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Herbal 2 Test 5

pharmacopia 2 test 5 questions

What are the symptoms that herbs that transform dampness treat as compared to those that treat food stagnation? They include symptoms of:1) distension and fullness in the abdomen 2) nausea, vomiting and spitting up sour fluids 3) absence of thirst 4) loss of appetite 5) diarrhea with difficulty defecating 6) greasy t.c. either white or yellow and 7) soggy pulse
What are 3 possible causes of food stagnation? 1) emotional disturbances; 2)poor dietary habits; 3) phlegm
What are the two patterns assoc. with food stagnation? hot and cold patterns
What are the symptoms assoc. with the hot pattern of food stagnation? 1)severe bad breath; 2)distension of the abdomen; 3)desire to drink cold drinks but not hot; 4)greasy tongue coat; 5)forceful and slippery pulse
What are the symptoms assoc. with the cold pattern of food stagnation? 1)brackish feelings in the throat, nausea and spitting up clear fluids; 2)feeling of distension in the abdomen; 3)desire to drink hot fluids but not cold; 4)white greasy tongue coat; 5)weak/thin pulse 6) often assoc with st/sp def
What channels does Shan Zha have an affinity to? Liver, Stomach and Spleen channels
Shan Zha is best known for treating what 2 conditions? Food stagnation from excess meat consumption and blood stasis
For blood stasis in the chest, shan zha is combined with what herb? Dan Shen
Mai Ya is known for what 3 abilities? 1)to treat food stagnation due to accumulated undigested starchy foods; 2) to smooth Liver Qi and 3) to inhibit lactation
Gu Ya treats what type of food stagnation? Food stagnation due to accumulation of undigested starchy foods
What 2 herbs treat food stagnation due to accumulation of undigested starchy foods? Mai Ya and Gu Ya
Describe the method of preparing Gu Ya in a decotion? Cooking destroys Gu Ya's activity so prepare the decoction of herbs and add the Gu Ya powder after the decotion is done cooking
Shen Qu is translated as? Medicated Leaven
List 2 occasions when Shen Qu is used? 1) To treat Stomach Cold 2) often used in formulas with minerals to help the body digest and absorb the minerals
What activity does Shen Qu promote? Enzymatic activity in the digestive system
What channels does Ji Nei Jin have a strong affinity for? Bladder, Small Intestines, Spleen and Stomach
Ji Nei Jin treats what types of problems? 1) a variety of types of food stagnation 2) urinary symptoms like enuresis and stones (urniary and biliary)
Ji Nei Jin is often combined with what herb to treat stones? Jin Qian Cao
Lai Fu Zi treats food stagnation but has 3 distinguishing abilitites. What are they? 1)treat abdo pain with difficult diarrhea 2)descend Lung Qi and 3)reduce phlegm.
What 3 regions that affect internal organs do herbs that regulate qi act? SP/ST, LR, LU
In general, what are the characteristics of herbs that regulate Qi? Aromatic and Dry
What are two possible adverse actions of herbs that regulate Qi? To Injure Yin and to disperse the Qi
How are herbs that regulate Qi decocted? and Why? They are generally cooked less than 15 minutes becasue they contain volatile oils
Chen Pi is translated as? Aged Peel
What channels does Chen Pi have an affinity for? ST/SP and LU
What are the actions of Chen Pi? 1) Improves the transportive function of the Spleen 2)when Qi stagnates, it directs Qi downward 3)it dries damp 4)helps eliminate phlegm 5)is often added to formulas with tonifying herbs that can be cloying
Chen Pi is combined with Bai Zhu to treat what? Restore Spleen transportive functioning
To treat Spleen transportive function, Chen Pi is combined with what herb? Bai Zhu
With what 2 herbs can Chen Pi be combined to treat vomiting? Sheng Jiang or Zhu Ru
Chen Pi combined with Sheng Jiang treats what condition? Vomiting
