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Etiology for Musclo-skeletal problems

Which distal pts would you use for acute LBP when pain is worse on the spine or radiates from the spine DU 26 or BL 10
Which distal pt do you use for acute LBP when the pain is lateral to the spine from the waist to the buttocks BL 40 (He Sea PT)
Which distal pt do you use for acute LBP when the pain is along the thigh between BL and GB channels BL 58 (Bladder Luo Pt)
Which distal pt do you use for acute LBP when the pain interfers with walking BL 59 (Xi Cleft of the Yang Motility)
Which distal pt do you use for acute LBP when the pain is associated with unilateral leg pain BL 62
Which distal pt do you use for for acute LBP when the pain is unilateral and lateral to the spine at the level of the umbilicus with difficulty rotating the body SI 3 (SI Shu stream, Yuan Source Pts, Du Mai Master PT)
Which distal pt do you use for acute LBP with pain that is unilateral and lateral to the midline, higher than the level of the umbilicus but below the scapula Yaotongxue
When do you use Du 26 with acute LBP? for acute LBP when pain is worse on the spine or radiates from the spine
When do you use BL 10 with acute LBP? for acute LBP that is on the spine or radiates from the spine
when do you use BL 40 with acute LBP? for acute LBP when the pain is lateral to the spine from the waist to the buttocks
when do you use BL 58 in acute LBP? for acute LBP when the pain is along the thigh between BL and GB channels
when do you use BL59 in acute LBP? for acute LBP when the pain interfers with walking
when do you use BL62 in acute LBP? for acute LBP when the pain is associated with unilateral leg pain
when do you use SI 3 in acute LBP? for acute LBP when the pain is unilateral and lateral to the spine at the level of the umbilicus with difficulty rotating the body
When do you use Yaotongxue in acute LBP? for acute LBP with pain that is unilateral and lateral to the midline, higher than the level of the umbilicus but below the scapula
What local point do you use for acute LBP with radiating leg pain? DU 3
What local point do you use for acute LBP with KD yang defciency? DU 4
What local point do you use for acute LBP with tight stiff muscles and spasms? DU 8
What local point do you use for acute LBP with pain on or near the midline? Josen
What local point do you use for acute LBP with pain affecting the sacrum? BL 32
What local point do you use for acute LBP? huato points at the level above or below the vertebrae identified as tender or deviated
When do you use DU 3 as a local point? for acute LBP with radiating leg pain
When do you use DU 4as a local point? for acute LBP with KD yang defciency
When do you use DU 8 as a local point? for acute LBP with tight stiff muscles
When do you use Josen? for acute LBP with pain on or near the midline
When do you use BL 32? for acute LBP with pain affecting the sacrum
What huato points would you use and when? at the level above or below the vertebrae identified as tender or deviated
What are the tender Bladder points that you would palpate during the assessment for LBP? BL25, BL26, BL36, BL37, BL54
If LBP is unrelated to weather, it could be? Acute, Stasis in the Channels, KD deficiency
LBP that is affected by the weather would be? Invasion of Cold and Damp (Bi)
What is the nature of the pain associated with local Qi and Blood stasis? Severe, stabbing pain, better with movement, well localized area of pain, often worse standing or sitting; unrelated to weather
What is the nature of the pain associated with LBP with sciatica? Severe stabbing pain radiates to leg ususally GB or BL channel, better with movement; tight stiff muscles; unrelated to weather; burning sensation = disk/nerve problem
What is the nature of the pain associated with KD deficiency LBP? dull pain; better in morning; worse when tired or with activity; unrelated to weather; relatively large area of pain
What is the nature of the pain associated with Invasion of Damp and Cold? May be acute or chronic; worse in cold, damp weather; worse first thing in morning; better with movement; relatively large area of pain
What is the pattern for the following symptoms: dull pain; unrelated to weather; worse when tired? KD deficiency
What is the pattern for the following symptoms: worse first thing in AM, better with movement; relatively large area; worse with cold damp weather? Invasion of Cold Damp Bi
What is the pattern for the following symptoms: Severe stabbing pain, better with movement, unrelated to weather, tight stiff muslces? Acute with local Qi and Blood Stasis
What is the pattern for the following symptoms:severe stabbing pain; radiates to leg usually BL or GB channel; better with movement; unrelated to weather? Local Qi and Blood Stasis/BL or GB channel
