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AP Lit Vocab
Term | Definition |
schizophrenic (noun) | person suffering from a serious mental disease in which someone cannot think or behave normally and often experience delusions |
pneumatic (adjective) | using air pressure to move or work; filled with air |
soliloquy (noun) | the act of talking to yourself, from Latin for "speak alone" |
piety (noun) | strong respectful belief in a diety or dieties and strict observance of religious principles |
titillate (verb) | to excite or stimulate someone in a pleasurable way |
vile (adjective) | evil or immoral, very bad or unpleasant |
clemency (noun) | a show of mercy or leniency toward a wrongdoer or opponent, under appropriate circumstances |
anachronism (noun) | something out of place because it is from a different time period |
putrid (adjective) | decayed with usually a very bad or disgusting smell |
decrepit (adjective) | in very poor condition; old, overused, or not working efficiently |
rarefied (adjective) | seeming distinct or remote from ordinary reality and common people; lofty or exalted |
admonition (noun) | a criticism or warning about behavior |
imperative (noun) | absolutely necessary, unavoidable, mandatory |
acrimonious (adjective) | bitter, angry, or filled with resentment |
luminous ( adjective) | producing or seeming to produce light |
extrapolate (verb) | to use known facts as a starting point, and then draw conclusions about something unknown |
vertigo (noun) | a feeling of dizziness caused especially by being in a very high place |
balderdash (noun) | senseless or nonsense talking or writing; a ridiculous or worthless idea or suggestion |
ludicrous (adjective) | utterly ridiculous, absurd, implausible, impractical, or unsuitable |
resonant (adjective) | to echo; to make something else vibrate or produce a similar sound, or to have a similar feeling |