Chen Pi combined with Zhu Ru treats what condition? vomiting
Chen Pi is combined with Ban Xia to treat what condition? Damp Phlegm
Chen Pi is combined with Fu Ling to treat what condition? Damp Phlegm
Chen Pi can be combined with what 2 herbs to treat Damp Phlegm? Ban Xia or Fu Ling
Chen Pi is combined with Huang Qi or Dang Shen to treat what condition? to prevent bloating
Chen Pi can be combined with what 2 herbs to prevent bloating Huang Qi or Dang Shen
Qing Pi translates into? Immature Citrus Peel
What direction is Chen Pi said to act? Vertically
What direction is Qing Pi said to act? Horizontally
What 3 channels does Qing Pi have an affinity for ? LV/GB and ST
What are the functions of Qing Pi 1)Spreads Liver Qi in the chest and flank 2)scatters food stagnation 3)dries dampness 4)helps eliminate phlegm
What 3 possible herbs can Qing Pi be combined with to treat distention of the chest and flank? Chai Hu, Yu Jin or Xiang Fu
Qing Pi combined with Chai Hu is used to treat? distention of the chest and flank
Qing Pi combined with Shan Zha is used to treat? food stagnation
Qing Pi combined with Ban Xia is used to treat? eliminate white phlegm
Qing Pi combined with Lai Fu Zi is used to treat? eliminate white phlegm
Qing Pi combined with Shen Qu is used to treat? food stagnation
Qing Pi combined with Yu Jin is used to treat? distention of the chest and flank
Qing Pi combined with Xiang Fu is used to treat? distention of the chest and flank
Qing Pi combined with Mai Ya is used to treat? food stagnation
Da Fu Pi translates as? Big Abdomen Peel
When is Da Fu Pi particularly useful? When the abdomen feels big and distended
What are the functions of Da Fu Pi? 1)treats distention of the flank and chest 2)moves stagnant damp Qi downward esp when accompagnied by constipation 3)promotes urination and reduces edema
Zhi Shi has what temperature associated with it? Slightly cold
Zhi Shi is often used with Bai Zhu to treat what pattern? Focal distension associated with gas, epigastric or abdominal
Zhi Shi has 4 abilities. What are they? 1) breaks stagnant Qi 2)directs Qi down when there is abdo pain with either constipation or diarrhea 3)helps eliminate phlegm obstructing the chest or epigastrum 4)used with tonifying herbs for prolapse
Zhi Shi with Da Huang or Huang Qin treats what problem? Directs Qi down when there is abdominal pain with either constipation or diarrhea
Zhi Shi with Gui Zhi treat what problem? helps eliminate phlegm obstructing the chest or epigastrium
Zhi Shi with Huang Qi treats what? It is used with tonifying herbs to treat proplapse
What is the temperature of Xiang Fu? Neutral
What channels does Xiang Fu have an affinity for? Liver and Triple Warmer
Xiang Fu is best known for treating what condition? Constrained Liver Qi and Disharmony between Liver and Spleen
Xiang Fu has what affected on periods? It regulates menses when there is either irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhea
What channels does Mu Xiang have an affinity with? Gallbladder, Large Intestine, Spleen/Stomach
What 3 abilities does Mu Xiang have? It regulates and moves stagnant Qi when 1) the diaphragm is constricted 2) the Spleen is not transporting 3)when tenesmus grips the intestines causing pain
Mu Xiang + Qing Pi treats what? indigestion and belching
Mu Xiang + Bai Zhu treats what? Loss of Appetite and distention
Mu Xiang + Sha Ren or Huang Lian treats what? tenesmus
Wu Yao has what temperature? Warm
What channels does Wu Yao have an affinity for? Bladder, Kidney, Lung and Spleen
What are the actions of Wu Yao? 1) helps to open the Lung by dispersing Cold and Qi Stagnation in the chest 2)treats urinary frequency due to dold and K def 3) treats abdo pain and vomiting w/ diarrhea due to Sp and K cold
Wu Yao + Xie Bai treats? Opens Lung by dispersing Cold and Qi stagnation in chest
