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Cherri Blaska

Missed questions on Quizzes 1-6

Positive-feedback control systems ACCELERATE A CHANGE
If the secretion of oxytocin during childbirth operated as a negative-feedback loop, what effect would it have on uterine contractions Oxytocin would inhibit uterine contractions
Homeostasis can be described as a state of relative constancy
Shivering to try to raise your body temperature back to normal would be an example of: the body trying to maintain homeostasis; a negative feedback mechanism
The contraction of the uterus during birth of a baby is an example of ____ feedback positive
Intrinsic control i sometimes called autoregulation
Negative feedback control systems oppose a change
If the secretion of oxytocin during childbirth operated as a negative feedback contol loop, what effect would it have on uterine contractions Oxytocin would inhibit uterine contractions
Epidemiology is the study of the ______ of diseases in human populations occurence;distribution;transmission
Which terms means "water loving" and applies to the phospholipid head? hydrophilic
Which of these is not a lipid? polysaccharide
A very large molecule composed of subunits of sugar, a nitrogen base, and a phoshpate bond is a nucleic acid
Humans can synthesize 13 of 21 basic amino acids; the remaining 8, which must be included in the diet are called: essential amino acids
RNA makes proteins by translation
Which of the following is not a characteristic of meisosis two haploid gametes
Facilitated diffusion is not an active transport process because it does not depend on cell energy
During which stage of mitosis do the centriolws move to the opposite poles of the cell Prophase
All of the following occur as a result of meiosis except: chromosome number remains at 46
The correct order of the phases of mitosis is: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
NaCl would move through the cell membrane in which direction? Both into and out of the cell
WHich of the following is not true of diffusion? uses cellular energy
Materials can be moved from a low concentration to a high concentration through: active transport
Which of the following is not a characteristic of connectiv tissue? Typically holds its cells together tightly by means of desmosomes
Which tissue is most likely to form a kelpoid scar as it heals? Connective
Which of the following is not a proteoglycan found in the matrix of connective tissue? collagen
Which of the following vitamins are absorbed through the skin? Vitamin A,D, and K
The more muscle fibers contracting at the same time, the stronger the contraction of the entire muscle. The number of muscle fibers contracting depends on how many motor untis are recruited
The ability of muscle cells to respond to nerve stimuli is called: irritability
Which of the following statments about cardiac muscle is incorrect? Cardiac muscle requires nervous stimulation to contract
Tilting the foot upward, decreasing the angle between the top of the foot and the front of the leg, is called: dorsiflexion
Muscle contractions will continue as long as: the calcium ions are attached to the troponin
Most body movements are _____ contractions. isotonic
A condyloid joint is an example of a ______ joint. biaxial
Which of the following is not a part of the neuromuscular junction? T-tubules
Created by: cmblaska
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