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French Verbs

200 top french verbs

être to be
avoir to have
faire to do
aller to go
dire to say
voir to see
savoir to know
venir to come
vouloir to want
pouvoir to be able to
vouloir to want
savoir to know
voir to see
devoir to have to
venir to come
suivre to follow
parler to speak
prendre to take
croire to believe
aimer to love
falloir to be necessary
passer to pass
penser to think
attendre to wait for
trouver to find
laisser to leave
arriver to arrive
donner to give
regarder to look at
appeler to call
partir to leave
mettre to put
rester to stay
arrêter to stop
connaître to know
demander to ask
comprendre to understand
sortir to go out
entendre to hear
chercher to look for
aider to help
essayer to try
revenir to come back
jouer to play
finir to finish
perdre to lose
sentir to smell
rentrer to bring in
vivre to live
rendre to return
tenir to hold
oublier to forget
travailler to work
manger to eat
entrer to go in
devenir to become
commencer to start
payer to pay
tirer to pull
ouvrir to open
changer to change
excuser to forgive
dormir to sleep
occuper to occupy
marcher to walk
envoyer to send
apprendre to learn
boire to drink
garder to keep
montrer to show
asseoir to sit down
porter to carry
prier to pray
servir to serve
écrire to write
retrouver to find
gagner to win
acheter to buy
rappeler to remind
lire to read
monter to go up
quitter to leave
emmener to take along
toucher to touch
continuer to continue
raconter to tell
répondre to answer
sauver to save
rencontrer to meet
fermer to chlose
valoir to hold, apply
compter to count
bouger to move
apporter to bring
décider to decide
vendre to sell
expliquer to explain
agir to act, behave
adorer to adore
recevoir to receive
utiliser to use
coucher to put to bed
préférer to prefer
offrir to offer
préparer to prepare
choisir to choose
conduire to drive, lead
chanter to sing
présenter to introduce, present
accepter to accept
refuser to refuse
terminer to end
amuser to amuse
inéresser to interest
rire to laugh
pardonner to forgive
embrasser to kiss
danser to dance
détester to hate
maintenir to keep
supposer to suppose
épouser to marry
approcher to approach
craindre to fear
crier to shout
inviter to invite
arranger to arrange
remercier to thank
répéter to repeat
signer to sign
accompagner to go with
oser to dare
permettre to allow
annuler to cancel
laver to clean
se plaindre to complain
faire du mal to hurt
avoir besoin to have
épeler to spell
traduire to translate
éteindre to turn off
allumer to turn on
se réveiller to wake up
ajouter to add
goûter to taste
coûter to cost
cuire to cook
décrire to describe
effacer to erase
enseigner to teach
nettoyer to clean
noter to note
reconnaître to recognize
remplacer to replace
visiter to visit
souhaiter to wish
tomber to fall
acclamer to cheer
accorder to admit
accourir to hurry
accrocher to hang up
accueillir to welcome
acquérir to acquire
adjoindre to appoint
admirer to admire
annoncer to announce
arracher to pull up/out
augmenter to increase
avoir raison to be right
blaguer to joke
causer to chat, cause
cheminer to walk on
confondre to confuse
conseiller to recommend
dépenser to spend
emprunter to borrow
endormir to fall asleep
éviter to avoid
féliciter to congratulate
geindre to groan
informer to inform
nommer to name
louer to rent
ressentir to feel
secouer to shake
soutenir to support
jurer to swear
méprendre to mistake
mélanger to mix
apprendre par couer to memorize
reconduire to renew
rejeter to reject
gérer to manage
refléter to reflect
presser to squeeze
répandre to spread
frapper to knock
remettre to put back on
revêtir to put on
enregistrer to record
pêcher to fish
rougir to redden
tousser to cough
pleurer to cry
Created by: snifferwhiffer
Popular French sets




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