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CVE Common vulnerabilities and exposures (publicly available)
NVD Govt repository of standards for vul. mgmt
DBaaS Database as a Service
AIS Automated indicator sharing - sharing between public and private
IoC Indicators of Compromise - a system may have been infiltrated by a cyber threat
TTP Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures - Identify patterns against threat vectors
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System - public framework for rating severity of security vulnerabilities
ARO Annual rate of occurrence - Estimated times a security incident is expected in a year
SLE Single loss expectancy - estimate of damage an asset will have from a single incident
Cloud Computing Provides reliable up-to-date computing access while being flexible for a growing company, SDN makes network configuration easy.
Custom-built webmail Rather expensive compared to hosted solutions
Legal hold Preservation order to ensure evidence cannot be modified.
Order of volatility Fragility of digital evidence as a result in the order that it is gathered. ex: RAM should be gathered first before powering off a HDD because the RAM will be lost.
Data sovereignty Applicable laws and regulations based on physical location of data.
Chain of custody Gathering evidence with secure documentation and storage
Nonrepudiation Closely associated with hashing; proves a message was sent by a certain user.
Stream cipher Encrypt data one bit at a time
Block cipher Encrypt data one block at a time
Quantitative analysis Identify assets and risk to with calculations Quantity = think dollar
Qualitative analysis Identify risk by ranking or other standards
Threat, risk Analysis reports should be completed this way
Restricting network access Should be limited to burned-in MAC addresses
Recipient's public key Used to send encrypted emails
Your public key Used by a sender to send encrypted emails to you
Your private key Digitally sign outgoing messages / encrypt a file
Recipient's private key Sign their outgoing messages
RAID 0 Disk striping to two or more drives - a single loss of a disk renders all data unreadable
RAID 1 Mirroring - Data is duplicated onto a second disk in the array. - you can tolerate the loss of 1 drive
Server clustering Two or more servers work together to offer servers.
Spear phishing Target a specific individual - not targeted at a high-profile person
Whaling Target high-profile end user
Phishing Trick people into providing information
Vishing Data disclosure over voice.
Smishing Data disclosure over text.
Software updates Critical to be applied to a system or else it could be vulnerable
TPM Store cryptographic keys for encryption
Private key in a session Decrypt a client session key
Gloves Prevent PII from being left behind.
Anonymous proxy server Mask IP address
Business impact analysis How personnel, data systems, and clients will be affected if a threat is realized
Risk analysis Conducted before business impact analysis
Incident analysis What should be done when a threat is realized
Security audit Identify vulnerabilities and policy non-compliance
Encryption Scrambles communications
Steganography Hides communications so they cannot be detected
DNS on local network Cannot point to loopback (
Default gateway + DHCP Can be the same host.
Fail secure A server that blocks connections when log files run out of disk space.
Blowfish Symmetric / block cipher
RC4 Symmetric / stream cipher
RSA Asymmetric
FTP Port 20 (data) / 21 (control)
SSH Port 22
TACACS+ Port 49
DNS Port 53
DHCP Port 67 (server) / 68 (client)
HTTP Port 80
HTTPS Port 443
Kerberos Port 88
Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) Port 110
IMAP Port 143
IMAP4 Secure Port 993
SNMP Port 161 (listen) / 162 (trap)
LDAP Port 389
LDAPS Port 636
FTPS Port 989 (data) / 990 (control)
POP3S Port 995
RADIUS UDP - 1812 (authentication) / 1813 (accounting) 1645 (authentication) / 1646 (accounting)
SRTP Port 5004 - Audio/Video Traffic
L2TP Port 1701
PPTP Port 1723
RDP Port 3389
CUSS Assess severity of computer vulnerabilites
STIX (Structured Threat Information eXpression) Common language (XML) for describing cyber threat information
TAXII (Trusted Automation eXchange of Intelligence Information) Transport mechanism for transmission of intelligence data
RFQ Request for Quote - Request for a vendor to submit a quote
MaaS Malware as a Service - The offering of on-demand malware
IV Attack Attack on Wireless
Xmas Attack Every single option is enabled for the selected protocol
UC Server Unified Communications - combines voice, im, video, etc.
ICS Server Industrial Control Systems - combines integrated hardware and software
PCAP Packet capture
SOAR (Security orchestration, automation, and response), automated response to security incidents
Red team Initiate attacks
Purple team Brings together red + blue to improve cybersecurity
Blue team Defend against attacks
White team Engagement between red/blue - witness
Honeypot Divert attention from the network
DNS Sinkhole Fake telementry / Prevent infected devices from communicating externally
Fog computing Local infrastructure between IoT and cloud/speeds up computing and processing
Microservice Independent/self-contained code to form an application
Normalization Remove duplicate entires
Dead code Not used elsewhere in an application
RAID 5 Minimum of three disks. Disk striping with parity . If a drive fails, the data can be rebuilt from the other two.
RAID 10 (RAID 1+0) Minimum of four disks. Disk mirroring and striping to protect data. As long as one disk in each mirror is functional, data can be retrieved.
