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TC Points

Points CICM Year 1

He 3 Lesser Sea, Water, Bend arm medial end of elbow crease
He 4 Spirit Way, Metal, 1 1/2 cun from He 7 in the groove of the tendon
He 5 Connecting Inside, 1 cun from He 7 in the groove of the tendon
He 6 Yin Cleft, 1/2 cun from He 7 in the groove of the tendon
He 7 Shen Gate, Earth, Proximal radial corner of pisiform bone
He 8 Lesser Treasury, Fire, At the start of the flare of the head of the 5th MC between the 4th and 5th MC (little finger)
He 9 Lesser Surge, Wood, Radial nail point of the little finger
SI 1 Lesser Marsh, Metal, Ulna nail point of the little finger
SI 2 Front Valley, Water, At flare of the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger
SI 3 Back Stream, Wood, At the flare of the head of the 5th MC bone (little finger)
SI 4 Wrist Bone, Between the 5th MC and the triquetral bone
SI 5 Yang Valley, Fire, Between the triquetral and the head of the ulna
SI 6 Nourishing the Old, Rotate the head of the Ulna
SI 7 Branch to the Heart, Violin position 5 cun from SI 5
SI 8 Small Sea, Earth, Arm bent between medial bones of the elbow (Olecranon and epicondyle)
Pc 3 Crooked Marsh, Water, Medial hollow of biceps tendon
Pc 4 Cleft Gate, 5 cun proximal to Pc 7 between the two tendons
Pc 5 Intermediary, Metal, 3 cun proximal to Pc 7 between the two tendons
Pc 6 Inner Gate, 2 cun proximal to Pc 7 between the two tendons
Pc 7 Great Burial Mound, Earth, Middle of the flexure of the wrist
Pc 8 The Palace of Weariness, Fire, Between 2nd and 3rd MC where the tip of the middle finger rests on the palm
Pc 9 Central Surge, Wood, Radial nail point of the middle finger
TB 1 Surging Pass, Metal, Ulna nail point of the ring finger
TB 2 Fluids Gate, Water, At flare of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger
TB 3 Middle Islet, Wood, At the flare of the head of 4th MC bone (ring finger)
TB 4 Yang Pond, In the depression between the 4th MC and Ulna at the flexure of the wrist
TB 5 Outer Gate, 2 cun proximal to TB 4 (to LI 11)
TB 6 Branching Ditch, Fire, 3 cun proximal to TB 4 (to LI 11)
TB 7 Assembly of the Ancestors, 3 cun proximal to TB 4 (to LI 11) and about 1 finger width ulna to TB 6
TB 8 Three Yang Connecting, 4 cun proximal to TB 4 (to LI 11)
TB 9 Four Rivers, 7 cun proximal to TB 4 (to LI 11)
TB 10 Heavenly Well, Earth, Arm bent about 1 cun proximal to the tip of the Olecronon.
Lu 5 Foot Marsh, Water, Lateral to the tendon of the biceps
Lu 6 Biggest hole, 7 cun proximal to Lu 9
Lu 7 Broken Sequence, 1.5 cun proximal to Lu 9
Lu 8 Channel Ditch, Metal, 1 cun proximal to Lu 9
Lu 9 Great Abyss, Earth, Flexure of the wrist, radial corner of the wrist bone
Lu 10 Fish Border, Fire, Half way along the 1st MC, seam between the bone and the muscle
Lu 11 Lesser Metal, Wood, Radial nail point
LI 1 Metal Yang, Metal, Radial Nail Point
LI 2 2nd Interval, Water, At flare of base of proximal phalanx
LI 3 3rd Interval, Wood, At flare of head of 2nd MC bone
LI 4 Joining Valley, At flare of base of 2nd MC bone
LI 5 Yang Stream, Fire, At the flexure of the wrist, anatomical snuff box
LI 6 Slanting Passage, 3 cun on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
LI 7 Warm Flow, 5 cun on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
LI 8 Lower Ridge, 8 cun on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
LI 9 Upper Ridge, 9 cun on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
LI 10 Arm 3 Miles, 10 cun on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
LI 11 Crooked Pond, Earth, Lateral end of the elbow crease
Sp 1 Hidden White, Wood, Medial nail point of big toe
Sp 2 Great Capital, Fire, At flare of base of the proximal phalanx of big toe
Sp 3 Greater White, Earth, Inferior and proximal to flare of the head of 1st MT bone
Sp 4 Gradfather and Grandson, Inferior and distal to flare of the base of 1st MT bone
Sp 5 Metal Mound, Metal, Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus
Sp 6 Three Yin Meeting, 3 cun posterior to the border of the tibia
Sp 7 Leaking Valley, 6 cun posterior to the border of the tibia
Sp 8 Earth Movement, 10 cun posterior to the border of the tibia
Sp 9 Yin Mound Spring, 13 cun posterior to the border of the tibia, where the condyle of the tibia starts to flare
St 36 Leg 3 miles, Earth, 13 cun. 1 finger width from the crest of the tibia
St 37 Upper Great Void, 10 cun. 1 finger width from the crest of the tibia
St 38 Narrow Opening, 8 cun. 1 finger width from the crest of the tibia
St 39 Lower Great Void, 7 cun. 1 finger width from the crest of the tibia
St 40 Abundant Prosperity, 8 cun. 2 finger widths from the crest of the tibia
St 41 Dispersing Stream, Fire, Center of the ankle flexure between two tendons
St 42 Surging Yang, Midway between St 41 and St 43
St 43 Sinking Valley, Wood, Distal to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd MT bones
St 44 Inner Courtyard, Water, Lateral edge of the 2nd toe, distal to the MTP joint
St 45 Harsh Exchange, Metal, Lateral nail point of the 2nd toe
Liv 1 Great Mound, Wood, Lateral nail point
Liv 2 Moving Between, Fire, Flare of the base of the proximal phalanx of the big toe
Liv 3 Great Surge, Earth, Between 1st and 2nd MT bones, where the bases flare
Liv 4 Middle Seal, Metal, On the flexure of the ankle, medial to the large tendon
Liv 5 Woodworm Canal, 5 cun above height of the prominence of malleolus. Medial boarder of tibia
Liv 6 Middle Capital, 7 cun above height of the prominence of malleolus. Medial boarder of tibia
Liv 7 Knee Joint, 13 cun above tip of malleolus. 1 cun posterior to Sp 9.