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis with pain on BL channel. BL 40 (He Sea Pt)
Is BL 40 better in acute or chronic situations? Acute
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with chronic pain on BL channel. BL 60 (jing river)
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with pain on BL channel with an underlying KD yang Def?. BL 57
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with pain along the thigh in between the BL and GB channels? BL 58 (Luo Pt)
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with hip pain, radiating to the lateral thigh and BL channel on the calf BL 62
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with pain on GB channel. GB40 or GB 41 (Yuan Source and Shu Stream)
What distal point would you use for Qi/Blood Stasis LBP with KD deficiency? (not necessarily yang). KD4 (KD luo pt)
When would you needle DU 3 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis with sciatica? to treat the lower back and legs
When would you needle tunzhong as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis with sciatica? to treat pain in the buttocks that radiates to the leg
When would you needle BL 36 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis with sciatica? when tender on palpation
When would you needle BL 37 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis with sciatica? when tender on palpation
When would you needle GB 30 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis? to treat hip and leg pain along the GB channel
When would you needle GB 31 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis? to treat GB channel pain
When would you needle GB 34 as a local pt with Localized Qi /Blood Stasis with sciatica? to treat GB channel pain
What points would you needle for GB channel pain? GB30, GB 31 and GB 34
For def LBP, you would needle DU 20 to treat what? is a distal point for pain on spine in lower lumbar region
For def LBP, you would needle BL 60 to treat what? any chronic back pain, upper back and neck as well
For def LBP, you would needle SP 3 to treat what? Chronic back pain with scoliosis or any pain on the spine
For def LBP, you would needle KD 4 to treat what? BL channel pain with underlying KD def.
For def LBP, you would needle HT 7 to treat what? to calm mind and relieve spasms (HT/KD relationship)
Pts you would treat to support the spleen and muscles SP3 (Shu Stream/Yuan Source) and BL 20
Pts you would needle to support the Liver and sinews LV3, LV8, GB34, BL 18
Pts to use to support the KD and the bones KD 3, BL 23 and BL 11 and GB 39
What is the single most important local point you would use for def LBP BL 23 (treat pain and tonify KD)
What points would you use to tonify the KD? KD 3, KD6, KD 7, BL 23, Ren 4, DU 4, SP6, ST 36
The pulse: slipper or soft +/- wiry or tight - might be associated with which pattern of LBP? Invasion of Damp Cold
The pulse:def in 3rd position, or soft or floating or deep - might be associated with which pattern of LBP? KD def
The pulse: wiry or tight - might be associated with which pattern of LBP? associated with extreme pain so most likely due to Qi and Blood Stasis
What are the extra points that you would palpate for tenderness when there is LBP? Yaoyan, Tunzhong, Josen,
What are the GB points that you would palpate for tenderness when there is LBP? GB30, GB34
Symptoms assoc with LBP that would have you send patient to MD incontinence of feces and urine; weak lower extremities; can't sleep at night because pain so bad; very severe pain
Possible causes of Acute Neck Pain? Qi + Blood stasis of local channels due to overuse or trauma; wind cold invasion
What are the distal points used with Acute Neck Pain? SI 3 (Shu stream/Yuan Source); TW 5 (Luo Pt/Yang Linking); GB 39 (Hui MP or Marrow)
With Acute Neck, when would you use SI 3? the pain affects the occiput and back of neck; BL channel; expels Wind; treats BL and SI
With Acute Neck, when would you use TW 5? neck pain is on lateral aspect and is unilateral
With Acute Neck, when would you use GB 39? Neck pain is on the lateral aspect, is bilateral and there is difficulty rotating from side to side
Patient with neck pain located in the BL channel, what distal pt would you use? SI 3
Pt with neck pain only on one side on the lateral aspect of the neck, what pt would you use? TW 5 (luo pt of TW;Yang Linking)
Patient with trouble turning their head from side to side? GB 39
Patient with pain on the back of the neck and into the occiput? SI 3
What are the local points you could use for acute neck pain? BL 10, GB 20, GB 21, DU 16
With acute neck pain, when would you use BL 10? The neck pain is bilateral, with occipital pain and s/t LBP
