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Roman Entertainment

Classics Conference 2023 Roman Entertainment

How did ludi progress? Begin with LUDI SCAENICI (theatrical shows) followed by days devoted to LUDI CIRCENSES (chariot races)
How many ludi days were there per year by the end of the Republic? over 50 per year
How did they affirm class distinction? Segregated seating by social class, though attendance was free
When were formal plays not very popular anymore? Era of Domitian's reign, 81-96AD
What is the difference between pantomime and mime? Pantomime is performed by one actor who doesn't speak but may be accompanied musically. The performance will be of a story like Dido and Aeneas or Mars and Venus. Mime is performed by several actors and the content is slapstick farce
Who was Paris? Popular mime+pantomime in Domitian's time
What are the theatre shows called? ludi scaenici
What are the chariot races called? ludi circenses
Where were the ludi circenses held? Circus Maximus
How many could the Circus Maximus hold? 250 000
How would the audience engage? People placed bets on teams and cast DEFIXIONES against opposing teams
What are DEFIXIONES? curse tablets placed as close as possible to the intended victim for efficacy. derived from latin "defigere" - to bind up
What was under the Colosseum floor? Animal cages+machinery under sand-covered wood panels
What overlooks the Circus Maximus? Domitian's palace
How many chariot teams were there? Four, Domitian added two but they didn't stick
What were the chariot teams called? White, Blue, Red, and Green. Domitian added Purple and Gold for his reign
How does the chariot race begin? The overseeing magistrate drops the MAPPA (napkin)
Races/day, laps/race, km/race, approx time/race? 24/day, 7 laps, approx 8km, approx 15 min/race
How were the remaining laps displayed? 7 large wooden or marble markers on the SPINA (dividing stone wall in the middle of track). Each time the leading racer finishes a lap one is taken down
What was the danger in crashing? Reigns were tied around the racers. They carried knives to cut themselves out as fast as possible in case of crash
About what did you have to be especially careful? If you turned too fast you would crash, too slow and you would lose. Turning points - META
What could you pay for as an additional element of ludi? MUNERA -- gladiatorial shows
What were gladiator shows called? MUNERA
What was the original purpose of events at munera? Rites for the dead
Who added venationes? Pompey and Caesar
What are venationes? Public exotic animal hunts
Who dedicated Rome's first stone theatre, in what year? Pompey, in 55BC
What went wrong at the 55BC venationes? Pompey's 18 elephants for hunting elicited the sympathy of the audience, and then the elephants charged the stands
What did Caesar learn from Pompey's venationes mistakes? in 46BC he used elephants for transport instead of hunting them
Who could put on the munera? only the emperor
Who would be in the arena? exotic animals, professional gladiators, condemned criminals
Where did Augustus sponsor venationes? at the Circus and at the Forum
What did Augustus additionally construct as entertainment? areas for NAUMACHIAE (naval battles)
Construction of what started under Vespasian? the AMPHITHEATRUM FLAVIUM -- the Colosseum, a permanent munera arena
Who opened the Colosseum, and when? Vespasian's brother Titus in 80AD
How many could the Colosseum seat? 50 000
When were processions held? At the beginning of events and for military victories
What was the most important kind of procession? after military victory
What was the highest honour the state could bestow re: processions? the right to process as a TRIUMPHATOR (victor)
Where do we find the account of the procession following Vespasian and Titus' victory? The Jewish War -- Josephus
Where is the victory now commemorated? on the arch at the Forum
Where did the procession process? start at Campus Martius, pray to gods then enter city through PORTA TRIUMPHALIS. finish at temple of Jupiter on the Capitol
What did the parade consist of? spoils of war --> travelling stages showing scenes from the conquest --> captives --> more spoils of war --> Vespasian and Titus themselves, with V's son Domitian beside
What had to happen before the concluding sacrifices and prayers? They waited on the Capitol for news that the military opponent's leader was dead
Who kept a private troupe of PANTOMIMI? Ummidia Quadratilla, old woman
Created by: eSan
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