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Side 1 | Side 2 |
a | in, on, of, up, to |
a | w/o, lacking |
ab | from, away, off |
ad | to, toward |
am | friend, love |
ante | before, previous |
anti | against, opposing |
auto | self |
belli | war, warlike |
bene | well, good |
bi | two |
bio | life |
cata | down, away, thoroughly |
chron | time |
circum | around |
com | with, together, very |
contra | against, opposing |
cred | belief, trust |
de | from |
dem | people |
dia | through, across, apart |
dis | away, off, down, not |
epi | upon |
equi | equal, equally |
ex | out |
for | away, off, from |
fore | before, previous |
homo | same, equal |
hyper | excessive, over |
hypo | under, beneath |
in | in, into |
in | not, opposing |
inter | among, b/t |
intra | w/in |
magn | large |
mal | bad, poorly, not |
micr | small |
mis | bad, poorly, not |
mono | one, single |
more | die, death |
neo | new |
non | not |
ob | against, opposing |
omni | all, everywhere |
ortho | right, straight |
over | above |
pan | all, entire |
para | beside, beyond |
per | through |
peri | around |
phil | love, like |
poly | many |
post | after, following |
pre | before, pervious |
prim | first, early |
pro | forward, in place of |
re | back, backward, again |
retro | back, backward |
semi | half, partly |
sub | under, beneath |
Super | above, extra |
sym | with, together |
trans | across, beyond, over |
ultra | beyond, excessively |
un | not, reverse of |
uni | one |
vis | to see |