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Quiz Bowl Social Sci
Social Scientists from the Culture Page Index
Question | Answer |
Brooks Adams, 1848-1927, (U.S.) | historian, political theoretician; The Law of Civilization and Decay. |
Henry Adams, 1838-1918, (U.S.) | historian; History of the United States of America, The Education of Henry Adams. |
George Bancroft, 1800-91, (U.S.) | historian; wrote 10-volume History of the United States. |
Charles A. Beard, 1874-1948, (U.S.) | historian; The Economic Basis of Politics. |
Bede (the Venerable) | , c673-735, (Eng.) |
Ruth Benedict, 1887-1948, (U.S.) | anthropologist; studied Indian tribes of the Southwest. |
Bruno Bettleheim, 1903-90, (Aust.-U.S.) | psychoanalyst specializing in autistic children; The Uses of Enchantment. |
Louis Blanc, 1811-82, (Fr.) | Socialist leader and historian whose ideas were a link between utopian and Marxist socialism. |
Leonard Bloomfield, 1887-1949, (U.S.) | linguist; Language. |
Franz Boas, 1858-1942, (U.S.) | German-born anthropologist; studied American Indians. |
Van Wyck Brooks, 1886-1963, (U.S.) | historian; critic of New England culture, especially literature. |
Edmund Burke, 1729-97, (Ir.) | British parliamentarian and political philosopher; influenced many Federalists. |
Joseph Campbell, 1904-87, (U.S.) | author, editor, teacher; wrote books on mythology, folklore. |
Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881, (Sc.) | historian, critic; Sartor Resartus, Past and Present, The French Revolution. |
Edward Channing, 1856-1931, (U.S.) | historian; wrote 6-volume History of the United States. |
Benedetto Croce, 1866-1952, (It.) | philosopher, statesman, and historian; Philosophy of the Spirit. |
Bernard A. De Voto, 1897-1955, (U.S.) | historian; wrote trilogy on American West; edited Mark Twain manuscripts. |
Ariel Durant, 1898-1981, & Will Durant, 1885-1981, (U.S.) | historians; The Story of Civilization. |
Emile Durkheim, 1858-1917, (Fr.) | a founder of modern sociology; The Rules of Sociological Method. |
Friedrich Engels, 1820-95, (Ger.) | political writer; with Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto. |
Erik Erikson, 1902-94, (U.S.) | psychoanalyst, author; theory of developmental stages of life, Childhood and Society. |
John Fiske, 1842-1901, (U.S.) | historian and lecturer; popularized Darwinian theory of evolution. |
Charles Fourier, 1772-1837, (Fr.) | utopian socialist. |
Sir James George Frazer, 1854-1941, (Br.) | anthropologist; studied myth in religion, The Golden Bough. |
Edward Gibbon, 1737-94, (Br.) | historian; wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. |
Francesco Guicciardini, 1483-1540, (It.) | historian; wrote Storia d"Italia, principal historical work of the 16th cent. |
Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679, (Eng.) | philosopher, political theorist; Leviathan. |
Richard Hofstadter, 1916-70, (U.S.) | historian; The Age of Reform. |
Russell Kirk, 1918-94, (U.S.) | , social philosopher; The Conservative Mind. |
Alfred L. Kroeber, 1876-1960, (U.S.) | cultural anthropologist; studied Indians of North and South America. |
Christopher Lasch, 1932-94, (U.S.) | social critic, historian; The Culture of Narcissism. |
Lucien L�vy-Bruhl, 1857-1939, (Fr.) | philosopher; studied the psychology of primitive societies; Primitive Mentality. |
Kurt Lewin, 1890-1947, (U.S.) | German-born psychologist, studied human motivation and group dynamics. |
John Locke, 1632-1704, (Eng.) | philosopher and political theorist; Two Treatises of Government. |
Konrad Lorenz, 1904-89, (Austrian.) | ethologist; pioneer in study of animal behavior. |
Thomas B. Macaulay, 1800-59, (Br.) | historian, statesman. |
Niccol� Machiavelli, 1469-1527, (It.) | writer, statesman. The Prince, Discourses on Livy. |
Bronislaw Malinowski, 1884-1942, (Pol.) | considered the father of social anthropology. |
Karl Mannheim, 1893-1947, (Hung.) | sociologist, historian; Ideology and Utopia. |