Wu Yao + Mu Xiang treats? Qi Clumping
Wu Yao + Zhi Ke treats? Qi Clumping
Wu Yao + Xiang Fu Qi clumping
Wu Yao + Yi Zhi Ren treats? urinary frequency due to Cold and KD def
Wu Yao + Wu Zhu Yu treats? abdo pain + vomiting with diarrhea due to SP and KD cold
Wu Yao + Shan Yao treats? urinary frequency due to cold and KD def
Chen Xiang translates as? Sinking fragrance
Chen Xiang has 3 abilities? 1)directs rebellious Qi downward 2) treats rebellioius Stomach 3)aids the KD to grasp the Lung Qi for asthma
How is Chen Xiang prepared for ingestion? It is used as a powder in small doses and should never never be decocted
How is Tan Xiang prepared for ingestion? It is used as a powder, in small doses, added near the end of the decoction
What abilities does Tan Xiang have? 1) It moves Qi 2)alleviates pain in the chest
What 2 herbs is Tan Xiang often used with? Dan Shen and Xi Xin
Xie Bai has a strong affinity for what 3 channels? Lung, Large Intestines and Stomach
What 3 abilities does Xie Bai have? 1) it unblocks the Yang Qi 2)disperses cold phlegm in the Lungs 3)directes Qi downward for Damp Stagnation in the ST/LI
What 2 channels does Fo Shou have an affinity for? Liver and Spleen
When is Fo Shou used? 1)When there is constrained Liver Qi with Stomach Pain, no appetite, belching and vomiting 2) for mild chronic cough with copious phlegm
What 2 abilities does Mei Gui Hua have? 1)ability to harmonize the Liver and Stomach 2)disperses blood stasis, ob-gyn or trauma
What is the temperature of Chuan Lian Zi? cold
When is Chuan Lian Zi used? 1) treats constrained Liver Qi 2) hernias with heat signs 3) used with Damp Heat 4) can be used with roundworms and tapeworms esp. for related pain
Chuan Lian Zi like Zhi Shi has the ability to? move Qi and be cold
Li Zhi He has a strong affinity for what channel? Liver
Li Zhi He is used primarily for? pain related to either Liver constraint (epigastric pain) or cold in the liver channel (hernial or testicular pain)
Shi Di is known primarily for? treating belching and hiccups either hot or cold
What are the 5 pathogenic factors treated by herbs that stop bleeding? 1)reckless hot blood 2)Yin deficiency/Ascendent Yang 3)Spleen Qi deficiency (Sp/K yang def) 4)Trauma 5)blood stasis
How are herbs that treat "Stop Bleeding" ususally prepared? 1) Char Fried (Chao or Tan) or 2) Blast Fried (Pao)
What is the temperature of Pu Huang? neutral
What 3 organs does Pu Huang have an affinity for? Liver, Spleen, Heart (the 3 most involved with blood)
Where in the body does Pu Huang stop bleeding? In all locations, externally and internally.
What is the temperature of Xian He Cao? Neutral
What 3 organs does Xian He Cao have an affinity for? Liver, Spleen, Lung
Can Xian He Cao treat Blood Stasis? No!
Can Pu Huang be used to treat blood stasis? It is used to move blood in the chest and for Ob-Gyn
What does Xian He Cao treat? 1)restrains leakage of blood in LU, LR and SP especially with def. 2)restains diarrhea 3)treats tapeworms 4) treats trichomonas vaginitis
What are the 2 major affects of San Qi on blood? To stop bleeding and transform blood stasis
In acute situations, what is San Qi used to treat? Swelling and Pain
Can San Qi be used internally and topically? yes
Bai Ji has what temperature associated with it? Cool
In what 2 organs does Bai Ji stop bleeding? Lung and Stomach
For bleeding in the LUng and Stomach which herb would you use? Bai Ji
What is Bai Ji used to treat? 1) Stop bleeding in LU, ST and skin 2) generate flesh
To treat bleeding in the Lung, Bai Ji is combined with which possible herbs? Bai Bu and Chuan Bei Mu
To treat bleeding in the skin, Bai Ji is combined with which possible herbs? Shi Gao
What is the temperature of Zong Lu Pi? Neutral
Does Zong Lu Pi treat Deficiency or Excess conditions? Zong Lu Pi treats both!
