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Ancient Philosophers

Proclaiming own ignorance of all things Socrates
Went around Athens with question-answer sessions to search for truths or draw out contradictions Socrates
Put on trial for corrupting Athens' youth and drank hemlock Socrates
Described in Plato's Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Socrates
Socratic Dialogues Plato
The Republic(Justice and the ideal city-state) Plato
the Symposium(about the nature of love) Plato
Meno(about whether virtue can be taught) Plato
Believed in a world of forms(ideal versions of real things that lie beyond the human senses and discussed in Phaedo) Plato
Student of Plato Aristotle
Gave lectures at his school, the Lyceum Aristotle
Nicomachean Ethics argues that virtues consist in a "golden mean" between two extremes Aristotle
Physics describes motion and change of terms of "four causes" that make a thing what it is Aristotle
Metaphysics describes the structure of reality Aristotle
Poetics discusses types of drama and considers an effect of tragedies called catharsis or the purging of bad feelings Aristotle
From the Spring and Autumn Period Confucius
Views on proper conduct and filial piety still have influence Confucius
Sayings attributed to him are collected in the Analects Confucius
Put a lot of importance of ren, the inner state that allows one to behave compassionately towards others Confucius
Concept called li, which can help one attain ren Confucius
Quasi-mythical thinker of the Taoist tradition Lao Tzu
Tao te Ching Lao Tzu
Tao(the way) Lao Tzu
Wu wei(a life of non-action in accordance with the Tao) Lao Tzu
Accorded godlike status as one of the Three Pure Ones of Taoism Lao Tzu
Frequently depicted as an old man with a donkey Lao Tzu
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Lao Tzu
Student of Antisthenes Diogenes of Sinope
Founded school of philosophy called Cynicism which means dog-like which likely came from critics Antisthenes
Lived in a tub or barrel on the street Diogenes of Sinope
Walked around Athens holding a lamp in a futile search to find an honest man Diogenes of Sinope
Believed that pleasure was the highest good and the absence of pleasure, aponia, was the highest pleasure Epicurus
Believed human happiness consisted of a kind of tranquility called ataraxia Epicurus
Critics accused him of promoting hedonism and making selfishness good Epicurus
Founded school of Epicureanism Epicurus
Student of Parmenides Zeno of Elea
Founded the Eleatic School Parmenides
Paradoxes Zeno of Elea
Arrow in flight Zeno of Elea
A race between Achilles and a tortoise Zeno of Elea
Founded Stoicism Zeno of Citium
First philosopher Thales of Miletus
Believed the first principle of existence was water Thales of Miletus
Discovered that if a circle goes through all three vertices of a triangle and one side of the triangle is a diameter of the circle, then the triangle is a right triangle. Thales of Miletus
Civil engineer and mathematician Thales of Miletus
Founded the Milesian School Thales of Miletus
Political role in the Roman Republic Cicero
Described ideal state in On the Republic and On the Laws Cicero
Discussed Epicurean and Stoic views on religion in On the Nature of the Gods Cicero
Saint Augustine asserted that he turned to philosophy as a result of reading a lost work known as the Hortensius Cicero
Created by: aewjiffajkd
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