Karl Marx, 1818-83, (Ger.) | political philosopher, propon-ent of modern Communism; Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital. |
Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-72, (It.) | political philosopher. |
George H. Mead, 1863-1931, (U.S.) | philosopher, social psychologist. |
Margaret Mead, 1901-78, (U.S.) | cultural anthropologist; popularized field, Coming of Age in Samoa. |
James Mill, 1773-1836, (Sc.) | philosopher, historian, economist; a proponent of utilitarianism. |
Perry G. Miller, 1905-63, (U.S.) | historian; interpreted 17th-century New England. |
Theodor Mommsen, 1817-1903, (Ger.) | historian; The History of Rome. |
Charles-Louis Montesquieu, 1689-1755, (Fr.) | social philosopher; The Spirit of Laws. |
Samuel Eliot Morison, 1887-1976, (U.S.) | historian; chronicled voyages of early explorers. |
Lewis Mumford, 1895-1990, (U.S.) | sociologist, critic; The Culture of Cities. |
Joseph Needham, 1900-95, (Br.) | scientific historian; Science and Civilization in China. |
Allan Nevins, 1890-1971, (U.S.) | historian, biographer; The Ordeal of the Union. |
Jos� Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955, (Sp.) | philosopher; advocated control by elite, The Revolt of the Masses. |
Robert Owen, 1771-1858, (Br.) | political philosopher, reformer; pioneer in cooperative movement. |
Thomas (Tom) | Paine, 1737-1809, (U.S.) |
Francis Parkman, 1823-93, (U.S.) | historian; France and England in North America, 1851-92. |
William Prescott, 1796-1859, (U.S.) | early American historian; The Conquest of Peru. |
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, 1809-65, (Fr.) | social theorist; the father of anarchism, The Philosophy of Property. |
James H. Robinson, 1863-1936, (U.S.) | historian, educator. |
Carl Rogers, 1902-87, (U.S.) | psychotherapist, author. |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-78, (Fr.) | social philosopher; the father of romantic sensibility; Confessions. |
Lee Salk, 1926-92, (U.S.) | child psychologist, author. |
Edward Sapir, 1884-1939, (Ger.-U.S.) | anthropologist; studied ethnology and linguistics of some U.S. Indian groups. |
Ferdinand de Saussure, 1857-1913, (Swiss) | a founder of modern linguistics. |
George Simmel, 1858-1918, (Ger.) | sociologist, philosopher; helped establish German sociology. |
B. F. Skinner, 1904-89, (U.S.) | psychologist; behaviorism. |
Jared Sparks, 1789-1866, (U.S.) | historian, educator, editor; The Library of American Biography. |
Oswald Spengler, 1880-1936, (Ger.) | philosopher and historian; The Decline of the West. |
Hippolyte Taine, 1828-93, (Fr.) | historian; basis of naturalistic school; The Origins of Contemporary France. |
A(lan) | J(ohn) |
Nikolaas Tinbergen, 1907-88, (Dutch-Br.) | ethologist; pioneer in study of animal behavior. |
Alexis de Tocqueville, 1805-59, (Fr.) | political scientist, historian; Democracy in America. |
Francis E. Townsend, 1867-1960, (U.S.) | led old-age pension movement, 1933. |
Arnold Toynbee, 1889-1975, (Br.) | historian; A Study of History. |
Heinrich von Treitschke, 1834-96, (Ger.) | historian, political writer; A History of Germany in the 19th Century. |
George Trevelyan, 1838-1928, (Br.) | historian, statesman; favored "literary" over "scientific" history; History of England. |
Barbara Tuchman, 1912-89, (U.S.) | author of popular history books, The Guns of August, The March of Folly. |
Frederick J. Turner, 1861-1932, (U.S.) | historian, educator; The Frontier in American History. |
Giovanni Vico, 1668-1744, (It.) | historian, philosopher; regarded by many as first modern historian; New Science. |
Izaak Walton, 1593-1683, (Eng.) | wrote biographies; political-philosophical study of fishing, The Compleat Angler. |
Sidney J., 1859-1947, and wife Beatrice, 1858-1943, Webb, (Br.) | leading figures in Fabian Society and Br. Labour Party. |
Walter P. Webb, 1888-1963, (U.S.) | historian of the West. |
Max Weber, 1864-1920, (Ger.) | sociologist; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. |