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grd 10 bio quiz 3

the digestive system

organs and structures of the digestive system mouth - esophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine - rectum - anus
order of the 4 stages of food processing ingestion - digestion - absorption - egestion
organs food passes through oral cavity - pharynx - esophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine - rectum - anus
3 accessory organs and function liver - makes bile, filters blood of toxic chemicals and some pathogens and distributes nutrients. gallbladder - stores and concentrates bile pancreas - raises the ph of chyme to 9 with an alkaline solution rich in bicarbonate
what does the pancreas do pancreas - raises the ph of chyme to 9 with an alkaline solution rich in bicarbonate, release digestive enzymes to break down fat protein and sugars.
where does physical digestion occur physical digestion occurs in the mouth when the teeth grind food into smaller morsels. the stomach churns to mix the food with acid and break it down further
where does chemical digestion occur chemical digestion starts in mouth - saliva releases lipase and amylase, stomach releases pepsin. most digestion happens in small intestine, chyme is mixed with pancreatic juices that breakdown fat, sugar, and protein
what controls the movement of food as it passes through the digestive system peristalsis - a wave like movement of smooth muscles that line the esophagus and other organs to push food further down the digestive tract
what prevents food from going back up the digestive system sphincters - esophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter
what controls acid from burning certain parts of the digestive system acid can't burn the stomach because its walls are lined with mucus and it can't burn the small intestine because it is released in small amounts into the duodenum where it gets mixed with pancreatic juices that raise the acid ph
what makes the stomach special the stomach is special because it is highly acidic due to the hydrochloric acid its cells make, it is protected by mucus lining along its walls, the stomach secrets pepsinogen which gets activated into pepsin by stomach acid to breakdown protein
what is the duodenum and what happens there the duodenum is the first part of the small intestine where chyme is mixed with bile and pancreatic juices to digest and neutralize the chyme.
where how and why does absorption happen absorption of nutrients happen in the small intestine. it is lined with villi and micro villi in order to increase its surface area so it can absorb lots of nutrients. villi are lined with capillaries so the nutrients go straight into the blood stream.
large intestine other name and 4 parts large intestine is also known as the colon. the four parts are: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon.
what happens in the large intestine the large intestine reabsorbes water from waste. it is home to helpful bacteria that produce vitamin k and b
rectum's job in digestion it stores fiber and waste until egestion.
what is bolus mass of food that has been chewed and wet by saliva
what covers the trachea and why the opening of the trachea is covered by a cartilaginous flap called the epiglottis that prevents food from going down the trachea to your lungs and suffocating you.
Created by: habbie
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