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Kidney channel tcm

Primary Channel threads through the spine until (?), enters (?), and connects with (?) L2 level, enters the kidneys, connects with the bladder
Where does kidney channel of foot shaoyin intersect with the conception vessel? Ren -3, ren-4, ren-7
What is the pathway of the first branch of the kidny primary channel? Emerges from the kidneys and ascends through the diaphragm, enters the lungs and ascends along the throat, to terminate at the root of the tongue.
What is the pathway of the second branch of the kidney primary channel? Seperates in the lungs, joins with the heart disperses in the chest, and links with the pericardium channel @ ren 17
The primary kidney channel links with what zongfu? Bladder, kidney, liver, lung, heart
Where does the kidney primary channel link with the pericardium channel? Disperses in the chest to link with the pericardium and Ren-17
Where does the kidney primary channel start? At the little toe and crosses the sole of the foot to kid-1
Where does the kidney primary channel intersect with The spleen channel? Sp-6
Where does the kidney sinew Channel ascend that the primary channel doesn't? The genitals
What channel is the kidney primary channel int-ext related to? Bladder channel of foot taiyang.
What organ is the kidney channel paired with? Heart channel of hand shaoyin.
Where does the kidney primary channel intersect with the governing vessel? Du-1 (tip of the coccyx)
Jing well point Kid-1 wood point
Kid-1 Descends excess from the head, calms the spirit, revives consciousness, rescues yang.
In clinical practice, what is kid-1 primarily used for? Uprising of liver yang, liver wind, or liver fire, Disharmony of the heart and the kidneys. Disorders of the throat.
In clincal pratice, what are the secondary uses of kid-1? Disorders of the lung, running piglet, loss of consciousness, disorders of the two lower yin (anus and urethra)
What point combination would you use for headache and visual dizziness? Kid-1, ST-2 & BL11
What point combination would you use for The five types of epilepsy? Kid-1 & PC-8 (wind epilepsy is Kid-1 & Du-6
What point combination would you use for Throat painful obstruction, with chills and fever? Kid-1 & Kid-2
What point combination would you use for loss of voice? Kid-1, Li-4 & Gb-35
What point combination would you use for Wind rash? Kid-1 & Gb-30
Symptoms of the kidney sinew channel? Convulsions and spasms associated with epilepsy. Exterior disease (yang disprder) inability to bend lumbar forward. Interior disease (yin disorder) inability to bend lumbar spine backwards.
Ying spring Kd-2 fire point
What are the actions of kid-2 Clears deficiency heat (yin deficiency), regulates the kidneys, regulates the lower jiao.
Kid-2 is the principal Kidney channel point to do what? Clear heat deriving from kidney yin deficiency.
What point combination would you use for loss of voice? Using kid-2 Kid-2, Ren-22, He-4, Kid-10, Kid-7 & St-4
What point combination would you use for drooling? Kid-2 & Kid-7
What point combination would you use for wasting and thirsting disorder with great desire to drink? Kid-2, Bl-49, Sj-1 & Ren-24
Shu stream Kid-3 earth point
Yuan source point Kid-3
What are the actions of Kid-3? Nourish kidney yin & clears, deficiency heat, Tonifies kidney yang, anchors the qi and benefits the lung, strengthens the lumbar spine.
What is the principal point on the kidney channel to treat disharmony of the kidney zong? Kid-3 yuan source point
What point combination would you use for dry throat and heat in the mouth with saliva like glue? Kid-3 & SI-1
What point combination would you use for swelling of the inside of throat? Kid-3 & Kid-2
What point combination would you use for lumbar pain due to kidney deficiency? Kid-3, Bl-23, Bl-40 & Bl-30
Lou-connecting point Kid-4
What are the actions of Kid-4? Reinforces the kidneys, anchors the Qi and benefits the lung, strengthens the will and dispels fear
How does Kid-4 regulate the kidney function? Lou-connecting: It reinforces and regulates the relationship between the kidneys and the lung, and it has a strong effect on stabilizing the emotions.
Kid-4 is indicated when the kidney Qi is either (?) Or (? ) Insufficient to receive an anchor the Qifrom the lung resulting in coughing, or when kidney Yin is deficient and unable to moisten and cool the lung mouth and throat, resulting in wheezing.
