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Latin/English terms


cranial extremity (vertebral head) extremitas cranialis (caput vertebrae)
caudal extremity (vertebral fossa) extremitas caudalis (fossa vertebrae)
vertebral arch arcus vertebrae
lamina of vertebral arch lamina arcus vertebrae
costal process processus costalis
mamillary process processus mamillaris
dorsal tubercle tuberculum dorsale
cranial articular facet fovea articularis cranialis
ventral arch arcus ventralis
sacral ala (sacral wing) ala ossis sacri
cranial articular process 2 processus articularis caudalis
auricular surface facies auricularis
dorsal surface facies dorsalis
median sacral crest crista sacralis mediana
ventral sacral foramina foramina sacralia ventralia
caudal extremity of sacrum apex ossis sacri
hemal process processus haemalis
hemal arch arcus haemalis
false ribs (asternal) costae spuriae (asternales)
costal angle angulus costae
manubrium of sternum manubrium sterni
xiphoid process processus xiphoideus
xiphoid cartilage cartilago xiphoidea
long bone os longum
flat bone os planum
irregular bone os irregulare
Vertebral column Columna vertebralis
vertebral body corpus vertebrae
axis axis
dens dens
short bone os breve
ventral crest crista ventalis
pedicle of vertebral arch pediculus arcus vertebrae
vertebral foramen foramen vertebrale
vertebral canal canalis vertebralis
interarcuate space spatium interarcuale
intervertebral foramen foramen intervertebrale
cranial vertebral notch incisura vertebralis cranialis
caudal vertebral notch incisura vertebralis caudalis
lateral vertebral foramen foramen vertebrale laterale
spinous process processus spinosus
transverse process processus transversus
cranial articular process processus articularis cranialis
accessory process processus accessorius
cervical vertebrae vertebrae cervicales
ventral tubercle tuberculum ventrale
transverse foramen foramen transversarium
atlas atlas
wing of atlas ala atlantis
alar foramen foramen alare
alar notch incisura alaris
atlantal fossa fossa atlantis
caudal articular facet fovea articularis caudalis
dorsal arch arcus dorsalis
dorsal tubercule tuberculum dorsale
thoracic vertebrae vertebrae thoracicae
cranial costal facet fovea costalis cranialis
caudal costal facet fovea costalis caudalis
transverse costal facet fovea costalis processus transversi
anticlinal vertebra vertebra anticlinalis
lumbal vertebrae vertebrae lumbale
sacrum (sacral vertebrae) os sacrum (vertebrae sacrales)
base of sacrum basis ossis sacri
cranial articular process processus articularis cranialis
promontory promontorium
lateral part pars lateralis
sacral tuberosity tuberositas sacralis
intermedian sacral crest crista sacralis intermedia
dorsal sacral foramina foramina sacralia dorsalia
lateral sacral crest crista sacralis lateralis
pelvic surface facies pelvina
transverse lines lineae transversae
caudal articular process processus articularis caudalis
sacral canal canalis sacralis
intervertebral foramina foramina intervertebralia
caudal vertebrae vertebrae caudales (coccygeae)
ribs costae
true ribs (sternal) costae verae (sternales)
floating ribs costae fluctuantes
costal cartilage cartilago costalis
rib (osseous part) os costale
head of rib caput costae
articular surface of head of rib facies articularis capitis costae
crest of head of rib crista capitis costae
neck of rib collum costae
shaft of rib (body) corpus costae
costal tubercle tuberculum costae
articular surface of costal tubercle facies articularis tuberculi costae
costal groove sulcus costae
body of sternum corpus sterni
sternal crest crista sterni
sternebrae sternebrae
cranial thoracic aperture (thoracic inlet) apertura thoracis cranialis
thoracic cavity cavum thoracis
caudal thoracic aperture (thoracic outlet) apertura thoracis caudalis
costal arch arcus costalis
intercostal space spatium intercostale
knee of rib genu costae
Created by: j_kasprzak
Popular Languages sets




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