What organs does Zong Lu Pi treat? Lung, Large Intestines, Uterus
Da Ji and Xiao Ji are translated as? Big and Small Thistle
Da Ji and Xiao Ji are used to treat? Stops bleeding associated reckless hot blood
Of Da Ji and Xiao Ji which is the stronger of the two? Da Ji
Da Ji is used for bleeding in which places of the body? Stomach, bladder, Large Intestines, Uterus and Lung
Xiao Ji is used for blood in what places of the body? Urine/bladder
Di Yu has what temperature? Cold
Di Yu treats what conditions? 1) Bleeding especially in LW related to Damp Heat: LI, uterus and ST 2) generates flesh
What temperature does Huai Mi have? Cool
What are the conditions that Huai Mi treat? 1)STops bleeding with damp Heat esp. in LW, LI and uterus 2)treats Liver Heat, red eys and dizziness
What 2 herbs treat bleeding involving Damp Heat in the LW, LI and uterus? Huai Mi and Di Yu
What is the temperature of Qian Cao? Cold
What affect does Qian Cao have on blood? 1)Moves Blood and Stops Bleeding
For what 2 organs does Qian Cao have an affinity for? Liver and Heart
Qian Cao stops bleeding from what parts of the body? ST, LU, LI and uterus and any bleeding due to hot reckless blood
Qian Cao dispels blood stasis where? chest and flank pain
Can Ce Bai Ye be used for Hot or Cold patterns? Both depending on what combined with
Ce Bai Ye stands out by virtue of its ability to do what? Stop Cough and eliminate blood streaked sputum
Topically, Ce Bai Ye treats what? Small burns
Ce Bai Ye has an affinity for what organs? ST, LU, LI, BL and uterus
What is the temperature of Ai Ye? Warming
Ai Ye has an affinity for what organs? SP, LV and K
Ai Ye treats what condition of the womb? Stops uterine bleeding from Cold and Deficiency
Ai Ye is combined with what herb to treat the womb? Gan Jiang
Ai Ye is combined with what herb to calm the fetus? E Jiao
Ai Ye treats what condition of the abdomen? Disperses Cold in abdomen to alleviate the pain
What two herbs are used with Ai Ye to treat pain in the abdomen? Xiang Fu and Wu Yao
What is the temperature of Fu Long Gan? Warm
What is Fu Long Gan used for? 1) Acts primarily in ST and LI to stop bleeding and diarrhea. 2)used for morning sickness
Xue Yu Tan has what major affect on blood? Restrains leakage
Xue Yu Tan stops bleeding in what areas of the body? Uterus, Bladder and nose
Xue Yu Tan has the somewhat unique capacity to do what? Promote urination when it is painful and with blood
Jiang Xiang has what affect on blood? Stops bleeding and disperses blood stasis
Jiang Xiang treats blood stasis due to what? trauma, internal and external
Ou Jie has what affect on blood? Stops bleeding, and breaks up blood stasis in LU and ST
Lian Fang comes from what plant Lotus
Lian Fang has what affect on blood? Stops bleeding, disperses blood stasis in Uterus and Bladder
Besides treating bleeding, Lian Fang has 2 other affects? 1)calms the fetus 2)dispels damp summer heat
Hua Fui Shi has what affect on blood? 1) disperses blood stasis 2)stops bleeding in ST and LU 3)used topically for localized trauma
Zi Zhu has what affect on blood? It is used to treat blood in urine and to treat burns
Bai Mao Gen has an affinity for what organs? LU, ST, SI and BL
What is the temperature of Bai Mao Gen? Cold
Bai Mao Gen has what affect on blood? Stops reckless hot blood in relation to LU, ST, SI and BL
What herb is Bai Mao Gen combined with to cool the blood? Sheng Di
Main herbs to regulate Qi in SP/ST? Mu Gua, Chen Pi, Zhi Shi
Main herbs to regulate Qi in Liver? Xiang Fu, Zhi Ke, and Wu Yao
Main herbs to regulate Qi in Lung? Chen Xiang, Tan Xiang
Main herbs to regulate Qi to treat Heat (cool herbs) are? Chuan Lian Zi, Zhi Shi
