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OMDII- Week 3 Quiz

Syndromes of LU and SP

Formula for Lung Qi Xu (Is actually a general Qi Tonic and re-appeared in Week 2 as formula for SP Qi Xu as well!) "Four Gentlemen Pills" Decoction: Si Jun Zi Tang (Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao)
Formula for Lung Yin Xu "Lily Strengthen Metal" Decoction: Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Bai He, Er Di, Mai Men Dong, Xuan Shen, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Bei Mu, Jie Geng, Gan Cao)
Formula for Wind-Cold attack Lung "Ephedra" Decoction: Ma Huang Tang (Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xing Ren, Gan Cao)
Formula for Wind-Heat attack Lung "Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum" Decoction: Sang Ju Yin (Sang Ye, Ju Hua, Xing Ren, Lian Qiao, Jie Geng, Bo He, Lu Gen, Gan Cao)
Formula for Cold in the Lung "Ma Huang and Morus Powder": Hua Gai San (Ma Huang, Xing Ren, Gan Cao, Chi Ling (Light red Fu Ling variety), Zi Su Zi, Chen Pi, Sang Bai Pi)
Formula for Heat in the Lung (note the use of Ma Huang in a formula for Heat syndrome...) "Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice" Decoction: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ma Huang, Shi Gao, Xing Ren, Gan Cao)
Formula for Dryness attack Lung "Mulberry Leaf & Apricot Kernel" Decoction: Sang Xing Tang (Sang Ye, Xing Ren, Dan Dou Chi, Sha Shen, (Li Pi), Zhi Zi, Bei Mu)
(yikes! a 2nd formula for Dryness attack Lung "Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lung" Decoction: Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Sang Ye, Shi Gao, Mai Men Dong, E Jiao, Hei Zhi Ma, Xing Ren, Pi Pa Ye, Ren Shen, Gan Cao)
Formula for Damp-Phlegm in Lung "Two Cured" Decoction: Er Chen Tang (Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Wu Mei)
Formula for Heat-Phlegm in Lung "Warm the Gallbladder" Decoction: Wen Dan Tang (Zhu Ru, Zhi Shi, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang)
Formula for Spleen Qi Deficiency Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentlemen Pills Decoction)
Formula for Spleen Yang Deficiency Regulate the Middle Pill (Li Zhong Wan)
Formula for Spleen Qi Sinking TONIFY the Middle, AUGMENT the Qi Decoction (Bu Zhong Xi Qi Tang)
Formula for Spleen can't control blood in vessels RESTORE the Spleen Decoction (Gui Pi Tang)
Formula for Cold-Damp invading Spleen(/Stomach) Calm the Stomach and Poria Decoction (Wei Ling Tang)
Formula for Damp-Heat in Spleen (Xiao Du, here, means "Eliminate Poison"; Gan Lu means "Sweet Dew Special Pill"??) Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxin (Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan)
What points if: Sallow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, ab distention (WOA), loose stools. Pale T, TWC. Slowing down, weak or soft P. Basic SP qi Xu points: SP 3,6,9. UB20, LR13, ST35. Ren 6,12,17.
What formula if: Sallow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, ab distention (WOA), loose stools. Pale T, TWC. Slowing down, weak or soft P. General Qi Tonic: Four Gentlemen Decoction (Si Jun Zi Tang)
What points if: PALLOR, cold limbs, PA, AD,WAE, dull pain in ab region (BWWOP), loose stool or diarrhea or EDEMA or COPIOUS CLEAR leucorrhea. Pale, 'delicate' T, TWC. Deep, slow P. SP Yang Xu Points: SP 3,6,9, UB20,LR13,ST36, Ren 6,12,17 PLUS moxa Du-4, Ren-4, Ren-8
What formula if: PALLOR, cold limbs, PA, AD,WAE, dull pain in ab region (BWWOP), loose stool or diarrhea or EDEMA or COPIOUS CLEAR leucorrhea. Pale, 'delicate' T, TWC. Deep, slow P. For whatever reason, you need to "Regulate the Middle," so Li Zhong Wan
What points if: Sallow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, AD,WAE, loose stool, 'bearing down sensation in abdominal region,' viscera ptosis, prolapse of anus. Pale T, TWC. Weak P. SP sinking, so SP qi Xu points (3,6,9,20,13,36,6,12,17) PLUS MOXA Du-20
What formula if: Sallow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, AD,WAE, loose stool, 'bearing down sensation in abdominal region,' viscera ptosis, prolapse of anus. Pale T, TWC. Weak P. You need to TONIFY the MIDDLE and AUGMENT the QI, so Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
What points if: allow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, ab distention (WOA), loose stools. Purpura, bloody stools and/or excessive menstrual flow. Pale T, TWC. Thready, weak P. SP cannot control blood in vessels, so SP qi Xu points (3,6,9,20,13,36,6,12,17) PLUS SP10 (Sea of Blood), UB17 (BS IP for Blood), SP8 (XCP so for Acute Condition & Pain/Bleeding), and SPLEEN 1 (!!!???) (Wood Point of SP (Earth) Channel)