What point combination would you use for Heat in the mouth? Kid-4 & He-9
What point combination would you use for fright and fear of people, spirit Qi insufficient Kid-4 & Pc-4
Xi cleft point of kidney channel Kid-5
What are the actions of kid-5 Regulates the penetrating and conception vessels and benefits menstruation
Xi cleft points are where What occurs? And are indicated for what? Qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply. In treatment of acute conditions and pain, and for Yin channels have an additional action of treating disorders of blood
What point combination would you use for amenorrhea with oppression and pain below Kid-5 & kid-6
What point combination would you use for uterine prolapse Kid-5, Kid-6, Bl-62 & Liv-8
What point combination would you use for irregular menstruation Kid-5 & St-25
Where is the confluence point of the YIN motility vessel Kid-6
What are the actions of Kid-6 Benefits the throat, nourishes the kidneys and clear deficiency heat, regulates the YIN motility vessel, calms the spirit, regulates the lower Jiao
What are the three major functions of kid–6 Regulating to Yin motility vessel and the kidney channel, nourishing yin and clearing deficiency from the throat heart intestines uterus and genitals, and regulating the lower Jiao
Kid-6 is the main distal point to treat what? Yin deficiency scorching the throat (throat wind), sore throat from deficiency or excess, and plum stone Q
Kid-6 is also classically indicated for what? Nighttime epilepsy
What point combination would you use for most types of acute throat pain ? Du-20, Liv-3, Kid-6 & Sp-6
What point combination would you use for Night time epilepsy ? Moxa kid-6 & Bl-62
What point combination would you use for constipation? Kid-6, Sp-3, Liv-13 & Sj-6
Jing-river Metal point of the kidney channel Kid-7 (mother)
Actions of kid-7 Benefits the kidneys, regulates the water passages and treats odema, regulate sweating, drains damp & clears damp heat, strengthens the lumbar region
Kid-7 is One of the four most points to? Strengthen the kidney function of dominating body fluids and regulating urination, and control sweating
Which point maybe used in any type of Odema what is particularly indicated for chronic lower body Odema Kid-7
What point combination would you use for Odema Kid-7 & Ren-9
What point combination would you use for Odema with qi distention and fullness Kid-7 & Ren-8
Xi cleft of the yin motility vessel Yin Qiao Kid-8
Actions of Kid-8 Regulates the conception and penetrating vessels and adjusts menstruation, stops uterine bleeding, clears heat and drains damp for the lower Jiao
What point combination would you use for profuse and ceaseless uterine bleeding Kid-8, Kid-10, Liv-3 & Sp-6
Xi cleft for theYin linking ( yin wei) Kid-9
Actions of Kid-9 Clears the heart and transforms phlegms, regulates Qi and alleviate pain
What point combination would you use for Madness with vomiting? Kid-9, Si-5, Du-19, Du-18, Du-17, Bl-8 & Bl-9
What point combination would you use for Mania disorder, raving, fury and cursing? Kid-9 & Ren-14
He-sea water point Kid-10 horary
Actions of kid-10 Clears damp heat from the lower Jiao, benefits the kidneys, activates the channel and alleviates pain
What point combination would you use for swelling below the tongue with difficulty speaking, protrusion of the tongue with drooling? Kid-10, Kid-2 & Ren-23
Where does the kidney channel meet with the penetrating vessel? Chong mai From Kid-11 through kid-21
What are the actions of kid-11 Benefits the lower Jiao
What are the actions of kid-12 Tonifies the kidneys and Astringes essence
Kid-11 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-2
Kid-12 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-3
Kid-13 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-4
Actions of Kid-13 Regulates the penetrating and conception vessels, regulates the lower Jiao
Kid-13,14,15 are important points for treating what? Running piglet Qi
Actions of Kid-14 Benefits the lower Jiao and alleviate pain, regulates Qi and moves blood stasis, regulates the water passages and promotes urination
Kid-14 is located where? 2 cun below the umbilicus, 3 cun superior to the pubis symphysis.
Kid-14 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-5
Actions of kid-15 Regulates the intestines, regulates the lower Jiao
Location of kid-15 1 cun below the umbilicus, 4 cun superior to the superior border of this pubis symphysis.
Kid-15 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-7
What points are in line with the umbilicus ( medial to lateral ) Ren-8, Kid-16, St-25, Sp-15
What points are in line with the umbilicus (lateral to medial) Sp-15, St-25, Kid-16, Ren-8
Where is Kid–16 located? .5 cun lateral to the umbilicus. (Ren-8)
Actions of Kid–16 Regulates Qi and alleviate pain, regulates and warm is the intestines
Where is Kid-17 located? 2 cun above the umbilicus
Kid-17 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-10
Which kidney point is in line with St-23? Kid-17
What are the actions of Kid-17 Dispels accumulation and alleviate pain
How many cun superior to the umbilicus is Kid-17 2
Kid-18 is .5 cun to? Ren-11
Which kidney point is in line with St-22 Kid-18
Actions of Kid-18 Regulates the lower Jiao and alleviate pain, regulates Qi and moves blood stasis, harmonizes the stomach
What point combination would you use for difficulty in defecation with abdominal pain? Kid-18 & Bl-28
What point combination would you use for infertility Kid-18, & Ren-7
Kid-19 is .5 cun to? Ren-12
Which kidney point is in line with St-21 Kid-19
Actions of Kid-19 Regulates Qi and harmonizes the stomach, lowers rebellion and alleviates cough and wheezing
Kid-20 is .5 cun to? Ren-13
Which kidney point is in line with St-20 Kid-20
Actions of Kid-20 Harmonizes the middle Jiao unbinds the chest and transforms phlegm
Which point will harmonize the middle Jiao? Kid-20
Kid-21 is .5 cun lateral to? Ren-14
Which kidney point is in line with St-19? Kid-21
Actions of Kid-21 Fortifies the spleen, harmonizes the stomach, and lowers rebellion, spreads liver Qi, benefits the chest and breasts and alleviate pain
Which point is in line with the end of the xiphoid process? At the costal angle? Kid-21
Fifth intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline Kid-22
Actions of Kid-22? Unbind the chest, lowers rebellious lung and stomach Qi
Fourth intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline? Kid-23
Actions of Kid-23 Unbind the chest, lowers rebellious lung and stomach Qi, benefits the breasts
Actions of Kid-24 Unbind the chest, lowers rebellious lung and stomach Qi, benefits the breasts
Third intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline? Kid-24
Second intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline? Kid-25
Actions of Kid-25 Unbind the chest, lowers rebellious lung and stomach Qi
First intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline Kid-26
Actions of kid-26 Unbind the chest, and benefits the breasts, transforms phlegm and lowers rebellious lung and stomach Qi
What point combination would you use for drooling with much spittle? Kid-26 & Lu-2
Actions of Kid-27? Unbind the chest, transforms phlegm and alleviates cough and wheezing, harmonizes the stomach and lowers rebellious Qi
In the depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the midline? Kid-27
Using the mother son 3 needle technique what points would you use for Kid deficiencies Kid-7, Li-1 & Bl-67
Using the mother son 3 needle technique what points would you use for Kid excess Kid-1, Gb-41 & Bl-65
Created by: anicakes
Popular Acupuncture sets



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