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Flexibility Training

Flexibility is the normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allow the full range of motion of a joint.
Poor flexibility leads to the development of relative flexibility. What is relative flexiblity? The phenomenon of the kinetic chain seeking the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns. – This leads to muscle imbalances.
Corrective (STABILIZATION) Flexibility is designed to improve muscle imbalances and altered arthrokinematics. (SMR AND STATIC STRETCHING)
Active (STRENGTH) Flexibility is designed to improve the extensibility of soft tissue and increase neuromuscular efficiency by using reciprocal inhibition. (SMR and Active Isolated Stretching)
Functional (POWER) Flexibility is integrated, multiplanar soft-tissue extensibility with optimum neuromuscular control through the full range of motion. (SMR and Dynamic Stretching)
SMR • Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) is another form of flexibility training that focuses on the fascial system in the body. – Beneficial when used prior to other techniques
STATIC STRETCHING is the process of passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretch for (at least) 20 seconds. – Mechanism: • Stimulates Golgi Tendon Organ • Autogenic Inhibition – Technique of choice to lengthen tissue
DYNAMIC STRETCHING • Dynamic stretching uses the force production of a muscle and the body’s momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion.• Beneficial to facilitate co-activation of muscle groups to dynamically control movement
ACTIVE STRETCHING process of using agonists and synergists to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion. Utilizes reciprocal inhibition of the functional antagonist(s) Mechanism: 5-10 reps Hold 2-4 seconds Beneficial to activate isolated muscle groups to assist ROM
CORRECTIVE FLEXIBILITY TRAINING • SMR – Calves / Peroneals – Hamstrings – TFL / IT-band – Quadriceps – Adductors – Piriformis – Thoracic spine – Latissimus dorsi
CORRECTIVE FLEXIBILITY TRAINING - STATIC STRETCHES – Gastrocnemius – Adductor (standing) – Hip Flexor (kneeling) – Latissimus dorsi – Pectoralis major – Cervical extensors
Feet Turn Out Lateral calf complex, biceps femoris (short head)
Knees move in Adductor complex, biceps femoris, TFL/IT
Forward Lean Calf complex, hip flexor complex
Low Back Arches Lat dorsi, hip flexor, ES
Arms Fall Forward Teres major, Pecs, Lats
Created by: forwardmotion26
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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