Code obfuscation Make code harder to understand
XaaS Anything as a Service - All encompassing term for Cloud services
Telemetry Collection, transmission, and measurement of data.
MSP Managed Service Provider - delivers services via ongoing and regular support
MSSP Managed Security Service Provider - Monitoring and management of security devices and systems.
Edge computing Devices or networks near the end user ex: Smartwatch, smartphone
SDP Software-defined perimeter - hide infrastructure from attackers - base the network on software rather than hardware
SDV Software-defined Visibility - Visibility (GUI) of infrastructure
VPC Virtual Private Cloud - Secure isolated cloud hosted within a public cloud.
Passive reconnaissance Gain information without actively engaging systems
Active reconnaissance Actively engage systems for information
SAN Storage area network - These appear as local OS drives. They support encryption.
DHCP - Security? Disabling DHCP means that clients must manually configure the appropriate networking settings to connect. This increases security posture.
Wireless routers Most behave as hubs - wireless clients exist within a single collision domain.
802.1x Network authentication.
Securing virtualized operating systems Apply patches for extra security.
IPSec A set of rules to ensure network traffic is accepted only from appropriate systems.
Honeypot Intentionally vulnerable computer or single client to attract attacks for logging or analysis.
Honeynet Intentionally vulnerable network, could consist of many hosts.
BTU British thermal unit. These measure heat.
DNS poisoning Redirects legitimate requests to another webserver/website.
ARP poisoning Relies on victims having malicious MAC addresses so that malicious users receive legitimate victim traffic.
ALE Annual Loss Expectancy. (SLE ((chance x time)) x ARO)
IP header Contains source IP address and the TTL value.
Common botnet activites Spam and DDoS
Benefits of server virtualization -Centralized storage -Efficient application of software updates
SHA-1 Integrity algorithm
MD5 Integrity algorithm
PKI information Public key infrastructure - Could be stored in a password-protected file and on a smartcard.
SOC 2 Type 1 Document cybersecurity at a specific point in time
SOC 2 Type 2 Documents how well systems perform over a period of time More expensive than type 1 and take more time to complete.
SOC 2 Type 3/4 Invalid SOC types
DLP Data loss prevention. Ensures that data leaving the network is tracked/stays private.
DRP Disaster recovery plan - Redirect available resources to restore data after a disasater.
A5 Stream cipher
Key escrow A third party holds decryption keys in trust that is unrelated to the original holder.
Mandatory vacations Enable potential discoveries of irregularities in a job role via audit or associated reports
SQL Server Port 1433
Fuzz Test Automated testing with invalid/unexpected input
Sideload Install apps through unofficial channels
Shimming Small piece of code to monitor data that is difficult to detect
Cross-site scripting (XSS) eXploit Trust (web browser to website) - initiated by attacker
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF/XSRF) Request forgery where a user is already authenticated (i.e. bank funds transfer) -initiated by victim
Server-side request forgery (SSRF) Unofficial app makes requests to unintended locations (spoof as organization mail server)
Buffer overflow Write to unauthorized places in memory
Null-pointer dereference Read from an invalid address
Hash collision Two different files produce the same hash
Birthday attack Closely related to probability theory.
Rainbow table Precomputed list of hashes and passwords
Spraying attack Using the same common password list to try to access many accounts
Rootkit Admin-level computer access
C2 Server Botnet control
Fileless virus Resides in RAM
Grayware Doesn't necessarily have spyware, but is an annoying program.
Spyware Track user actions without their awareness
SPIM Spam over Instant Messaging
SPIT Spam over Internet Telephony - elicitation over phone
Elicitation The act of forcing someone to reveal information through casual conversation
Vishing Phishing over voice
Spear phishing Targeting and phishing a certain user
Whaling Phishing by targeting a specific set of users (ex: high ranking executives)
Smishing Phishing over SMS
SMTP + SSL/TLS Port 465/587
iSCSi Target Port 3260
iSCSi Port 860
Data Confusion Ensures Ciphertext is very different than plaintext
Data Masking Partial omission (blanking out credit card numbers)
Bluejacking Sending unsolicited messages
Bluesnarfing Hacking a bluetooth device (access / steal data)
WPA Wi-fi protected access, associated with TKIP and RC4.
Honeyfile Bait files for an attacker to access - alerts a successful attack
2.4GHz B, G, N
5.0GHz A, N, AC
Promiscuous mode Capture all traffic to a specific port
HSM Hardware security module - store/manage keys (ex: MicroSD)
IPSec VPN Site-to-site and always on
Cuckoo Malware sandbox testing tool
FCIP Port 3225
Diameter Port 3868
Syslog Port 514
Syslog over TLS 6514
TFTP Port 69
Attribute-based access control Evaluate objects based on attributes/characteristics - restudy this
HOTP HMAC (hash) - based onetime password
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol - must shake more than once
Network Switches Each port has a separate collision domain
FAR False acceptance rate - how many times a system will accept an invalid login.
