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SDLC Exam 1

System Development Life Cycle

List the 4 Phases of the System Development Life Cycle? Planning, Analysis, Design, and Implementation
What is the System Development Life Cycle? Understanding of Information Systems in supporting business needs by designing a system and delivering to others
What is the primary objective of a System Analyst? create value for the organization
Describe a failed system? happens when an analyst tries to build a wonderful system without clearly understanding how the system would fit with the orgs: goals, and current business processes.
Name three different types of systems development methodologies? Structured design, rapid application development, and agile development
EXAMPLE: "Don't Rush Greatness." The IT department prceeded with the project before it even knew if the project had been accepted. Projected $800,000 ended up spending $2.5 Million
Three steps to building an Information System? 1. Basic Idea 2. Simple Drawing 3. Set of Blueprints
What are deliverables specific documents and files that provide understanding about the project
Planning can be described as? Why this Information System should be build and How
Analysis can be described as? Who will use the system, what the system will do
Design can be described as? How the system will operate, Hard/Software, NetInfrastructure
Implementation can be describe as? Actually building the system
What is methodology? A List of steps and deliverables
Object- Oriented Methodologies = Process + Data
Key Advantages of Structured Design Waterfall Approach? 1.identifies system requirements before programming begins 2. minimizes changes to project
DisAdvantages of Structured Design Waterfall Approach? 1. Must be specified early 2. Lengthy Deliverables leads to poor communication
Describe Waterfall Development Long phases that are presented to the project sponsor for approval, from phase to phase
Key Advantages of Structured Design Waterfall Approach? 1.identifies system requirements before programming begins 2. minimizes changes to project
DisAdvantages of Structured Design Waterfall Approach? 1. Must be specified early 2. Lengthy Deliverables leads to poor communication
What is Parallel Development? starting first with a general design and then dividing the project into a series of distinct sub-projects
Advantage/Dis Advantage of Parallel Development Adv. Reduce Schedule time Dis. Not completely independent.
What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)? methodologies implemented in the 90'S used to get projects to the users quickly (Phased, Prototyping, and Throw Away Prototyping)
What type of methodology is Phased Development? And Explain it's purpose? breaks an overall system into a series of versions, which are developed sequentially.
Adv/Dis Advantage of Phased Development? Adv. Get to users quickly Dis. Users work with incomplete systems
What type of methodology is prototyping? And Explain it's purpose? all three phases performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system is completed
Adv/Dis Advantage of Prototyping? Adv. quickly provides systems Dis. Undergoes significant changes due to fast paced releases
What type of methodology is throwaway prototyping? And Explain it's purpose? used to gather information and develop ideas for the system concept
What type of methodology is Extreme Programming? And Explain it's purpose? Agile Development. Founded on four core values: Communication, Simplicity, feedback, and courage
Created by: bonesg8r
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