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Types of Writing
PreAP English II literary genres
Types of Writing | Definition |
Comedy | A work of literature, expecially a play, that has a happy ending |
Descriptive essay | Literature which seeks to convey an impression about a person, place, or object |
Drama | A story written to be performed by actors |
Essay | A short, nonfiction work about a particular subject |
Expository essay | Literature which gives information, discusses ideas, or explains a process |
Exposition | Writing or speech that explains, informs, or presents information. In the plot of a story, it is the part of the work that introduces the characters, the setting, and the basic situation |
Fantasy | A highly imaginative writing that contains elements not found in real life |
Farce | An exaggerated comedy, one that relies on improbable situations, physical humor, and broad wit rather than on indepth characters and believable plots |
Fiction | Prose writing that tells about imaginary characters and events |
Genre | A division or type of literature (e.g., comedy, drama, fantasy,etc.) |
Narrative | A story told in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama |
Narrative essay | A work which tells a true story |
Nonfiction | Prose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells about real people, places, objects, or events |
Novel | A long work of fiction |
Parody | A work done in imitation of another, usually in order to mock or make fun of it |
Persuasive essay | A work which tries to convince readers to do something or to accept the writer's point of view |
Prose | The ordinary form of written language |
Satire | A style of writing that uses humor - sometimes gentle and sometimes biting - to criticize people, ideas, or institutions in hope of improving them |
Science Fiction | Writing that tells about imaginary events that involve science or technology |
Tragedy | A work of literature, especially a play, that results in a catastrophe for the main character |