Main herbs to regulate Qi to treat cold (warm herbs)are? Chen Xiang and Wu Yao
Main herbs to regulate Qi in the chest? Xie Bai, Zhi Shi, Tan Xiang, Qing Pi and Mu Xiang
Main herbs to regulate Qi in the flank? Chuan Lian Zi, Zhi Ke and Qing Pi
Main herbs to regulate Qi in the Upper abdomen Xiang Fu and Mu Xiang
Main herbs to regulate Qi in Paraumbilical area? Wu Yao and Mu Xiang
Main herbs to regulate Qi in the lower abdomen? Chen Xiang, Wu Yao, and Chuan Lian Zi
Medicinals that Warm the interior and expel the cold are generally used to? 1)Rescue devasted Yang from collapse 2)disperse cold from the MW 3)Warm and tonify kidney yang
Fu Zi has and affinity with what organs and body regions? HT SP and Kidney; all 3 warmers (LW, MW, and UW)
Why does Fu Zi need to be used with care? It is toxic
Fu Zi can be used to treat what condition? Weakness of Yang in the HT, SP and Kidney, UW, MW, and LW
Fu Zi + Ren Shen treats what? devastated Yang
To treat Devastated Yang, Fu Zi is combined with what herb? Ren Shen
Fu Zi + Rou Gui + Shu Di Huang is used to treat? Waning Life Gate
To treat waning life gate, Fu zi is combined with what 2 herbs? Rou Gui and Shu Di Huang
Fu Zi + Gan Jiang is used to treat? Collapse of SP and KD Yang
To treat KD yang, Fu Zi is combined with what herb? Gan Jiang
Fu Zi + Bai Zhu and Gui Zhi to treat? Wind Damp Bi
To treat Wind Damp Bi, Fu Zi is combined with? Bai Zhu and Gui Zhi
Fu Zi + Ren Shen + Gui Zhi treats? Weak Heart Yang
To treat Weak Heart Yang, Fu Zi is combined with what 2 herbs? Ren Shen and Gui Zhi
Fu Zi + Ma Huang + Xi Xin treats? Ext. Wind Cold with pre-existing Yang Def
To treat Ext. Wind Cold with pre-existing Yang Def, Fu Zi is combined with what 2 herbs? Ma Huang and Xi Xin
To prepare Fu Zi for ingestion, one needs to do what? Boil for 30 - 60 minutes before adding other ingredients
Gan Jiang has an affinity for what organs? LU, HT, SP and ST
Gan Jiang is most often used to do what? Warm the Middle and Expel Cold
To Warm the Middle and Expel Cold, Gan Jiang is combined with what 2 herbs? Gan Cao and Gao Liang Jiang
Gan Jiang + Gan Cao + Gao Liang Jiang treats what? Warms the Middle and Expel Cold
Gan Jiang + Ren Shen + Gui Zhi treats what? Rescues Devasted Yang and Expels Ext. Cold?
To Rescue Devasted Yang and Expels Ext Cold, Gan Jiang is combined with what 2 herbs? Ren Shen and Gui Zhi
Gan Jiang has a number of abilities, what are they? 1) rescues devasted Yang and expels EXT cold 2) warms the Lung and helps eliminated white sputum assoc. with LU Cold 3) warms the channels to stop bleeding exp in uterus
What organs does Rou Gui have an affinity for? K, HT, LR, SP
What is the effect of Rou Gui + Fu Zi? It warms and fortifies K Yang, treats weak back, impotence,and frequent urination.
What does the combination of Rou Gui + Gan Jiang do? It supports Sp Yang.
In Combination with what herb Rou Gui helps K to Grasp The LU Qi to stop wheezing? Bu Gu Zhi
What medicinal help Rou Gui "lead the Fire back to the source"? Shu Di Huang
What does Rou Gui + Nu Zhen Zi treat? dizziness
What is the effect of Rou Gui + Dan Gui + Chuan Xiong? Disperse cold, Unblock channels & vessels. For Damp Cold obstruction, Qi Stag, or Blood Stasis.
What combo helps generation of Qi & Blood by supporting the SP? Rou Gui + Gan Jiang + Bai Zhu
How is Rou Gui Taken? Ususally as a powder, rarely decocted.
Wu Zhu Yu enterns what channels? LR, K, SP, ST
What is Wu Zhu Yu best known for? Warming MW, relieving Cold in LR Channel, and alleviating Pain.
What type of disorders are treated by Wu Zhu Yu + Gan Jiang + Ban Xia ? LR/ ST disorders w/ Cold or Phlegm.
