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Playwrights, QB Nick
Question | Answer |
The Persians | Aeshcylus |
Seven Against Thebes | Aeshcylus |
The Oresteia | Aeshcylus |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf | Edward Albee |
The American Dream | Edward Albee |
Three Tall Women | Edward Albee |
The Waters of Babylon | John Arden |
All Fall Down | John Arden |
The Clouds | Aristophanes |
The Wasps | Aristophanes |
The Birds | Aristophanes |
Lysistrata | Aristophanes |
Peter Pan | John M. Barrie |
What Every Woman Knows | John M. Barrie |
Waiting for Godot | Samuel Beckett |
Endgame | Samuel Beckett |
Happy Days | Samuel Beckett |
The Madness of King George 3 | Alan Bennett |
Beyond the Fringe | Alan Bennett |
Galileo | Bertolt Brecht |
Mother Courage and Her Children. | Bertolt Brecht |
The Good Person of Sezuan | Bertolt Brecht |
RUR | Karel Capek |
The Makropulos Affair | Karel Capek |
The Cherry Orchard | Anton Chekov |
Uncle Vanya | Anton Chekov |
The Three Sisters | Anton Chekov |
The Way of the World | William Congreve |
Blithe Spirit | Noel Coward |
Hay Fever | Noel Coward |
Private Lives | Noel Coward |
Murder in the Cathedral | T.S. Elliot |
The Cocktail Party | T.S. Elliot |
The Family Reunion | T.S. Elliot |
Medea | Euripides |
Electra (420 BC) | Euripides |
Iphigenia in Tauris | Euripides |
Faust | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
She Stoops to Conquer | Oliver Goldsmith |
The Little Foxes | Lillian Hellman |
Peer Gynt | Henrik Ibsen |
A Doll's House | Henrik Ibsen |
Hedda Gabler | Henrik Ibsen |
Picnic | William Inge |
Bus Stop | William Inge |
Come Back Little Sheba | William Inge |
My Son is a Splinded Driver | William Inge |
Rhinoceros | Eugene Ionesco |
The Bald Soprano | Eugene Ionesco |
Volpone | Ben Johnson |
The Alchemist | Ben Johnson |
Every Man His Honor | Ben Johnson |
Glengarry Glen Ross | David Mamet |
American Buffalo | David Mamet |
Tamburlaine The Great | Christopher Marlowe |
Dr. Faustus | Christopher Marlowe |
The Jew of Malta | Christopher Marlowe |
All My Sons | Arthur Miller |
Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller |
The Crucible | Arthur Miller |
The Misfits | Arthur Miller |
Tartuffe | Moliere( Jean-Babtiste Poquelin) |
The Misanthrope | Moliere( Jean-Babtiste Poquelin) |
The Plough and the Stars | Sean O'Casey |
Juno and the Paycock | Sean O'Casey |
Long Days Journey Into Night | Eugene O'Neill |
The Hairy Ape | Eugene O'Neill |
The Emperor Jones | Eugene O'Neill |
Look Back in Anger | John Osborne |
The Entertainer | John Osborne |
Dejavu | John Osborne |
The Birthday Party | Harold Pinter |
The Caretaker | Harold Pinter |
The Homecoming | Harold Pinter |
Six Characters in Search of An Author | Luigi Pirandello |
The Phaedra | Jean Racine |
Berenice | Jean Racine |
Cyrano de Bergerac | Edmon de Rostand |
The Time of Your Life | William Saroyan |
Amadeus | Peter Shaffer |
Equus | Peter Shaffer |
Lettuce and Lovage | Peter Shaffer |
Driving Miss Daisy | Alfred Uhry |
The Heidi Chronicles | Wendy Wasserstein |
The Comedy of Errors | William Shakespeare |
Hamlet | William Shakespeare |
Love's Labour's Lost | William Shakespeare |
A Midsummer Night's Dream | William Shakespeare |
The Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare |
As You Like It | William Shakespeare |
The Tempest | William Shakespeare |
All's Well That Ends Well | William Shakespeare |
Much Ado About Nothing | William Shakespeare |
Arms and the Man | George Bernard Shaw |
Man and Superman | George Bernard Shaw |
Pygmalion | George Bernard Shaw |
The Tooth of Crime | Sam Sheperd |
Fool For Love | Sam Sheperd |
The States of Shock | Sam Sheperd |
Buried Child | Sam Sheperd |
Barefoot in the Park | Neil Simon |
Lost in Yonkers | Neil Simon |
The Odd Couple | Neil Simon |
Antigone | Sophocles |
Oedipus Rex | Sophocles |
Electra | Sophocles |
Rosencrantz and Gildenstern Are Dead | Tom Stoppard |
The Real Inspector Hound | Tom Stoppard |
The Contractor | David Storey |
Home | David Storey |
The Changing Room | David Storey |
Cats | Andrew Llyod Weber |
Phantom of the Opera | Andrew Llyod Weber |
Les Miserables | Andrew Llyod Weber |
The Importance of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde |
Lady Windermere's Fan | Oscar Wilde |