What formula if: allow complexion, emaciated, lassitude, SOB, dislike speak, 'reduced' appetite, ab distention (WOA), loose stools. Purpura, bloody stools and/or excessive menstrual flow. Pale T, TWC. Thready, weak P. "Restore" the Spleen Decoction: Gui Pi Tang
What points if: Fullness/distention in the epigastrium and abdomen. Tasteless in mouth. No thirst. LOA, yellow, ashen complexion, nausea/vomiting, heaviness of body & head. Loose stools or diarrhea. White T with greasy coat. Slippery P. Not the whole list of SP qi xu points here!! Just Dry Damp. Only SP 9, SP 6. ST 36. UB20, LR13, okay. UB21 for BS of ST. (Ren 12 for FM of ST). To WARM THE SPLEEN: moxa @ Du-4 and Ren-4
What formula if: Fullness/distention in the epigastrium and abdomen. Tasteless in mouth. No thirst. LOA, yellow, ashen complexion, nausea/vomiting, heaviness of body & head. Loose stools or diarrhea. White T with greasy coat. Slippery P. "Calm the Stomach and Poria Decoction" aka Wei Ling Tang (recall that other than Damp-Heat, this is only SP syndrome with n/v-- thus the ST points: UB21 especially)
What points if: Fullness/distention epigast/ab., LOA, heaviness, lassitude, n/v, 'bitter/sweet taste or sticky mouth,' bright yellow face/eyes/skin, or 'fever that doesn't fade w/ sweating,' loose stools, dark, scanty urine. Red T YGC. Slippery, rapid P. Resolve Damp: SP 9, SP 6. Clear Heat: LI4+LI11+Du14. SP2+ST44. She adds BS and FM for both SP & ST: UB20/21. LR13/Ren12. If jaundice: GB34 (He-Sea for GB) and Du9 (Resolve DH; Regulate LR/GB)
What herbs if: Fullness/distention epigast/ab., LOA, heaviness, lassitude, n/v, 'bitter/sweet taste or sticky mouth,' bright yellow face/eyes/skin, or 'fever that doesn't fade w/ sweating,' loose stools, dark, scanty urine. Red T YGC. Slippery, rapid P. Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxins: Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
Syndromes of the Spleen. How many XS? How many XU? 4 XU. Only 2 XS.
Syndromes of the Spleen. 2 XS. What are they? Invasion of Cold. Damp Heat.
Syndromes of the Spleen. 2 XS. What are they? And how would you treat them? Invasion of Cold: Really same SP Qi Xu points with SP3 and Ren points removed. Add FM/BS for ST: Ren12/UB21. Add Ren4/Du4 (moxa) to warm Spleen. Formula is Wei Ling Tang. For DH: SP6/SP9. Then CH: LI4/LI11/Du14. SP2/ST44. GB34/Du9. Gan Lu Xiao De Dan.
Syndromes of the Spleen. 4 XU. What are they? And how would you treat them? SP Qi Xu. SP Yang Xu. Sinking SP Qi. SP Qi can't cx Blood. Basic points: SP 3/6/9,ST36,LR13,UB20,Ren6/12/17. For Yang add: Du4/Ren4/Ren8 (moxa. For Sink add Du20 (moxa). For bleeding add SP10,SP1,UB17,SP8. Si Jun Zi, Li Zhong, Bu Zhong Yi Qi, Gui Pi.
Syndromes of the Lung. How many XS? How many XU? What are they? 2 and 7. Qi Xu. Yin Xu. Wind-Cold/Interior Cold, Wind-Heat/Interior Heat. Wind-Dryness. Damp-Phlegm. Heat-Phlegm.
Points for Lung Qi Xu LU9 (YSP), LU5 (He-Sea), UB12 (BS), LU1 (FM) Ren 6 (Sea of Qi), Ren 17 (GP for Qi), Ren 12 (FM for all Yang organs), ST 36
Formula for Lung Qi Xu Four Gentlemen Decoction (Si Jun Zi Tang)
Points for Lung Yin Xu SP6 (Nourish Yin), LU10 (Clear Heat in Lung Channel), LU9 (Tonify LU), LU5 (Rebellious Lung Qi), UB13 (BS LU). If hemoptysis: SP10, UB17
Formula for Lung Yin Xu Lily Strengthen Metal Decoction (Bai He Gu Jin Tang) (Gu= Strengthen; Jin=Metal)
Points for Wind-Cold attack Lung Release the Exterior: LI4/LU7, SJ5, GB20, DU16. Tonify Lung: LU1 (BS Lung), LU5 (He-Sea), UB13 (BS Lung)
Formula for Wind-Cold attack Lung Ma Huang Tang
Points for Wind-Heat attack Lung Release the Exterior: LI4/LU7, SJ5, GB20, DU16. Heat in Lung: LU10. Tonify Lung: LU1 (BS Lung), LU5 (He-Sea), UB13 (BS Lung)
Formulas for Wind-Heat attack Lung Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Drink (Sang Ju Yin)
Points for (Wind)-Dryness attack Lung Release the Exterior: LI4/LU7, SJ5, GB20, DU16. Heat in Lung: LU10. Descend Lung Qi: LU5 (He-Sea). Balance Lung: LU1 (BS Lung), UB13 (BS Lung). If Heat, add LU10.
Formulas for (Wind)-Dryness attack Lung Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction (Sang Xing Tang) Clear Dryness (Qing Zao) and Rescue the Lungs (Jiu Fei) Decoction (Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang)
Points for Interior Cold in Lung Balance/Regulate Lung: UB13, LU1. Descend LU Qi: LU5. Warm the Lung: Ren 4, Du 4 (moxa)
Formulas for Interior Cold in Lung Hua Gai San (Canopy Powder)
Points for Interior Heat in Lung Balance/Regulate Lung: UB13, LU1. Descend LU Qi: LU5. Clear Heat: LI4/LI11, DU14. Lung Heat: LU10.
Formula for Interior Heat in Lung Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction (Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang)
Created by: mrbarr
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