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Literary Terms gr 6

Literary Terms for 6th grade

Onomatopoeia words that imitate sound
Hyperbole exaggeration to make a point
Flashback a scene in a story that refers back to previous events to help make the current action clear
Foreshadowing clues to hint at what might happen later in the story.
Symbol anything that stands for or represents something else
Suspense a feeling of uncertainty about the outcome of events in a leterary word
Irony a surprising, interesting or amusing contrast; a contrast between what appears to be reality and what really is.
Figurative Language Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally
Free verse poetry not written in a regular pattern
Idiom an expression that has a meaning particular to a language or region
Imagery words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses
Persuasion writing or speech that attempts to convince the reader or listener to adopt a particular opinion or course of action
Theme central message, concern, or purpose in a literary work
Atmosphere mood/feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage
Tone the writer's attitude toward his or her audience and subject
Character a person or animal that takes part in the action of a story
Antagonist the character or force in conflict with the protagonist
Hero character whose actions are inspiring or noble
Characterization the act of creating and developing a character
Dialogue Conversation between characters
Genre a type of literature
Drama a story written to be performed by actor
Comedy a litrary work which is usually humorous and has a happy ending
Fantasy imaginative writing that contains elements not found in real life
Fable a story or poem usually with animal characters that tells a moral or teaches a lesson
Science Fiction combines fiction and fantasy with scientific fact. usually takes place in a future that is technologically advanced
Myth a fictional tale that explains the actions of gods or heroes or the origins of elements of nature
Short story a brief work of fiction that contains a plot
Plot the sequence of events in a story or drama
Conflict a struggle between opposing forces
External conflict a character struggles against an outside force
Internal conflict a character struggles with himself - struggle takes place in the mind usually concerning a decision, an action, or a felling
Expositions part of a story or drama that introduces the characters, setting and basic situation
Resolution the outcome of the conflict in the plot
Development (rising action) situations involving the progress of the conflict in the story
Climax the turning point of the action in the plot, point where the outcome of a story hangs in a balance between one outcome and another
Falling action everything that happens after the climax
Denouement the end of the story or the resolution
Point of View the perspective from which a story is told
Narrator a speaker or character who tells the story from a particular point of view
First Person Narrator the story is told by a narrator who is a character in the story. This character talks about himself and tells the story from his own point of view
Third person narrator narrator that is not a character in the story and can be limited or omniscient
Third person omniscient this narrator is not a character in the story but sees, hears, or knows everything that will happen in the story
Metaphor a figure of speech in which something is described as though it were something else
Created by: PRO Teacher JohnW
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