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World Knowledge


Abandon To leave, or give up the control of, something
Abundant In great quantity; well supplied in something, usually resources
Adversary A person or group that opposes; a foe or enemy
Ample Plentiful; of sufficient amount
Apex The peak, tip, or climax of something
Assimilate To conform to the customs and attitudes of a group or nation
Blemish A defect or flaw
Brevity Shortness of time; briefness
Candid Honest
Cease To stop
Colleague An associate
Conclude To bring to an end
Confident Full assurance; sureness in oneself
Credible Believable, trustworthy
Depot A place where supplies and materials are stored for distribution
Dilemma A difficult problem or situation
Disdain A feeling of scorn and contempt towards something
Dissent To disagree with or differ from the majority, often a political party, government, or church
Dupe To deceive or fool someone; a person who is easily fooled
Effective Adequate to accomplish a purpose; functioning
Erect In an upright position; to build or construct
Frugal Not wasteful; spending very little
Impair To damage or cause to become worse
Incite To encourage or prompt to action
Induce Bring about, produce, or cause; to persuade or influence someone
Inform To give knowledge about a fact or circumstance
Jeer To shout at or taunt someone
Jeopardy Hazard or risk of harm; danger
Juvenile Young; a young person
Keen Sharp; extremely responsive; intense in feeling
Origin The source of something; the first stage of existence of something
Plight An unfavorable condition or situation
Potential Possible; capable of being or becoming
Prejudice An unreasonable and damaging opinion formed of a group
Punctual Prompt; on time
Recur To occur again; to return to the mind
Refrain To abstain from doing or saying something
Relish Liking or enjoying something
Resolve Determination or firmness of purpose; to determine something
Rogue A mischievous or dishonest person
Rout A decisive defeat; a disorderly crowd
Shun To avoid or keep away from
Sinister Bad, evil, or wicked
Stigma A mark of disgrace on one’s reputation; a mental or physical mark that signals defect
Strategy A plan, method, or series of maneuvers used to obtain a specific result
Sturdy strongly built or composed
Taunt To mock in an insulting manner
Timid Lacking in courage or self-assurance
Vacate To give up possession of something or leave a space or position
Vigor Healthy energy or power; active strength
Abate To reduce, lessen, deduct or omit
Abhor To loathe or detest
Accolade An award or honor
Adept Very skilled or expert
Admonish To caution against something; to scold
Alleviate To make something easier to endure
Anomaly A deviation from a commonality; a peculiar condition or situation
Ardent Having or expressing intense feelings; passionate
Brusque Blunt; abrupt in manner
Calamity A great misfortune or disaster; an affliction
Candor Free from bias; the quality of being honest or sincere
Clamor A loud outcry or expression of emotion
Consensus General agreement; majority of opinion
Copious Large in quantity
Covert Concealed or covered
Curtail To cut off short
Dearth A scarcity or inadequate supply
Debacle A complete failure; a sudden downfall
Decamp To depart quickly; to depart from a camp
Demise Death or termination
Duplicity Speaking or acting in two different ways as an act of deceit
Encounter To meet
Estrange To keep at a distance; to turn away in feeling
Hamper To hold back or hinder; to interfere with
Hasten Hurry
Hector A bully; a domineering person
Impotent Lacking in ability or power
Imprudent Not cautious; lacking discretion
Indigenous Native; innate or natural
Latent Present but not yet visible or apparent; existing in potential
Nominal Being something by name only; of or relating to names
Partisan To support a person, group, party, or cause; a member of a light or irregular troop engaged in harassing an enemy
Prevail To be widespread; to become dominant
Quell To suppress or subdue
Query A question; to question or inquire about something
Rampant Raging; growing unchecked; violent in action or intention
Reconcile To cause a person to accept something; to settle a dispute or bring into agreement
Recoup To recover or regain
Rectify To make right or correct
Redoubt A temporary or supplementary fortification
Relinquish To surrender or give up
Reprieve To delay impending punishment or temporarily relieve from evil
Respite A period of delay; to relieve temporarily
Rudimentary Primitive; elementary
Sanction Permission or approval; something that supports an action or condition
Tacit Understood without open expression; silent, unspoken
Tangible Definite or substantial; capable of being touched
Tedious Monotonous, long, or tiresome
Tenuous Thin or slender; lacking sound reasoning
Tirade A long, often bitter, outburst or speech
Abrogate To abolish or put an end to something
Amenable Willing to answer, act, or yield; agreeable; submissive
Camaraderie Good fellowship; mutual trust and friendship
Capitulate To give up resistance; to surrender
Chagrin A feeling of disappointment or humiliation
Chastise To discipline or criticize
Clandestine Characterized by or executed with secrecy or concealment; private
Clemency An act of showing mercy or forgiveness
Concoction Something concocted (contrived or made up, often by combining ingredients)
Corroborate To confirm
Cursory Hasty; going over something rapidly and not noticing details
Digress To deviate or depart from the main topic or argument
Discord Disagreement or difference of opinion
Disparate Distinct or dissimilar
Domicile A place of residence; a home
Enmity Hostility or hatred
Eschew To shun, avoid, or keep away from
Extraneous Irrelevant; coming from something external
Fortuitous Lucky or fortunate
Fraudulent Involving fraud or deception
Inexorable Unyielding; not to be persuaded or moved
Infraction A breach or violation
Instigate To urge or provoke something to an action
Insubordinate Not consenting to authority
Intrepid Dauntless, completely fearless
Lethargic Drowsy or sluggish
Litigation A lawsuit or legal action
Malevolent Wishing harm or evil upon something
Malign To speak damaging lies against a person
Negligent Someone who is neglectful or careless
Onerous Troublesome; causing hardship
Opulent Wealthy; richly supplied
Paragon Someone who is excellent or exceptional
Plethora An excess
Prolific Producing something in large quantities
Proviso A condition or stipulation of something
Quagmire A situation that is very difficult to get out of
Quandary A dilemma or state of uncertainty about what to do
Renounce To choose to give up or put aside something
Reprisal Retaliation against an enemy
Rudiment The beginning or first appearance or form of something
Superficial Shallow, external; only being concerned with what’s on the surface
Susceptible Capable of being affected emotionally; subject to influence
Squander To spend wastefully
Truncate To cut short; to cut off a part
Umbrage Annoyance or offense; a vague feeling of doubt
Vacillate To be indecisive in opinion
Vilify To speak poorly of someone or something
Vindictive Showing revengeful spirit; inclined to revenge
Vociferous Outspoken; crying out noisily and openly
Created by: crizzelsudaria
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