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GI Lab Studies


Zollinger Ellison labs elevated acid (gastric pH); serum gastrin; imaging study to locate primary tumor
Carcinoid syndrome Tumors of argentaffin (secretory) cells; assoc w/carcinoid tumor of sm bowel mets to liver; sx flushing & diarrhea
Amylase (panc disorders): specimens: serum, urine, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid; Lipase: serum
Amylase: pronounced elevation in: acute pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst
Amylase: Moderate elevation in: panc ca, mumps, salivary gland inflam, perforated peptic ulcer
Lipase breaks down TGs; very specific for panc dz (> amylase); pronounced elevation in acute pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst; mod elev in panc ca
Pancreas enzymes Amylase, Lipase
Liver enzymes AST, ALT, GGT, Alk phos
Biliary enzymes Alk phos; GGT, (bilirubin)
Hepatic function panel Na, K, Cl, CO2, glucose, BUN, Cr, Ca, albumin, phosphorus
Albumin part of total protein formed in liver; 14-20 d half life; in liver damage, levels drop slowly; prealbumin more sensitive to rapid damage
ALT & AST: where found ALT: high in liver (mod in kidney, heart, sk mx); ALT more specific for liver damage than AST or alk phos; AST: high in liver, heart, brain, sk mx
ALT/AST: abnml labs ALT: liver injury > cirrhosis/obstruction; AST: cell necrosis
Biliary colic GS: transient cystic duct obstruction; confirm dx with US or CT
Cholecystitis stone in cystic duct; inc WBC w/left shift; inc amylase/lipase; mild inc AST, ALT, bili, Alk phos
Choledocholithiasis stone in CBD; mild inc bili; mod inc alk phos
Cholangitis infxn biliary tree; inc LFT & WBC
GGT highest in liver/biliary tract; asses cholestasis & biliary obstruction (d/t mets?); elevated d/t EtOH
Alk phos rapidly div/metab active cells; high in PG, bone formation, intestinal dz
Hyperbili: conj vs unconj unconj 15-20% of TBil (accelerated RBC hemolysis, hepatitis, drugs); conj >50% TBil (intrahepatic cholestasis: biliary cirrhosis, drugs; hepatocellular damage: drugs, sepsis, inflam, scarring; obstruction: GS)
LFTs: hepatitis pattern A/G ratio >1; ALT >1000; ALT > AST; GGT high if EtOH hep; Bili D>I
LFTs: cirrhosis pattern A/G ratio <1; AST > ALT; GGT high if EtOH/biliary cirrhosis; Bili I > D
ALT/AST elevation: defns mild elev <5x ULN; mod elev 5-10 x nml; marked elev >10 x nml
If alk phos high out of proportion to ALT/AST: evaluate cholestasis with US/CT
UC labs Anemia; Low serum alb; Elevated ESR; Neg stool cx
Normal peritoneal fluid: 50 ml vol; straw-colored & clear; < 100,000 RBCs/microL; <300 WBCs/microL
Paracentesis: testing Cell counts, cytology, Gram stain, chem testing (glucose, amylase, ammonia, alk phos)
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage: indications Eval of abd trauma, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, ruptured intestine or other organs
Normal D-xylose tests suggests: pancreatic insufficiency, reduced bile salts, lymphatic obstruction (all may be related to malabsorption)
Hydrogen breath test is used to diagnose: lactase deficiency
Amylase: false negative may be related to: Acute on chronic pancreatitis (eg, EtOH). Elevated TG (associated decreased amylase activity)
Amylase: false positive may be related to: Other abdominal/salivary gland process. Acidemia. Renal failure. Macroamylasemia.
Lipase: false positive may be related to: Renal failure. Other abdominal process. DKA. HIV. Macrolipasemia.