Our Town | Thorton Wilder |
The Skin of Our Teeth | Thorton Wilder |
A Steetcar Named Desire | Tennessee Williams |
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof | Tennessee Williams |
The Glass Menagerie | Tennessee Williams |
Fences | August Wilson |
The Piano Lesson | August Wilson |
The Country Wife | William Wycherly |
The Plain Dealer | William Wycherly |
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds | Paul Zindel |
Something Happened | Joseph Heller |
God Knows | Josepfh Heller |
Catch-22 | Josepfh Heller |
Player Piano | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. |
Breakfast of Champions | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. |
Slaughter-house Five | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. |
The Temple of My Familiar | Alice Walker |
The Color Purple | Alice Walker |
The House of the Seven Gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The House of Bernada Alba | Frederico Garcia Lorca |
The House of Mirth | Edith Wharton |
The Antichrist | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche |
The Gay Science | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche |
The Sun Also Rises | Ernest Hemingway |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
The Ransom of Red Chief | O. Henry |
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest | Ken Kesey |
The Tin Drum | Gunter Grass |
Crabwalk | Gunter Grass |
Dog Years | Gunter Grass |
Song of Hiawatha | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
The secret Life of Walter Mitty | James Thurber |
My Life and Hard Times | James Thurber |
The Unicorn in the Garden | James Thurber |
Cat and Mouse | Gunter Grass |
The True-Born Englishman | Daniel Defoe |
The Shortest Way with the Dessenters | Daniel Defoe |
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe |
The Decameron | Boccaccio |
Darkness at Noon | Arthur Koestler |
A Book of Verses | Edgar Lee Masters |
Maximillian | Edgar Lee Masters |
Spoon River Anthology | Edgar Lee Masters |
Atlas Shrugged | Ayn Rand |
Moby Dick | Herman Melville |
Ode on a Grecian Urn | John Keats |
The House of Mirth | Edith Wharton |
The Bhagavad-Gita | Vyasa |
Strange Interlude | Eugene O'Neill |
A Study In Scarlet | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll |
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
The Age of Innocence | Edith Wharton |
Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert |
Kubla Kahn | Coleridge |
Jane Erye | Charlotte Bronte |
Death in Venice | Thomas Mann |
Tender is the Night | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Who is the Protagonist of Tender is the Night | Dick Diver |
The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas |
Frankenstein | Marry Shelley |
Rape of the Lock | Alexander Pope |
Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy |
David Copperfeild | Charle Dickens |
Pilgrim's Progress | John Bunyan |
Crime and Punishment | Dostoyevsky |
The Prince | Niccolo Machiavelli |
Vanity Fair | William Makepeace Thaceray |
The Faerie Queen | Spencer |
Faust | Goethe |
Things Fall Apart | Achebe |
Finnegans Wake | James Joyce |
The Iliad | Homer |
Don Quixote | Cervantes |
Gulliver's Travels | Johnathan Swift |
Uncle Tom's Cabin | Herriot Beecher Stowe |
Paradise Lost | John Milton |
Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conna Doyle |
One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
The Aeneid | Virgil |
The Odyssey | Homer |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
The Waste Land | T.S. Elliot |
The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Candide, or Optimism | Voltaire |
The Divine Comedy | Dante |
The Jungle | Upton Sinclair |
The Satanic Verses | Salman Rushdie |
The Cunning Man | Robertson Davies |
Illusions | Richard Bach |
Mythago Wood | Robert Holdstock |
Suttre | Cormac McCarthy |
Mulengro | Charles de Lint |
My Antonia | Willa Cather |
Sometimes A Great Notion | Ken Kesey |
The Sheltering Sky | Paul Bowles |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Ken Kesey |
Light In August | William Faulkner |
Brideshead Revisited | Evelyn Waugh |
Citizen of the Galaxy | Robert Heinlein |
Double Star | Robert Heinlein |
V | Thomas Pynchon |
It | Stephen King |
The Puppet Masters | Robert Heinlein |
