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Compsci #1

From 1, 2 and 3

Early computing devices Abacus, gear-based mach. Mostly used for math (taxes)
Early Data storage Punched cards, gear positions. Linked to programs that automated tasks
Early computers Based on mechanical relays and vacuum tubes. Personal computers made by Apple, IGM and hobbyists
Hardware "Generations" Hardware - Vacuum tubes, transistors, circuits, etc. Moore's law - circuit capacity doubles every 18 months (1972-present)
First Gen Computers (1951-1958) Vacuum tubes, Magnetic drums, Heat + maintenance problems, low-level symbolic languages (machine + assembly), Punch cards
Punch cards Stores digital data using punch holes
Vacuum tubes Controls electric current flow
Magnetic drums Early storage device
Second Gen Computers (1959-1964) Transistors, Magnetic cores, Magnetic tapes, Increased processing speed and reliability, high-level languages (Fortran, COBOL, etc)
Transistors Regulates or controls current or voltage flow
Descriptive What happened / What is happening? Well-defined business problems and opportunities
Predictive What will happen and why? Accurate projections of future events and outcomes
Prescriptive What should I do and why? Best possible business decisions and actions
Front office business analytics Analyzing fan behavior (ticket sales)
Back office business analytics Analysis of individual athletes and team play (recruitment models and fitness development)
Business Intelligence Tech-driven process for analyzing data
Big data Cannot be stored or processed easily with traditional tools/means. Refers to data that comes in different forms. 3Vs - Volume, Variety, Velocity
Third Gen Computers(1965-1970) Integrated circuits, Common use of Minicomputers, Software industry emerges, Reduced size and cost, Compatibility problems
Fourth Gen Computers(1971-today) VLSI, Microprocessors, Microcomputers and supercomputers, AI, Greater software versatility, Parallel Processing(2+ processors)
End of 20th century Internet communication, Miniaturization of computing machines
Applied Computer Science Includes AI, Computer security, Software engineering
Theoretical Computer Science Theory of computation, Information and code theory, Algorithms and data structures
Research question types Relationship, Comparative, Descriptive
Created by: jolly_n4
Popular Computers sets




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