Smurf attack Sending spoofed broadcast packets to a router
TOTP Time-based one time password - time-limited with open authentication
Diffusion Small change in ciphertext results in a large change in the plaintext
RPC/DCOM-scm Port 135
Telnet Port 23
Tokenization Replace sensitive data with an entirely different dataset
NetBIOS Port 137 - 139
SMB Port 445
SYN Flood Half-open connections
NNTP Port 119
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy - IV
sn1per Conduct penetration testing automatically
Registered Ports 1,024 - 49,151
Well-known Ports 0 - 1023
Dynamic / Private Ports 49, 152 - 65,535
Pass the Hash Generate the hash of a password to reuse later to gain access to a system
SIEM Security Information and Event Management - Software/services combine security information management and event management.
Runbook A set of rules that can be largely automated - generally related to security orchestration, automation, and response
Playbook Step-by-step actions that need to occur within the SOAR process - usually involving human intervention.
CIS Controls Center for Internet Security Controls - 20 control groups covering hardware inventory to penetration testing - pare controls to those most critical to reduce risk
NIST RMF National Institute of Standards and Technology - Risk Management Framework - seven-step methodology that provides risk management through the information systems lifecycle
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard - standard for the payment card industry to process payment card information
Behavioral-based monitoring Using a baseline of normal behavior, detect anomalies to the baseline.
Rule-based monitoring Dependent on administrator-created rules that search for specific behavior
Signature-based monitoring Examine network traffic against known signatures. This can easily become out of date and is vulnerable to zero-day attacks.
Active-based monitoring Actively monitor systems for suspicious activity. No specific protection against zero-day. (ie http traffic)
Protocol analyzer Examine network packets sent from server to server
RTO Recovery time objective. Maximum amount of time considered tolerable for a service/business function to be unavailable.
RPO Recovery point objective. Maximum amount of lost data because of an outage.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures - Average length of time a specific device is expected to work until it fails
MTTR Mean Time to Repair - Average length of time from component failure until it is repaired
Kiting Attack domain name registrations
IPFIX IP Flow Information Export - Common representation of flow data - based on NetFlow v9
NXLog Open source universal log collector
sFlow Sampled flow - Random sampling of packets
Digital certificates refer to what information assurance objective Authentication
MITRE ATT&CK Catalog emerging tactics, techniques, and procedures being used in attacks globally
Diamond Model of Analysis Categorizes attacks - an attacker attacks victim's infrastructure
NIST CSF Set of controls to reduce risk
Cyber Kill Chain Lockheed's model to describe how attackers step through actions to reach their final goal. Assumes a unidirectional workflow.
UPS and battery backup Provide backup power for a short amount of time
Gas-powered generator Will provide power continuously until electrical power is restored
SNMP community name Is insecure by default, should be changed from "public".
Escaping A coding technique that ensures any system commands are not processed and just recognized as text.
Transitive access Unauthorized user access from one software component to another without proper authorization.
Cryptographic erase Data is encrypted by default, when the erase process is started, the encryption key is deleted with the data
Overwrite Overwrite data with random patterns of 1s and 0s.
Secure erase Securely delete data, but causes wear and tear.
Zero fill Fill the entire storage device with zeros
Preparation phase Conduct training, prepare incident response kits, and research threats/intel
Detection and analysis phase Monitor and detect any possible malicious events/attacks
Containment, eradication, and recovery Preserve forensic and incident information
Post-incident activity After-action reports, lessons learned, follow-up actions to prevent further incidents
Uncredentialed scans Unable to detect many vulnerabilities on devices
Authenticated scans Accurately determine the vulnerability posture of a network
Cloud service investigations Challenging due to the rapid creation/deletion of cloud servers
APT Advanced Persistent Threats - A group of hackers with great capability and intent, often backed by nation-states/large orgs.
Hacktivist Someone who uses hacking to bring about political and social change
Traceroute ICMP
Hping Sends custom ICMP, UDP, or TCP packets
nc -l -p 8080 | nc 443 Netcat listens on port 8080, outputs to remote connection, port 443
Community cloud A cloud shared manually among different organizations that belong to the same community/area
AlienVault Avoid the rigidity of the Lockheed Martin cyber kill chain.
Proximity Card Uses RFID to communicate with readers
Mandatory vacation Requires an employee to fill in for another - an audit could reveal fraud or abuse
Network tap Copy data for later analysis; passive reconnaissance
RP Relaying party - provides services to members of a federation
IdP Identity provider - provides identities, makes assertions about them, and releases information about identity holders
flow: to_client,established Only inbound traffic will be analyzed.
Metasploit Security vulnerabilities and penetration testing
Nessus Vulnerability scanner
nmap Port scanner
Endpoint security monitor endpoints against cyberthreats
PGP asymmetric
3DES symmetric
AES symmetric
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act - federal framework to protect govt information
HIPPA Protect privacy
COPPA Children's online privacy protection act - law imposing restrictions on websites directed to children under 13
SOX Sarbanes-oxley - US law for requirements of public companies
reverse proxy directs traffic to cloud services if the traffic complies with policy
DNS blackholing Using a list of known malicious domains, internal dns creates a fake reply
Route poisoning prevents networks from sending data when the destination is invalid
Created by: nmn5108
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