Guilty Pleasures | Laurell K. Hamilton |
The Hunt For Red October | Tom Clancy |
Naked Lunch | William S. Burroughs |
Watership Down | Richard Adams |
Arrowsmith | Sinclair Lewis |
Farenheit 451 | RAy Bradbury |
At Swim-Two-Birds | Flann O'Brien |
The Call of the Wild | Jack London |
I, Claudius | Robert Graves |
Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance | Robert Pirsig |
The Door Into Summer | Robert Heinlein |
The Magus | John Fowles |
The Wood Wife | Terri Windling |
Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison |
Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller |
As I Lay Dying | William Faulkner |
The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | Ray Bradbury |
The World According to Garp | John Irving |
the Sun Also Rises | Ernest Hemingway |
Starship Troopers | Robert Heinlein |
The Recognitions | William Gaddis |
The Little Country | Charles de Lint |
Ender's Game | Orson Scott Card |
Greenmantle | Charles de Lint |
A portrait of the Artist As A Young Man | James Joyce |
"The Ugly Duckling" | Hans Christian Anderson |
"The Little Mermaid" | Hans Christian Anderson |
The Fairy Tale of My Life | Hans Christian Anderson |
Rainsnakes is a play about this man. | Hans Christian Anderson |
"The Snow Queen" | Hans Christian Anderson |
"The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf" | Hans Christian Anderson |
"Wreck of the Deutschland" | Gerard Manley Hopkins |
"Pied Beauty" | Gerard Manley Hopkins |
"The Windhover" | Gerard Manley Hopkins |
This character was born the exact moment that India gained its independence, and is the main character in "Midnight's Children". | Saleem Sinai |
The Skeptical Chemist | Robert Boyle |
This man was exciled to Mexico in the 1940s for being a communist. He was born with the name, Neftali Reyes. | Pablo Neruda |
Twenty Love Songs and a Song of Despair | Pablo Neruda |
"Revolt of the Masses" | Jose Ortega |
"Adam in Paradise" | Jose Ortega |
"Quixote's Meditations" | Jose Ortega |
"Genius Child" | Langston Hughes |
"Me and the Mule" | Langston Hughes |
"High to Low" | Langston Hughes |
"The Weary Blues" | Langston Hughes |
"Montage of a Dream Deferred" | Langston Hughes |
The Last Temptation of Christ | Nikos Kazantzakis |
Zorba the Greek | Nikos Kazantzakis |
Hyperaspistes | Erasmus |
Handbook of a Christian Knight | Erasmus |
In Praise of Folly | Erasmus |
McTeague | Frank Norris |
The Octopus | Frank Norris |
Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert |
Salammbo | Gustave Flaubert |
A Sentimental Education | Gustave Flaubert |
The Day of the Locusts | Nathaniel West |
Miss Lonelyhearts | Nathaniel West |
Snow Country | Kawabata Yasunari |
Thousand Cranes | Kawabata Yasunari |
Buchanan Dies | John Updike |
Toward the End of Time | John Updike |
The Traffic of Algiers | Cervantes |
Exemplary Tales | Cervantes |
The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
Night Flight | Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
Southern Mail | Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
"My Candle Burns At Both Ends" | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
Make Bright the Arrows | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
The Bride of Lamermoor | Sir Walter Scott |
Rob Roy | Sir Walter Scott |
"The Lady of the Lake" | Sir Walter Scott |
Ivanhoe | Sir Walter Scott |
Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov |
The White Guard | Mikhail Bulgakov |
The Heart of a Dog | Mikhail Bulgakov |
The Great Divorce | C.S. Lewis |
Surprised by Joy | C.S. Lewis |
Mere Christianity | C.S. Lewis |
The Screwtape Letters | C.S. Lewis |
Wallenstein | Friedrich von Schiller |
William Tell | Friedrich von Schiller |
The Robbers | Friedrich von Schiller |
"Ode to Joy" | Friedrich von Schiller |
The Mayflower | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being | Milan Kundera |
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting | Milan Kundera |
The Joke | Milan Kundera |
Lolita | Vladimir Nabakov |
Despair | Vladimir Nabakov |
"The Darling Thrush" | Thomas Hardy |
"Hap" | Thomas Hardy |
"In Tenebris" | Thomas Hardy |
Tess of the d'Urbervilles | Thomas Hardy |
Far from the Madding Crowd | Thomas Hardy |
Death of a Naturalist | Seamus Heaney |
