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Conners Vocab
Question | Answer |
malleable | capable of being changed or controlled by influences |
rescind | to take away,remove,take back,cancel |
forestall | to exclude or prevent |
vivisect | the cutting of operation on a living animal |
extenuate | to lessen |
ambiguous | unclear, uncertain |
assimilation | to be like everyone else |
disorientation | disoriented |
deftly | characterized by skill |
opaque | hard to understand or explain |
flamboyant | colorful display or behavior |
maladroit | not good at something |
hierarchy | classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social or professional standing |
dissociate | to separate from |
contempt | state of mind of one who hates |
swagger | to conduct oneself in an arrogant manner |
initiative | introductory step |
gall | to annoy or irritate |
magnanimous | showing generosity or nobility |
orientation | a general direction; alignment |
carnage | great and usually bloody slaughter or injury |
symmetrical | capable of division by a longitudinal plane into similar halves |
hegemony | domination |
insubordinate | disobedient to authority |
spawn | offspring |
gullible | easily fooled or cheated |
facade | false appearance or effect |
exploit | utilize |
empathize | to agree with the thoughts or feelings of another person |
commiserate | to feel or express sympathy. to feel or express sorrow or compassion for |
flux | change |
manipulate | to control (someone, something) |
entity | something that has separate and distinct existence |
nuance | small difference |
incognito | to hide who you are |
pseudonym | a fake name |
discreet | showing good judgment in actions or speech |
acquiescence | the act of accepting, complaying, or submitting tacitly or passively |
denunciation | to speak out against |
annihilation | the act of destroying completely |
divisive | causing separation |
arcane | secret, mysterious, obscure |
leniency | the quality of being compassionate, easygoing |
ineptitude | unfit, incapable |
disingenuous | giving a false appearance of simple frankness |