to Augment qi & strengthen SP to stop misscarriage, DUB, what is Zhen Ling Wan for? Purple red clots and Choppy pulse: 3 xu's (Chong, Ren, Du) have created cold (which constricts) and turned into stasis (xs)!
Herbs to add for severe Wei qi xu: Gui Zhi, Bai Shao (why Bai Shao? "Exterior deficiency" or "disharmony between nutritive and protective qi with aversion to Wind and sweating")
Herbs to add for severe sweating (d/t LU and HT qi xu?): Lian Zi, Wu Wei Zi, Ma Huang Gen
Formula for Phlegm-Fire disturbing Shen Iron Filings Drink (Sheng Tie Luo)
Increasing degree of Yang deficiency: What for "mild?" KD Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan)
Increasing degree of Yang deficiency: What for "moderate?" Restore the Right Pill (You Gui Wan)
Increasing degree of Yang deficiency: What for "severe?" Restore the Right DRINK (You Gui Yin)
What is Chief herb in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan? Shu Di Huang
What is Chief herb in Jin Gui SHen Qi Wan? SHENG Di Huang
What is Chief herb in Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan? SHENG Di Huang
What are the 2 envoy herbs in Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan? Jie Geng and MERCURY (Zhu Sha)
What are the Chief, Deputy and Assistant for Licorice, Wheat, Jujube Decoction? Floating Baby Wheat (Fu Xiao Mai) is chief (9-15 g). Gan Cao & Da Zao are both Deputies: GC dose 9 g; Da Zao 10 pieces
What herbs to add for Ben (xu heat/gushing) bleeding? E Jiao, Sheng Di Huang (Nourish Blood; Stop Bleeding)
What herbs to add for Lou (stasis/dripping) bleeding? San Qi, Pu Huang (Invigorate Blood, Transform Stasis, Stop Bleeding)
What three organs are affected by Xu bleeding treated by Gu Chong Tang? KD (SWLBK), LR (vision decline, numbness), SP (PA/LS)
What is chief herb of Si Shen Wan (Four Miracle Pill) for cock's crow diarrhea ("Wu Gen Xie")? Bu Gu Zhi (Fructus Psoraleae)- 120 grams!
What is deputy herb of Si Shen Wan (Four Miracle Pill) for cock's crow diarrhea ("Wu Gen Xie")? Rou Dou Kou (Nutmeg seed: Semen Myristicae)- 60 g
What are the two assistants of Si Shen Wan (Four Miracle Pill) for cock's crow diarrhea ("Wu Gen Xie")? Wu Wei Zi and Wu Zhu Yu (30 g of evodia fruit; 60 g of Orange magnolia vine fruit aka schisandra)
What herbs to add for pain d/t qi stagnation? (In context of cock's crow diarrhea and Si Shen Wan) Wu Yao, Da Pu Pi, Xiao Hui Xiang (!!!)
What herbs to add for lower ab pain? (In context of cock's crow diarrhea and Si Shen Wan) "Sour and sweet to relax and stop pain": Bai Shao (again!?) and Zhi Gan Cao
What herbs to add for prolapse? (In context of cock's crow diarrhea and Si Shen Wan) Chai Hu, Shen Ma, Huang Qi, Ge Gen
What are the "six yellows" in Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang? Shu di Huang. Sheng di Huang. Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Huang Bai. Huang Qi.
What is the indication for Dang Gui & Six Yellows Decoction? Sweating d/t Yin Xu
What is the formula for sweating d/t HT qi Xu? Oyster Shell Powder (Mu Li San)
What is the formula for deficiency of Lung qi AND Lung yin? Nine Immortals Powder (Jiu Xian San)
What is the Chief herb of Jade Windscreen Powder? Huang Qi (30 g)
What is the Deputy herb of Jade Windscreen Powder? Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) (60 g) OMG Bai Zhu is a Qi Tonic!: Tonify SP/Augment qi; Consolidate the surface & stop sweating (Qi Xu with spontaneous sweating & recurrent colds)
What is Envoy herb of Jade Windscreen Powder? Fang Feng (60 g)
Bonus points: What is the Stabilize KD/Stop Leakage formula for when there is KD Yin AND KD Yang insufficiency? Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Wan
Formula for leakage of semen Metal Lock Pill to Stabilize the KD (Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan)
Formula for leakage d/t HT & LU Xu Mantis Egg Case Powder
Formula for leakage d/t KD & UB Xu Shut the Sluice Pill (Suo Quan Wan)
Formula for intestinal leakage with a slippery, weak, slow P and a swollen T with TM? True Man's Decoction to Nourish the Organs (Zhen Ren Yang Tang)
Chief herbs of Gu Jing/Stabilize Menses formula? Need to tonify yin and clear heat, so Gui Ban & Bai Sha
Deputy herbs of Gu Jing/Stablize Menses formula? More heat clearing herbs: Huang Qin & Huang Bai
Assistant herbs of Gu Jing/Stabilize Menses formula? Xiang Fu and Chun Gen Pi
What is fx of Xiang Fu? Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi) is the "imperial herb for regulating menses & stopping pain." It is a qi regulator. Enter LR/SJ. Acrid, bitter, sl sweet, neutral.
What is fx of Chun Gen Pi (aka Chun Pi)? Chun Pi is S&B herb. Cortex Ailanthi. BAC/LI-ST. Cool the blood & stops bleeding. But also BInds intestine & astringes excessive vaginal discharge!
What herb for TaiYang syndrome? Gui Zhi
What herbs for ShaoYang syndrome? Chai Hu, Huang Qin
What herb for YangMing syndrome? Da Huang
What herbs might you add for severe Shen disturbance? Mu Li, Long Gu, Zhen Zhu Mu (Mother of Pearl), Huang Lian
What might you add to bump up the HT/KD Yin tonic effect of Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan? Shu Di Huang, Gou Qi Zi
What is the significant of That Shen disorder affects all Five Shen Organs
Anxiety, forgetfulness, palpitations, insomnia, disorientation are XS or Xu sx of Shen disturbance? Xu
Agitation, shouting, mania, bad temper are XS or Xu sx of Shen disturbance? XS
If Shen (spirit) reside in HT, where does Hun (soul) live? Liver
What herbs to add for mouth ulcers (in Shen disturbance/HT heat) formulas? Huang Lian, Lian Zi Xin
What are the "two Xians" in Er Xian Tang (Two Immortals)? Xian Mao (Rhizoma Curculiginis) (a HAT Yang tonic) and Xian Ling Pi aka Yin Yang Huo (Herba Epimedii) aka Yin Yang Huo
What SBF is Shi Bu Wan associated with? And what two herbs have been added to make it 10? KD Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet (which is Six Ingredient plus Gui Zhi and Fu Zi). Add Wu Wei Zi to tonify Yin; add Lu Rong to tonify Yang-- and you now have Ten Tonify Pill!
Created by: mrbarr
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