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Psych Ex 2 Ch 5

Sexual Orientation

Sex Biological influenced characteristics by which ppl define male, female, or intersex
Gender Behavioral characteristics that people associate with boy, girl, man, or woman
Intersex Processing male or female biological sexual characteristics at birth
Describe chromosomes All 45 are unsex except for the 46th which decides gender
What do chromosomes allow for? Similarities
What are the differences chromosomes can lead to? Aggression, social power, social connectedness
Gender identity Psychological, the gender one identifies with
Gender identity may not match..? Gender
Gender expression Way individual expresses themself
Gender expression may not match..? Identity
Gender role Social -Interaction between gender/social pressures
Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) Intersex, mismatch in chromosomes or genetic material, and appearance of genitals
When may DSD Present intself? Infancy, childhood, or adolescence
Do DSD people choose to be male or female more often? Female
Where does DSD present itself? 23rd pair of chromosomes
Genetically Different sex chromosomes
Physiologically Differing concentrations of sex hormones
What chemical do males have? Females? Testosterone; estrogen
Social learning theory We learn social. behavior by observing/imitating and by being rewarded/punished
Androgyny Blending masc/fem psychological influences
Transgender Gender identity/expression differs from birth sex
Sexual orientation Who you're attracted to
Women enter puberty when in comparison to men? About 2 years before around ages 10-12
Puberty Sexual maturation (can now reproduce)
Primary sex characteristics (ex?) Body structures that makes reproduction possible // ovaries
Secondary sex characteristics (ex?) Non-reproductive sex traits // breasts
What are boys and girls marked by? Ejaculation or spermache // period or menarche
Sexuality Our thoughts, feelings, actions related to our physical attraction to another
Asexual No sexual attraction
Who came up with the 4 stage linear model of sex response? William Masters and Virginia Johnson
What are the steps in the 4 stage linear model of sex response? Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
Excitement (for men and woman) Genital areas fill with blood, swell, and enlarge. Woman secrete lubricant
Plateau (men and woman) Excitment peaks, men fully enlarge, may have sperm at tip. Woman retract clitoris
Orgasm Muscle contractions (same feeling for men/woman)
Resolution (men and woman) Blood returns. Men enter refractory period where they can't orgasm. Woman have very short refractory period
Sexual functioning disorders Desire, arousal, orgasm, pain
Desire disorder Lack of sexual desire, lack of interest in sex
Arousal disorder Can't be physically aroused/excited
Orgasm disorder Delay/absence of orgasm (climax)
Pain disorder Pain during sex
Paraphilia -Intense/persistent sexual interest -Causes distress/harm to others
Henry Havelock Ellis studied? Human sexuality
What did Henry Havelock Ellis write? Studies in psychology of sex
What did Henry Havelock Ellis find? Erotism (develop theories regarding autoerotism, sadism, masochism, and fetishism)
Who was Alfred Kinsey? First major figure in American sexology
What were the jobs of Alfred Kinsey? Biologist and zoologist
What did Alfred Kinsey found? Sex research university/kinsey institute
Evelyn Hooker -Work empirically tested gay mentality -Dismantled idea that homosexuals are mentally ill
What is sexual orientation led by? Genetic, hormonal, environmental influences
Orientation model steps Am I homosexual, accept possibility, accept fact, gay culture, gay life, healthy life
Where does the brain differ? The hypothalamus
Conversion therapy Efforts to change sexual orientation (not very successful)
Where is conversion therapy banned? Banned in west/east (calli) // not banned in middle east
Created by: MikalahQuillen
Popular Physiology sets




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