Causes of elevated bilirubin choledocholithiasis (most common); liver disease; hemolysis (indirect bili); recent transfusion; gram-negative sepsis; TPN; obstruction (tumor, mass, stone); Gilbert
Causes of elevated LDH COVID-19; heart dz; tissue infarct (renal, pulmonary); hemolysis; liver dz (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis); malignancy (lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia)
Elevated haptoglobin may be due to: Inflammation; Infection; Malignancy; Surgery; Trauma; Corticosteroids
Decreased haptoglobin may be due to: Hemolysis; Liver disease; Malnutrition; Estrogens; Pregnancy
Biliary dz: dx test US is definitive for GS; US or HIDA for cholecystitis; xray/CT for porcelain; US or ERCP for choledocho
CEA to dx: Colon Carcinoma
AFP to dx: Hepatocellular carcinoma (also high alk phos), testicular seminoma (germ cell tumor)
CA 19-9 to dx: Pancreatic Ca
CA-125 to dx: Ovarian Carcinoma
Gastric ca: histo 95% adenocarcinoma; other: lymphoma, SSC
Conjugated bilirubin = direct; bound to glucuronic acid; water soluble; caused by obstruction of outflow tract or in the liver
Unconjugated bilirubin = indirect; water insoluble; caused by hemolysis
Chronic pancreatitis: dx tests fecal fat/elastase; secretin stimulation test
Pancreatic cancer: labs Alk Phos; Bilirubin, CA 19-9
Dx giardiasis with: giardia antigen stool assay
Liver disease lab workup Hep A, B, C; ANA; ASMA; IgG; Anti-mito Ab (primary biliary cirrhosis)
ALT & AST >1000 may be due to: hepatitis, shock, toxins (acetaminophen). Hepatocellular injury: correlates w/degree of cell death
Abnormal AST/ALT ALT: liver injury > cirrhosis/obstruction; AST: cell necrosis; ALT:AST >1.0 = infxs hep; AST:ALT >2:1 = alcoholic hep; <500: EtOH; poss normal in cirrhosis
Albumin = part of total protein formed in liver; 14-20 d half life; in liver damage, levels drop slowly; prealbumin more sensitive to rapid damage
ALT: where found ALT: high in liver (mod in kidney, heart, sk mx)
ALT is more specific than AST or alk phos for: Liver damage
Alk phos liver, bone, intestinal tract, placenta, kidney; elevated in liver damage/obstruction; if elevated more than AST/ALT, more likely biliary disorder
Hep C dx labs ELISA (pos in 8-10 wks; good screen for chronic); HCV RNA; HCV genotype
Serum ascites albumin gradient paracentesis; if gradient >1.1: portal HTN
IBD labs often anemic (Fe def & chronic dz), leukocytosis, elevated CRP (CD); DO NOT ORDER serologies (ASCA, Cbir, OmpC & Crohns; p-ANCA & UC)
Amylase: pronounced elevation in: acute pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst
Amylase: Moderate elevation in: panc ca, mumps, salivary gland inflam, perforated peptic ulcer
Lipase: fn & dx utility breaks down TGs; very specific for panc dz (> amylase); pronounced elevation in acute pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst; moderately elevated in panc cancer
Liver enzymes AST, ALT, GGT, Alk phos
Biliary enzymes Alk phos; GGT, (bilirubin)
GGT highest in liver/biliary tract; assess cholestasis & biliary obstruction (d/t mets?); elevated d/t EtOH
Alk phos: where found: rapidly div/metab active cells; high in PG, bone formation, intestinal dz
LFTs: hepatitis pattern A/G ratio >1; ALT >1000; ALT > AST; GGT high if EtOH hep; Bili D>I
LFTs: cirrhosis pattern A/G ratio <1; AST > ALT; GGT high if EtOH/biliary cirrhosis; Bili I > D
ALT/AST elevation: defns mild elev <5x ULN; mod elev 5-10 x nml; marked elev >10 x nml
If alk phos high out of proportion to ALT/AST: evaluate cholestasis with US/CT
UC labs Anemia; Low serum alb; Elevated ESR; Neg stool cx
Normal peritoneal fluid: 50 ml vol; straw-colored & clear; < 100,000 RBCs/microL; <300 WBCs/microL
FOBT guidelines CLIA waived; 3 serial stools; avoid red meat & >250 mg vitamin C x 3 days; avoid ASA >325 mg x 7 days
FOBT other sources of false pos EtOH, anticoag, steroids, CTx, iodine prep
C diff toxin assay specimen criteria specimen >5 ml (fridge if >1 hr); pt 5 soft/liquid stools /24 hr; submit 3 specimens on 3 different days
Gold std for pseudomembranous colitis tissue cx (rarely done; usu do toxin assays); if done, need bx and anaerobic cx
Hyperbilirubinemia: conjugated vs unconjugated unconjugated 15-20% of Total bili (accelerated RBC hemolysis, hepatitis, drugs). Conjugated >50% of TBil (intrahepatic cholestasis: biliary cirrhosis, drugs; hepatocellular damage: drugs, sepsis, inflam, scarring; obstruction: GS)
Serologic tests for celiac: anti-endomysial Ab (Most specific); TOC (cheaper, less tech difficult): anti-tGA (total IgA & genetic tests may also be indicated)
AST: where found: AST:high in liver, heart, brain, sk mx
Biliary labs bilirubin, alk phos, ALT, AST
Cholestatic vs hepatitis: labs cholestasis: bili/alk phos high; hep: ALT/AST high
jaundice labs Bilirubin (total & direct), ALT, AST, alk phos
Lab pattern in pt with icterus Bilirubin >3mg/dl; indirect bili high = hemolysis; Direct bili high = liver dz.
Elevated unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin indicates: hemolysis
Elevated conjugated (direct) bilirubin indicates: liver disease
Elevated AST & ALT indicates: hepatocellular disease
Elevated alk phos indicates: cholestatis or obstruction
IBD labs CBC, ESR/CRP, albumin, stool C&S, O&P, WBC, fecal fat; CD also p-ANCA & ASCA
Celiac dz labs CBC, ESR, PT, Fe, B12, folate; Ca, alk phos, albumin, beta-carotene; anti-endomysial IgA (most specific); anti-tTGA (tissue transglutaminase; TOC); Total IgA
Zollinger Ellison testing fasting gastrin level (>1000 is dx); secretin stim test (normal pt: no fx on gastrin; ZE pt: dramatic increase)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) labs: Elevated alk phos; LFT, anti-mito Ab; ERCP/MRCP
Created by: Abarnard
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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