Wu Zhu Yu + Huang Lian Redirects Qi downward: Vomit, reflux.
Wu Zhu Yu + Wu Wei Zi + Bu Gu Zhi Stops diarrhea.
Wu Zhu Yu leads fire down ward. Is it used topically as well? Yes, topical on sole of foot, and for mouth sores.
What are the actions of Chuan Jiao ? Warms the MW for ST pain/ vomitting.
Chuan Jiao + Gan Jiang Tx diarrhea.
Chuan Jiao + Mu Wei + Huan Lian Tx abd pain due to round worms.
What are actions of Ding Xiang? Warms MW, redirects Qi downward for ST Cold/ vomitting.
Ding Xiang + Ban Xia + Sha Ren + Bai Zhu Tx Sp Cold diarrhea, and abd pain.
Ding Xian + Rou Gui + Ba Ji Tian Warms K, for impotence and vaginal discharge.
Xiao Hui xiang + Rou Gui + Wu Yao Warms K and spreads LR Qi to alleviate pain in the LR Chhannel for hernia and abd pain.
What are other actions of Xiao Hui Xiang ? It also harmonizes St for abd pain, w/ low appetite and vomitting.
What is the action of this combo: Gao Liang Jiang + Gan Jiang + Rou Gui + Xiang Fu ? Warming MW, and alleviating abd and epigastric pain.
Gao Liang Jian + Ban Xia can stop vomitting due to Cold.
To warm the kidneys and spread liver qi + alleviate pain in LV channel, which herbs would you add to Xiao Hui Xiang? Rou Gui and Wu Yao (reg. Qi)
To warm the middle and alleviate epigastric and abdo pain, which herbs would you add to Gao Liang Jiang? Gan Jiang, Rou Gui and Xiang Fu (reg. Qi)
To treat Sp cold diarrhea and abdo pain, which herbs would you add to Ding Xiang? Ban Xia (Cold Phlegm), Sha Ren (aromatic damp) and Bai Zhu (tonify Qi)
To redirect Qi downwards for vomiting and reflux, what herb would you add to Wu Zhu Yu? Huang Lian
To stop diarrhea, what herbs would you add to Wu Zhu Yu? Wu Wei Zi and Bu Gu Zhi
To treat LV/ST disorder with cold or phlegm what herbs would you add to Wu Zhu Yu? Gan Jiang and Ban Xia (cold phlegm)
What do you add to Rou Gui to warm + fortify KD yang with wk back, impotence and frequent urination? Fu Zi
What do you add to Rou Gui to support Spleen Yang Gan Jiang
What do you add to Rou Gui to lead fire back to the Source with dizziness? Shu Di Huang and Nu Zhen Zi
What do you add to Rou Gui to disperse cold and unblock channels for Damp Cold obstruction and Qi or blood stagnation Dang Gui (tonify blood) and Chuan Xiang (invigorate blood)
What do you add to Rou Gui to encourage the generation of Qi and Blood by supporting the Spleen? Bai Zhu (tonify Qi) and Gan Jiang
What do you add to Gan Jiang to resuce devastated Yang and expel exterior Cold? Ren Shen (Qi Tonic) and Gui Zhi (warm acrid)
What do you add to Gan Jiang to warm the LU and help eliminate White Sputum of Lung Cold? Xi Xin (warm aromatic) and Wu Wei Zi (stabilize and bind)
What do you add to Gan Jiang to stop bleeding esp in uterus? Bai Zhu (Tonify Qi)
What do you add to Fu Zi to treat devastated Yang? Ren Shen (Tonify Qi)
What do you add to Fu Zi for Waning Life Gate (yang)? Rou Gui and Shu Di Huang (Tonify Blood and essence)
What do you add to Fu Zi to treat Wind Damp Bi? Bai Zhu (tonify Qi) and Gui Zhi (Warm Acrid)
What do you add to Fu Zi to treat Weak Heart Yang? Ren Shen (tonify Qi) and Gui Zhi (warm and acrid)
What do you add to Fu Zi to treat Wind Cold EPF with pre-existing Yang Def? Ma Huang (warm/acrid) and Xi Xin (warm/acrid)
Created by: nesaherbal
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