Liv 8 Crooked Spring, Water, At the extream end of the medial knee crease
GB 34 Yang Mound Spring, Earth, Inferior and anterior to the head of the fibula
GB 35 Yang Crossing, 7 cun above lateral malleolus. Lateral boarder of fibula
GB 36 Outer Mound, 7 cun above lateral malleolus. Anterior boarder of fibula
GB 37 Bright and Clear, 5 cun above lateral malleolus. Anterior boarder of fibula
GB 38 Yang Support, Fire, 4 cun above lateral malleolus. Anterior boarder of fibula
GB 39 Hanging Cup, 3 cun above lateral malleolus. Lateral boarder of fibula
GB 40 Ancestral Mound, Flexure of the ankle
GB 41 Foot Overlooking Tears, Wood, Junction of 4th and 5th MT bones
GB 42 Earth Five Meetings, Proximal to 4th MTP joint
GB 43 Pinched Ravine, Water, Later side of the base of the 4th toe
GB 44 Foot Hole Yin, Metal, Lateral Nail Point
Kid 1 Bubbling Spring, Wood, Sole of foot, 1/3 distance from base of 2nd toe to heel
Kid 2 Blazing Valley, Fire, Distal and inferior to the tuberosity of the navicula
Kid 3 Greater Stream, Earth, On a level with and posterior to the medial malleolus
Kid 4 Greater Cup, 1/2 cun inferior to Kid 3, anterior to the Achilles tendon
Kid 5 Water Spring, 1 cun inferior to Kid 3, on the top edge of the Calcaneum
Kid 6 Shining Sea, 1 cun inferior to the height of the prominence of the medial malleolus
Kid 7 Returning Current, Metal, 2 cun superior to Kid 3, anterior to the Achilles tendon
Kid 8 Intersection Reach, 2 cun superior to Kid 3, close to the tibia
Kid 9 Strengthening the River Bank, 5 cun superior to Kid 3, anterior to the Achilles tendon
Kid 10 Yin Valley, Water, Medial end of the popliteal crease, between the two tendons
Bl 40 Crooked Middle, Earth, Midpoint of the popliteal crease
Bl 55 Yang Union, 2 cun inferior to Bl 40 in the seam between the heads of the gastrocnemius
Bl 56 Sinew Support, 5 cun inferior to Bl 40 in the belly of the gastrocnemius
Bl 57 Supporting Mountain, 8 cun below Bl 40 at 'V' of gastrocnemius
Bl 58 Fly and Scatter, 7 cun above Bl 60 between gastrocnemius and soleus
Bl 59 Instep Yang, 3 cun above Bl 60
Bl 60 Kunlun Mountain, Fire, Midway between the Achilles tendon and the height of the prominence of the malleolus
Bl 61 Subservient Visitor, 11/2 cun below Bl 60 on the calcaneum
Bl 62 Extending Vessel, 1/2 cun below the inferior border of the lateral malleolus
Bl 63 Golden Gate, Proximal to the 5th MT and inferior to the cuboid
Bl 64 Capital Bone, Distal and inferior to the tuberosity of the 5th MT
Bl 65 Binding Bone, Wood, Proximal and inferior to the MTP joint of the little toe
Bl 66 Foot Passing Valley, Water, Distal and Inferior to the MTP joint of the little toe
Bl 67 Reaching Yin, Metal, Lateral nail point of the little toe
Bl 11 Great Shuttle, 1st and 2nd Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 12 Wind Gate, 2nd and 3rd Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 13 Lung Back Shu Point, 3rd and 4th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 14 Pericardium Back Shu Point, 4th and 5th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 15 Heart Back Shu Point, 5th and 6th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 16 Governer Back Shu Point, 6th and 7th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 17 Diaphragm Back Shu Point, 7th and 8th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 18 Liver Back Shu Point, 9th and 10th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 19 Gall Bladder Back Shu Point, 10th and 11th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 20 Spleen Back Shu Point, 11th and 12th Thoracic vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 21 Stomach Back Shu Point, 12th Thoracic vertebrae and 1st lumber vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 22 Triple Burner Back Shu Point, 1st and 2nd lumber vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 23 Kidney Back Shu Point, 2nd and 3rd lumber vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 24 Sea of Qi Back Shu Point, 3rd and 4th lumber vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 25 Large Intestine Back Shu Point, 4th and 5th lumber vertebrae (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 26 Gate of Yuan Qi Back Shu Point, 5th lumber vertebrae and sacrum (Inner Bladder Line 1 1/2 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 41 Attached Branch, 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae, medial boarder of scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 42 Door of Po, 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae, medial boarder of scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 43 Vitals Back Shu Point, 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, medial boarder of scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 44 Shen Hall, 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae, medial boarder of scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 45 Cry Of Pain, 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, medial boarder of scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 46 Diaphragm, 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae, roughly at the level of the inferior tip of the scapular (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 47 Hum Gate, 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 48 Yang Essence, 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 49 Yi Dwelling, 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 50 Stomach Granary, 12th Thoracic vertebrae and 1st lumber vertebrae (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 51 Vitals Gate, 1st and 2nd lumber vertebrae (Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 52 Zhi Dwelling, 2nd and 3rd lumber vertebrae(Outer Bladder Line 3 cun from the mid-line of the spine between the spinous process of two vertebrae)
Bl 27 Small Intestine Back Shu Point, From Bl 28 feel half-way up the ridge of the medial edge of the scaro-iliac joint. You will find a kink, the gap between the illium and the sacrum at the level of the 1st Sacral foramen
Bl 28 Bladder Back Shu Point, Medial to the inferior corner of the scaro-illiac joint, the gap between the illium and the sacrum at the level of the 2nd Sacral foramen
Bl 29 Central Backbone Shu Point, In line with Bl 27 and 28 at the level of the 3rd sacral foramen
Bl 30 White Ring Shu Point, In line with Bl 27, 28 and 29 at the level of the 4th sacral foramen
Bl 31 Upper Foramen, In the 1st sacral foramen on a level with Bl 27
Bl 32 Second Foramen, In the 2nd sacral foramen on a level with Bl 28
Bl 33 Central Foramen, In the 3rd sacral foramen on a level with Bl 29
Bl 34 Lower Foramen, In the 4th sacral foramen on a level with Bl 30
Bl 35 Meeting of Yang, To the side of the tip of the coccyx 1/2 cun from the midline of the spine a little above the height of Du 1
Bl 53 Womb Vitals, On the Outer Bladder line, 3 cun lateral to the midline of the spine on a level with the 2nd sacral foramen and Bl 28
Bl 54 Lowermost Edge, On the Outer Bladder line, 3 cun lateral to the midline of the spine on a level with the 4th sacral foramen and Bl 30
Ren 1 Meeting of Yin, In the center of the perineum
Ren 2 Cooked Bone, At the midpoint of the superior edge of the pubic bone
Ren 3 Middle Extremity, 4 cun below the center of the navel
Ren 4 gate to the Yuan Qi, 3 cun below the center of the navel
Ren 5 Stone Gate, 2 cun below the center of the navel
Ren 6 Sea of Qi, 1 1/2 cun below the center of the navel
Ren 7 Yin Crossing, 1 cun below the center of the navel
Ren 8 Shen Palace Gate, In the middle of the navel
Ren 9 Water Separation, 1 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 10 Lower Epigastrium, 2 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 11 Established Li, 3 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 12 Middle of Epigastrium, 4 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 13 Upper Epigastrium, 5 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 14 Greatest Palace Gate, 6 cun above the center of the navel
Ren 15 Dove Tail, 7 cun above the center of the navel, generally this will coincide with the tip of the xiphoid process
Ren 16 Middle Hall, 8 cun above the center of the navel, at the xiphisternal joint
Ren 17 Middle of the Chest, On the mid-line of the sternum, on a level with the 4th intercostal space
Ren 18 Jade Hall, On the mid-line of the sternum, on a level with the 3rd intercostal space
Ren 19 Purple Palace, On the mid-line of the sternum, on a level with the 2nd intercostal space
Ren 20 Flower Covering, On the mid-line of the sternum, on a level with the 1st intercostal space
Ren 21 Armilla Pivot, On the mid-line, in the center of the sternal manubrium, on a level with the articulations of the first ribs with the sternum. 1 cun below Ren 22
Ren 22 Heavenly Chimney, In the center of the hollow at the top of the sternum. About 1/2 cun superior to the suprasternal notch
Ren 23 Corner Spring, On the mid-line of the neck just under the chin to the hyoid bone
Ren 24 Receiving Fluid, In the middle of the crease that lies on the chin beneath the lower lip
Created by: tomcoxen
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