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AP Elements ofPoetry
AP Elements of Poetry:Literature and composition
Question | Answer |
Figurative Language | language that cannot be taken literally |
tone | the writers or speakers attitude toward the subject, the reader, of herself/ him self |
denotation | the dictionary meaning of a word |
connotation | what a word suggests beyond its meaning |
imagery | the representation through language of sense experiance |
foot | the basic unit of a meter, usually consisting of two syllables |
stanza | a group of metrical lines whose metrical pattern is repeated trough out a poem |
substitution | replacing the regular foot with a different one |
extra syllable | an added beginning or ending in a line of poetry |
elision | the omission of an unaccented syllable at the beginning or end of a line of poetry |
scansion | the process of defining the metrical form of a poem |
blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter |
iambic pentameter | a line of poetry consisting of five iambs |
iamb | a disyllabic foot in which the first syllable is unaccented and the second is accented |
trochee | a disyllabic foot in which the first syllable is accented and the second is unaccented |
phyrrhic | a disllabic foot in which both syllables are unaccented |
spondee | a disyllabic foot in which both syllables are accented |
simile | a means of comparing that are unalike using words such as like or as than similair to or resembles or seems |
metaphor | a means of comparing things that are unalike by substituting a figurative term for a literal term |
personification | giving a object human traits |
apostrophe | a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea, as “O Death, where is thy sting |
metonymy | the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant |
meter | organized rhythme |
free verse | poetry that has no organized rhythme beyond line breaks |
caesura | a pause within a line |
enjambent | when the sense of the line moves with out pause into the next line |
end stopping | when the end of a line corresponds with a natural speech pause |
accent/stress | a syllable that is given more prominence than others in pronuciation |
rhythme | any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound |
symbol | something that means more than it is |
allegory | a narrative or description that has a second meaning beneath the surface |
paradox | an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true |
hyperbole | an exaggeration in the service of truth |
understatment | saying less than what one means |
irony | meanings that extend beyond their use merely as a figure of speech |
sarcasm | bitter or cutting speech |
satire | a literally work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule |
allusion | a reference to something in history or previous literature |
alliteration | the repetition of initial consonant sounds |
refrain | when repetition is done according to a fixed pattern |
slant rhyme | when words have any kind of sound similarity |
end rhyme | when rhyming words are at the end of the line |
internal rhyme | when one or more rhyming words are within the line |
feminine rhyme | when the rhyme sounds involve two or more syllables |
assonance | the repetition of vowel sounds |
consonance | the repetition of the final consonant sounds |
rhyme | the repetition of the accented vowel sound and any succeeding consonant sounds |
masculine rhyme | when the ryhme sounds involve only one syllable |