With acute neck pain, when would you use GB 20? Neck pain with top of shoulders,affects trapezius and SCM; expels Wind
With acute neck pain, when would you use GB 21? neck and shoulder pain with Wind, esp affecting the trapezius
With acute neck pain, when would you use DU 16? neck pain with Wind
Patient with acute neck pain assoc with trapezius, which local pts would you use? GB 20 and GB 21
Patient with acute neck pain assoc. with Wind invasion, which local points would you use? DU 16 and GB 20
Pt with neck pain that includes occipital pain, which distal and local pts would you use? SI 3 = distal; BL 10 = local
What are the distal points assoc. with treating chronic neck pain? BL 60; TW 5; TW 8; PC 6; KD 4; ST 40
With chronic neck pain, when would you use BL 60? neck pain, with pain along top of shoulders and upper back, esp BL and SI channels
With chronic neck pain, when would you use TW 5? neck pain, lateral aspect and unilateral
With chronic neck pain, when would you use TW 8? Neck pain extending to top of shoulders, affecting Yang channels of arms, esp TW and BL
With chronic neck pain, when would you use PC 6? (Luo of PC connects with TW) for pain affecting the TW channel; relaxation effects for stress
With chronic neck pain, when would you use KD 4? (KD luo) useful for pain affecting BL channel esp with KD def
With chronic neck pain, when would you use ST 40? (ST Luo) useful for neck pain extending to throat along path of ST channel branch
List some local points on SI channel for chronic neck pain? SI 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
List some local points on TW channel for chronic neck pain? TW 15
What are the common symptoms assoc. with RSI? Dull pain with sharp exacerbations; swelling, numbness, tingling, heaviness; gets worse with use
Treatments for RSI? Rest, Massage, Ergonomics and Acupuncture
What are the local, adjacent and distal points used for Carpal Tunnel? PC 7 = local; PC 6 = adj; LI 10 and 11 = distal
Another name for Tennis Elbow is ? Lateral Epicondylitis
What are the local, adj and distal points used to treat Tennis Elbow? LI 10 and 11 = local +/or adj; LI 4, 5 or 15 = distal
What is another name for Golfer's Elbow? Medial Epicondylitis
What are the local, adj and distal points used to treat Golfer's Elbow? HT 3, SI 8 = local; SI 3, SI 5 = distal
What are the local, adj and distal points used to treat Hip RSI? GB 29, 30 = local; GB 40 or 41, BL 62 or SP 3 = distal
When would you use GB 41 as a distal point with hip RSI? When there is dampness in the GB channel; GB 41 = shu stream pt and master pt of Dai Mai
Why would you use GB 40 as a distal point with hip RSI? GB 40 is the Yuan Source point adn so it activates the channel and alleviates pain in the channel and benefits the joints
When would you use BL 62 as a distal point with hip RSI? esp. if there is stiffness of the hip; BL 62 = master of the Yang Qiao Mai
When would you use SP 3 as a distal point with hip RSI? for dampness; SP channel controls inner thigh and hip
For Ankle Pain RSI, which distal points might you use? SP5 (Jing River of SP), GB 40 (Yuan Source of GB) or ST 41 (Jing River of ST)
For knee pain RSI, when would you use GB 40 as distal pt? When the pain is on the GB channel
When the patient has knee pain RSI in GB channel, which distal point would you use? GB 40 (Yuan Source PT of GB)
For knee pain RSI, when would you use ST 41 as distal pt? when the pain is on the ST channel
When the patient has knee pain RSI in ST channel, which distal point would you use? ST 41 (Jing River of ST)
For knee pain RSI, when would you use SP 5 as distal pt? when there is dampness present (useful for all channels)
When the patient has knee pain RSI with dampness in a channel, which distal point would you use? SP 5 (Jing River of SP)
With pain above the knee, what point would you use? ST 34 (Xi Cleft pt)
With lateral knee pain with stiffness, which pts would you use? ST 36, GB 34, and GB 33
With knee pain on the medial side in teh LV or SP channels, which pts would you use? SP 9 (He Sea of SP), LV 7 and LV 8 (He Sea of LV)
With knee pain inside the joint, which pts would you use? Xiyan and ST 36 (He Sea of ST)
With knee pain at the back of the knee which pts would you use? BL 40 (He Sea of BL)
With Ankle RSI which pts might you use? SP 5 (Jing River of SP), GB 40 (Yuan Source of GB) and ST 41 (Jing River of ST)
If the patient has ankle RSI in the spleen channel which pt would you use? SP 5 (Jing River of SP)
If the patient has ankle RSI in the GB channel, which pt would you use? GB 40 (Yuan Source of GB) with SP 5 (Jing River of SP)
If the patient has ankle RSI in the Stomach channel, which pts would you use? ST 41 (Jing River of ST)
Created by: nesaherbal
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