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Scholar Bowl - Books
Books | Author (Last Name) |
Grapes of Wrath | Steinbeck |
The Color Purple | Walker |
Ulysses | Joyce |
Beloved | Morrison |
Lord of the Flies | Golding |
The Sound and the Fury | Faulkner |
Lolita | Nabokov |
Of Mice and Men | Steinbeck |
Catch-22 | Heller |
Brave New World | Huxley |
The Sun Also Rises | Hemingway |
As I Lay Dying | Faulkner |
Farewell to Arms | Hemingway |
Heart of Darkness | Conrad |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | Hurston |
Invisible Man | Ellison |
Song of Solomon | Morrison |
Gone with the Wind | Mitchell |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Kesey |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Vonnegut |
For Whom the Bell Tolls | Hemingway |
On the Road | Kerouac |
The Old Man and the Sea | Hemingway |
Call of the Wild | London |
To the Lighthouse | Woolf |
Portrait of a Lady | James |
Go Tell It on the Mountain | Baldwin |
All the King's Men | Warren |
A Room with a View | Forester |
Schindler's List | Keneally |
Age of Innocence | Wharton |
Fountainhead | Rand |
Finnegan's Wake | Joyce |
The Jungle | Sinclair |
Mrs. Dalloway | Woolf |
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | Baum |
Lady Chatterley's Lover | Lawrence |
Clockwork Orange | Burgess |
The Awakening | Chopin |
My Antonia | Cather |
In Cold Blood | Capote |
Sons and Lovers | Lawrence |
Cat's Cradle | Vonnegut |
Things Fall Apart | Achebe |
Rebecca | du Maurier |
O Pioneers! | Cather |
An American Tragedy | Dreiser |
Babbitt | Lewis |
Beautiful and the Damned | Fitzgerald |