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Fitness Assessment

What is a Squat assessments do? – Observe movement compensations – Develop result-focused intervention strategies to improve compensations – Learn how assessments can increase value, revenue, and client base
What is a Fitness Assessment? – Systematic problem-solving method – Provides basis for why you design client programs
Purpose of Fitness Assessment – Gather information and get to know your client – To help determine starting point for client programs
Not a purpose of Fitness Assessment – It is not designed to diagnose any condition – It is designed to observe the client’s functional status
Subjective information Information provided by the client • Fitness Goals, Occupation, Lifestyle, Medical history, Personal information – Can be gathered with questionnaires- e.g. PAR-Q;
What is the purpose of a fitness assesssment? – Provides opportunity to get to know your client – Builds rapport
Objective Information – Measurable information gathered by the health and fitness professional • Body-composition assessments (BF%, circumference) • Physiological assessments • Cardiorespiratory assessments • Performance assessments • Posture/Movement Assessments
Why focus on posture? proper length tension relationships, Optimum Neuromuscular Efficiency, places the joints in ideal alignment to accept forces, Neuromuscular Efficiency,nervous system to properly recruit all muscles in all planes of motion
What are the five kinetic check points? Feet, Knees, Hips. Shoulders, Head
Poor Posture signs? Feet externally rotated Knees Adducted LPHC excessive anterior or posterior pelvic tilt Shoulders rounded or elvated Cervical spine - forward or extended
Altered Reciprocal Inhibition Process whereby tight muscle(s) cause decrease muscle activity to opposing muscle groups
Synergistic Dominance Process whereby muscles become overactive to maintain force production Result of ‘altered reciprocal inhibition’
Effects on Muscle Imbalances AlteredReciprocalInhibition - Altered JointMotion - Synergistic Dominance Decreased Ability to Maintain Ideal Posture During Movement
How do we assess ability to maintain ideal posture during movement? Movement Assessments
What causes compensation during movements? Client does not understand how to do the movement we are asking them to perform – Possible muscle imbalances – Combination of both of the above
Why is it important to identify compensations? Compensations can lead to injury such as knee pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, etc. – Can decrease client’s ability to reach fitness goals!
Types of Movement Assessments – Overhead Squat Test – Single-leg Squat Test • Any movement or exercise can be used • Evidence-based
Why overhead and Single Leg? • Based on clinical & scientific evidence • Incorporates all of the major joints in the body
What does the overhead and single leg evaluate? • Evaluates: – Total body strength – Flexibility – Neuromuscular control
Proper Squat Mechanics • Front View Feet pointed straight ahead, placed hip to shoulder-width apart – Knees lined up with second and third toe (tip of shoe)
Proper Squat Mechanics • Side View – Torso and lower leg should form parallel lines during descent – Low back and neck should remain neutral – Weight should be distributed through entire foot (not just the toes and not just the heel)
Why squat like a kid? This position ensures optimal load distribution between hips, knees, and ankles
How do you perform Overhead squat Assessment?? • 3 Steps: – Set-up(Position) – Procedure (Movement) – Observation/Identify (Front/SideView)
SET UP • Position client with feet shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead. – Foot and ankle complex should be in a neutral position. • Have client raise his/her arms overhead – Elbow should be fully extended. – Upper arm should bisect the torso.
PROCEDURE • Instruct client to squat to the level of a typical chair height and return to the start position. • Have client repeat movement at least 5 times from each view – Front (Anterior) – Side (Lateral)
OBSERVATION • Use Five Kinetic Chain Checkpoints – Head & Neck – Shoulders & Arms – Hips & Low Back – Knees – Feet & Ankles
OHS OBSERVATION – FRONT VIEW • Focus on 2 Checkpoints – Feet/Ankles • Do they turn out? – Knees • Do they move in?
OHS OBSERVATION – SIDE VIEW • Focus on 2 Checkpoints – Hips and Low Back(LPHC) • Is there an excessive forward lean? • Is there an excessive arch? – Shoulder Complex • Do the arms fall forward?
Arms Fall Forward Latissimus dorsi, pectoral complex, teres major
Arms Fall Forward - Strength exercises Squat-to-Row, Ball Cobra, Ball Combo 1
Low Back Arches Hip flexor complex, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi
Low Back Arches - Strength exercises Prone Iso Abs, Quadruped Arm/Leg Raise, Bridges
Forward Lean Calf complex, hip flexor complex, ab complex
Forward Lean - Strength exercises Ball Cobra, Bridges, Ball Wall Squat
Feet Turn Out Lateral calf complex; biceps femoris
Feet Turn Out - strength exercises Single Leg Balance
Knee Move In Adductor complex, biceps femoris(short head); TFL/IT Band
Knees Move in - strength exercises Tube Walking ,Bridging, SL Balance
Created by: forwardmotion26
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