Station in the Island | Seamus Heaney |
Beowulf | Seamus Heaney |
Lady Chatterley's Lover | D.H. Lawrence |
The Rainbow | D.H. Lawrence |
The Plumed Serpent | D.H. Lawrence |
The First Man | Albert Camus |
The Stranger | Albert Camus |
The Myth of Sisyphus | Albert Camus |
This work is what inspired T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" | Heart of Darkness |
George's Mother | Stephen Crane |
War is Kind | Stephen Crane |
The Black Riders | Stephen Crane |
"The Open Boat" | Stephen Crane |
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets | Stephen Crane |
The Red Badge of Courage | Stephen Crane |
Thirteen O'Clock | Steven Vincent Benet |
"The Sobbin Women" | Steven Vincent Benet |
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Steven Vincent Benet |
The Devil and Daniel Webster | Steven Vincent Benet |
"Laboratory" | Robert Browning |
"My Last Duchess" | Robert Browning |
"Porphyria's Lover" | Robert Browning |
Forsyte Saga | John Galsworthy |
Karen Blixen wrote under this pseudonym. | Isak Dineson |
Out of Africa | Isak Dineson |
The Vampire Chronicles | Anne Rice |
Interview with the Vampire | Anne Rice |
Queen of the Damned | Anne Rice |
"In Flanders Fields" | John McCrae |
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test | Tom Wolfe |
This author wrote under the pseudonym Dod Grile | Ambroce Bierce |
Nuggest and Dust Panned Out in California | Ambroce Bierce |
The Devil's Dictionary | Ambroce Bierce |
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge | Ambroce Bierce |
Lord of the Flies | William Golding |
Rites of Passage | William Golding |
The Brass Butterfly | William Golding |
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses | Mark Twain |
"A murder, a mystery, and a Marriage" | Mark Twain |
Eugene Onegin | Alexandr Pushkin |
Boris Godunov | Alexandr Pushkin |
The Gypsies | Alexandr Pushkin |
"The Bridegroom" | Alexandr Pushkin |
The Bronze Horseman | Alexandr Pushkin |
Fiasco | Imre Kertesz |
Fateless | Imre Kertesz |
Kaddish for a Child Not Born | Imre Kertesz |
Democracy and Education | John Dewey |
My Pedagogic Creed | John Dewey |
Main Street | Sinclair Lewis |
Arrowsmith | Sinclair Lewis |
Babbit | Sinclair Lewis |
Elmer Gantry | Sinclair Lewis |
Life Among the Savages | Shirley Jackson |
Raising Demons | Shirley Jackson |
The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson |
"The Lottery" | Shirley Jackson |
Harmonium | Wallace Stevens |
"Domination in Black" | Wallace Stevens |
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" | Wallace Stevens |
"The Emperor of Ice-Cream" | Wallace Stevens |
Four Books on Architecture | Andrea Palladio |
The Antiquities of Rome | Andrea Palladio |
Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol |
The Inspector General | Nikolai Gogol |
Arabeski | Nikolai Gogol |
Mirgorod | Nikolai Gogol |
The Joke | Milan Kundera |
The Book of Laughter | Milan Kundera |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being | Milan Kundera |
A Boy's Will | Robert Lee Frost |
This man read at J.F.K.'s inauguration | Robert Lee Frost |
Zin and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence | Robert Persing |
Whats the Matter With Kansas | Thomas Franks |
The Theory of Moral Sentiments | Adam Smith |
Barrack - Room Ballads | Rudyard Kipling |
"It is better to be feared than loved," is a quote that comes from this work. | The Prince |
The Cardinal's Mistress | Benito Mussilini |
This is the protaganist of "Brave New World" | Bernard Marx |
Brave New World | Aldous Huxley |
The Elements of Law | Thomas Hobbes |
The Elements of Philosophy | Thomas Hobbes |
Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote |
In Cold Blood | Truman Capote |
Other Voices | Truman Capote |
Other Rooms | Truman Capote |
Rainsnakes | P. O. Enquist |
The House of the Dead | Dostoyevsky |
The Idiot | Dostoyevsky |
Brawny Male | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
Protagonist of The Awakening | Edna Pontellier |
Alter ego of Anthony Burgess. | F. X. Enderby |
Precaution | James Fenimoore Cooper |
The Spy | James Fenimoore Cooper |
The Leather Stocking Tales | James Fenimoore Cooper |
He was often called "The Jew that Shakespeare Drew," and was famous for the quote "If you prick us, do we not bleed?" | Shylock |