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BIO 161

Exam 2: Endocrine System

what glands make up the endocrine system? Endocrine and Exocrine
What is the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands? endocrine secretes into the blood exocrine ducts lead to cavities outside of the body
What cells are able to respond to hormones? target cells with hormone specific receptors
What are the types of hormones? Lipid soluble, Water soluble
Where is the receptor for lipid soluble cells? inside the cell
Where is the receptor for water soluble cells? in the membrane
What is the permeability of lipid soluble cells? are able to cross the membrane
What is the permeability of water soluble cells? not able to cross the membrane
What is an example of lipid soluble hormones? steroids
How does a negative feedback system work? once a normal level us reached, hormone production will shut off
How does a positive feedback system work? hormone production continues to get higher and higher during a specified event like child birth
What controls the Anterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland? What does it do? controlled by hypothalamus via releasing and inhibitory hormones causes the release of hormones hormones are produced here
What controls the Posterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland? What does it do? Controlled by hypothalamus via action potentials action potential causes release of hormones
What are the hormones release by the Posterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland? ADH, OT
What are the hormones release by the Anterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland? TSH, ACTH, PRL, GH, FSH, LH
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)- Target cell? Function? Kidney decrease urine production
Oxytocin (OT)- Target cell? Function? Mammary glands, uterine muscle release of milk, contractions
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)- Target cell? Function? Thyroid gland production/ release of TSH
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)- Target cell? Function? Adrenal gland release/ production of hormones from adrenal cortex
Prolactin (PRL)- Target cell? Function? Mammary glands milk production
Growth Hormone (GH)- Target cell? Function? bones, muscle growth
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)- Target cell? Function? Ovaries, testes egg maturation, sperm production
Luteinizing Hormone (FSH)- Target cell? Function? Ovaries, testes ovulation, testosterone production
What issue of the endocrine system is related to giantism? pituitary gland- too much GH during childhood
What issue of the endocrine system is related to acromegaly? pituitary gland- too much GH during adulthood
What issue of the endocrine system is related to dwarfism? pituitary gland- too little GH during childhood
What issue of the endocrine system is related to Diabetes Insipidus? pituitary gland- too little ADH causes excessive water loss in urine
What are the hormones of the thyroid gland? Thyroid hormone, calcitonin
Thyroid hormone- Target cells? Function? all cells regulates ATP production
Calcitonin- Target calls? Function? Bone decreases blood calcium levels if high
What issue of the endocrine system is related to cretinism? Thyroid gland-
What issue of the endocrine system is related to hypothyroidism? (myxedema) decrease in thyroid hormone causes weight gain, cold, fatigue
What issue of the endocrine system is related to hyperthyroidism? (graves disease) increase in thyroid hormone causes weight loss, nervous energy, rapid HR, bulging eyes
Parathyroid hormone- Target cells? Function? Bone increases blood calcium levels
Created by: reganbobo15
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