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J277 Paper 2

Full Paper 2

Decomposition Breaking down a complex problem into smaller more manageable chunks and solving them individually
Abstraction Picking out the important bits of information and ignoring details that don't matter
Algorithm A set of steps to solve a problem
Algorithmic Thinking Creating a set of steps which can be followed to solve a problem
Input Information or data entered into a computer or system.
Output Information or data produced or generated by a computer or system
Process A set of steps performed to achieve a result.
Structure Diagram A visual representation of the components and relationships of a system
Pseudocode Writing in a simplified programming language, used to describe algorithms
Flow chart A visual method of representing an algorithm or process
Logic errors When the program will run but not do what it is supposed to do
Syntax error A type of error where the program won't run and occurs due to not meeting the rules of the programming language
Trace Table A table used to track the contents of variable and analyse the execution of code
Normal Test data Test data that represents the normal or expected input e.g. John when asking for name
Bubble sort Sorting algorithm that goes through a list of data comparing 2 values at a time and either swapping them, or leaving them in position. Often needs multiple passes
Merge sort Sorting algorithm which repeatedly splits the data until all singular items, then repeatedly merges them into the right order in pairs, fours, then eights etc.
Insertion sort Where the items are inserted one at a time into the correct positions in the list.
Binary Search A search algorithm that splits a sorted list in half, removes the unwanted list and repeats until the item is found
Linear Search A search algorithm that checks each element in a list in sequence
Iteration A programming construct in which a group of statements is executed repeatedly
Sequence A programming construct where a set of instructions is executed in order
Selection A programming construct in which a choice or decision is made
Variable A value stored in memory that can change while a program runs
Constant A value stored in memory that cannot change while a program runs
Syntax The rules of a coding language; the way it is set out and written
Assignment The process of setting the value of a variable
Comparison operator Operators for comparing two values like ==,>,<,<=,>=
Arithmetic operator Operators for mathematical operations like +,–,*,/,MOD,DIV
Assignment operator Used to assign a value to a variable using a single = symbol
Boolean operator Operators for logical operations like AND,OR,NOT
Operator Part of the instruction that tells the CPU what to do
Count controlled loop A type of loop that repeats a set number of times e.g. a for loop
Condition controlled loop A type of loop that repeats when a certain condition is met e.g. a while loop
Integer Data type used for positive and negative whole numbers e.g. 5, 10, –3
Boolean A data type that only stores one of two values e.g. True or False
String Data type that can be used to store any combination of alphanumeric data
Float Numerical data which contains decimal numbers e.g. 3.14
Real Numerical data which contains decimal numbers e.g. 3.14
Character A data type used for storing a single alphabetic or numeric character
Casting Converting one data type to another e.g. int()
Array Data structure used to store multiple values in a single variable
String Manipulation Performing operations on strings, such as concatenation or substring extraction
File Handling Opening, then Reading/Writing and closing a file.
Records A collection of related data or information stored together.
Structured Query Language (SQL) A programming language for managing databases e.g. SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = Dave""
1–Dimensional Array A data structure that stores elements in a linear sequence e.g. a list
2–Dimensional Array A data structure that stores elements in a two–dimensional grid e.g. a table
Function Type of reusable subprogram which always returns a value
Procedure Type of reusable subprogram which does not return a value
Sub–program A program called within a larger program e.g. a function or procedure
Comments Useful for explaining what the key features of a program are and to help programmers understand what to do
Indentation Used to separate different statements in a program. For example, the code within a loop, or a selection statement
Input sanitisation Removing any unwanted characters before data through the program
Input validation Checking if data meets certain criteria before passing it into the program
Whitelist A list of all data that a program should accept– any data that isn't on the whitelist will be rejected
Blacklist A list of the data that a program should reject – any data that isn't on the blacklist will be accepted
Defensive design Helps to ensure programs function properly with clever design
Authentication Can confirm the identity of a user before they're allowed to access certain pieces of data or features of the program.
Maintainability Making code easily to read and follow e.g. using comments, indentation and sensible variable names
Anticipating misuse Identifying and preparing for potential incorrect or unintended usage of a program e.g. false inputs
Naming conventions Agreed guidelines for naming variables and functions
Boundary Test Data Data that is at or on the edge of the allowed values
Valid Test Data Data that is within the required range, as expected by the program
Erroneous Test Data Data that is in the wrong format and should be rejected by the program
Invalid Data that is outside of the required range, and should be appropriately dealt with
Syntax errors When the translator doesn't understand something you've typed
Logic errors When the program will run but not do what it is supposed to do
Iterative Testing Testing approach that involves repeating tests and making improvements as you go
Final Testing Testing a program once completed, to ensure everything works
Truth Table A table used to display the outputs of a logical gate or circuit for every possible input
AND logic A logical operation that returns true only if both inputs are true
OR logic A logical operation that returns true if at least one input is true
NOT logic A logical operation that reverses the value of an input
Interpreter Utility which coverts high level code into low level code, one line at a time
Machine code Binary instructions used by the CPU
Assembler Utility which converts low level code into machine code
Translator Name for any utility which converts one programming language into another
Compiler Utility which coverts high level code into low level code, whole blocks of code at a time
High–level language Problem–based programming languages which are similar to natural languages
Low–level language A programming language that is close to machine code instructions e.g. assembly language
Error diagnostics Software feature used by developers to help detects bugs in the source code
Run time environment Software feature which allows code to be run without being compiled
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software which provides a number of dedicated tools for software developers
Created by: weirdog
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