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DT Pro Exam

Questions and Terminology for the Dynatrace Professional Eam

What are the benefits of creating Key User Actions? * Pin to Dashboard * Customize Apdex ratings * Longer retention times (Up to 35 Days)
What are the benefits of create Key Web Requests? * Dedicated Metrics * Creating Dashboard tiles * Alerting is always enabled
What is Metadata? ____ is used to help add information to a entity in Dynatrace. ____ is added to the properties section of any entity
What is tagging? ______is not information about an entity and don't belong to one specific entity. _____ are used to find/filter/designate sets of entities
What are the browser click path Min. and Max frequency time intervals? Min: 5 mins Max: 4 hours
What are the HTTP Min. and Max frequency time intervals? Min: 1 mins Max: 1 hours
What can an Cluster ActiveGate do? * Downloaded from the CMC (Cluster Management Console) * Agents can connect to from any environment * Handles agentless RUM, Mobile RUM, and Synthetic traffic * Runs within data center, and must be separated from cluster node(s)
What can an Environment ActiveGate do? * Direct traffic from a specific environment (Agents can only connect to an environment where downloaded from) * ActiveGate plugin execution * Storing memory dumps * Connecting to cloud environments
What are the types of conversion goals that can be set? * Destination * User Action * Session Duration * Number of user actions
How is rapidly increasing response-time degradations evaluated? Evaluated based on sliding 5-minute time intervals
How is slowly degrading response-time degradations evaluated? Evaluated based on 15-minute time intervals
What is an request attribute? Essentially key/value pairs that are associated with a particular service request.
Based on "what" can you capture request attributes? * Web request data * Java, .NET, PHP method arguments * Any data captured with the OneAgent SDK
What are the metric details of the Network page? * Traffic * Retransmission * Connectivity
What are the Environment details of the networking page? * Host * Interface * Processes
What are the problem events in Dynatrace?(most to least severe) * Monitoring unavailable * Availability * Error * Slow Down * Resource * Custom * Info
What is the data retention periods for Saas? * Traces, code-level insights, and errors: 10 days * Metrics: 5 Years * Davis problems and events" 14 months * Everything else: 35 days
What is the data retention periods for Managed? * Traces, code-level insights, and errors: Configurable, up to 1 year * Services: Requests and request attributes: Configurable, up to 1 year * RUM Mobile Crashes/User Sessions: 35 Days * RUM User action data/Session Replay: Configurable, up to 35 days
What are the Host health metrics? * CPU usage * Memory usage * Disk Latency * Network Traffic
What does USQL stand for? User Sessions Query Language
Apdex A performance-measurement standard that shows the relationship between recorded performance measurements and real-user satisfaction. ______ ratings in Dynatrace are based on application-specific thresholds.
application A _____ consists of web pages that are served by web servers and web containers. In Dynatrace, the term ____ refers to the frontend part that you can access via a browser or a mobile ___.
Application Security A Dynatrace feature that enables you to detect, visualize, analyze, monitor, and remediate open-source and third-party vulnerabilities in production and pre-production environments at runtime.
Application Secutity Unit The number of _____ that an environment consumes is based on the amount of RAM that a monitored server has and the number of hours that those _____ are monitored.
Browser Click Path A simulated user visit that monitors your application’s business critical workflows. The whole “scenario” of steps
browser monitor The equivalent of a simulated user visiting your application using a modern web browser. Just a single "step" visit
bucket a cross-content term used to describe a certain scope of data that is retained for a defined period. Within a ____, you need to define what is retained (a scope), using the matcher-specific DQL queries.
Cluster Management Console * View deployment status and configure Managed cluster. * Manage cluster nodes and ActiveGates. * Manage monitoring environments. * Create user accounts and groups. * View licensing info and consumption status. * View audit log and cluster events.
crash analysis Determining the root causes of a process crash. ___ ___ by providing a process crash entry for each affected process and monitored host. Details for ___ ___ may include a native core dump, a Java core dump, or an abnormal program exit due to exceptions.
Credential Vault A centralized location for securely storing and managing credentials used for authentication and authorization in synthetic monitors. Supported credential types are username/password pairs, certificates, and tokens.
data center * A grouping of virtual machines running in an Amazon cloud instance. Dynatrace maps Availability Zones to your ___ ___. * A set of vCenter-based virtual hosts that transmit data to Dynatrace via a single ActiveGate.
Davis Dynatrace AI causation engine that analyzes all the relationships and dependencies within IT environments to provide answers. ___ tells you when there is a problem.
Davis data units Certain Dynatrace capabilities (for example, custom metric-ingestion, Log Monitoring, and event ingestion) are licensed and consumed based on a type of "currency" called ___ ___ ___.
Digital Experience Monitoring Extends APM with the outside-in perspective to ensure apps and services are functional across all digital customer experience. Monitoring tools combine real user behavior, synthetic monitoring, and session replays, to find digital experience issues.
DEM Units Dynatrace Synthetic Monitoring, Real User Monitoring, and Session Replay capabilities are licensed and consumed based on ___ ___ ___.
Dynatrace Cluster
Environment ActiveGate
environment topology
external services
host unit
host unit hours
HTTP monitor
Key request
key performance metric
log monitoring
log record
management zone
merged serices
Million Service Unit (MSUs)
Mission Control
monitoring candidate
monitoring environment
multidimensional baselining
multidimensional analysis
OneAgent DaemonSet
OneAgent log module
OneAgent for Android
OneAgent for iOS
oneagentmon device
oneagentmon driver
opaque service
peridiction-based anomaly detection
PurePath distributed traces
process group
process responsiveness
Real User Monitoring
response time
root cause analysis
server-side service
service backtrace
Session Replay
Synthetic location
Synthetic Monitoring
timeframe selector
user action
user session
Created by: HeroEightBit
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